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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by clarebear08

  1. clarebear08

    Will My Dr. suggested diet work?

    I don't know about long term, but I wanted to reassure you that the diets vary alot. I was on normal food up until the surgery, then soft foods immediately afterwards. At my last weigh in (a week after surgery) I'd lost 5kg or 11lbs. It's portions more than anything, and I don't think you eat as much on solid-esque food because they fill you up quicker than liquids. Hope this helps!
  2. clarebear08

    Homeade smoothies

    Smoothies were recommended to me. My particular favourite is frozen smoothie. Blend frozen fruit and a little fruit juice togethor. Yummy and refreshing. Frozen fruit is availiable all year round too, 125g frozen fruit and 75 mls apple juice is about 100 cals.
  3. clarebear08

    Recording weight loss - how do you do it?

    I have been just using my ticker, but have since reading this post created a spreadsheet. Very good idea!
  4. Maybe it's because you're hungry? I get crippling stomach pain if I let myself go to long without eating a small meal. I'm not sure though!
  5. Hiya, I was you up until about three days ago, having been banded on the 10th of April. The pain was MUCH worse than I was expecting, I had said I'd probably be at a party that night, so don't feel silly. More people then you know felt like that. The general anesthetic also knocked me for six. I was crying every day for about 5 days- a complete personality turnaround for me. I felt like I'd already failed- but I realise now that I just needed to get the drugs out of me. Drink lots of water and don't feel you have to hide the fact you're not 100% yet. Just take your time, go slow and before you know it you'll be racing to the gym ( I am about to go :cry_smile:) feeling brilliant about yourself, and I'm only 9 days post op AND I havn't weighed in. You just wait, you'll be feeling fantastic in no time.
  6. Pinkiegirl makes a good point. In the end it is your decision However if you're going to cheat early...don't do it with a sandwich...the bread is a risky one for any bandster let alone a new one!!
  7. I did yes, 1 week early. I couldn't understand how chewed to soup consistency was any different to actual soup
  8. clarebear08

    i think i am ready

    Hi everyone! My immediate family (parents, brother, sister) all know and so does my best friend. I didn't want to tell anyone else, so I didn't and I stressed to those I did tell that I valued their confidence highly and that is why I told them. I have eaten in front of friends 3 times a day since I had the op (I go to boarding school) with no problems. You have to be careful not to exclaim "wow I'm full" though after half a bowl of Soup hehehehe Do whatever feels right to you, I can see the benefits of telling people like hollyncharm did! it just depends how you feel! Good Luck to you!
  9. clarebear08

    Am I going to fail!?

    I keep questioning everything I do, I feel like I'm not going to lose weight and that I'm eating too much even though I know I'm not. Could someone please give me some perspective on what I eat? I am on Day 7 post op, and had no presecriptive post op diet other than 2 weeks of liquids and soft foods.....As my dad had the surgery my doc just directed me to him for guidance but his idea is if you're not sure how much to eat don't, you'll lose weight faster! I am eating so much more than most people at my stage from what I have gathered, but I get so hungry by meal times I feel like my stomach is burning! Breakfast- 1 virtually fat free yoghurt Lunch- 1 cup of leek Soup, 2 heaped tblsp jelly (or jello) Snack- 1 tblsp egg mayonnaise/cup of tea Dinner- not yet, but yesterday I had about 3 cubic inches of cottage pie and gravy (leaving almost all of the meat) I know I sound neurotic...but I really need some reassurance/guidance!?
  10. clarebear08

    when can you eat meat?

    If you're on liquids and limited softs, check whether mashed potato is allowed. I have found that mashed potato and gravy to be my saviour this week when on a quest for the same sort of thing, something warm, easy to get down but still requires "eating" if you know what I mean.
  11. clarebear08

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hello Avengers!! After being banded on the 10/04/08 I had my first day without any painkillers- I don't feel 100% yet, as in if I do too much I feel pain, and I've been having lots of early nights! Not a real complaint though, I love sleeping. Lots of people had their surgery the same day as me and it's really nice to see how you're all doing, not to mention reassuring. I feel for you on your liquid diets (I only have to do liquids/mushies for two weeks post op) as I get so hungry before meal times, the grumbles make me double up and clear broth just wouldn't cut it. It's very strange to feel hunger, soothing of food, satisfaction and then the thrill of being able to stop when I'm full. I can't say these were things I ever felt on a daily basis pre-band! Good luck to all with upcoming surgeries, my thoughts are with you!
  12. clarebear08


    I was banded the same day as you and suffered really bad gas pains for the first few days, I know it's not uncommon to get them as late as a week afterwards but I can't explain why! I can however tell you that I managed them with painkillers and by lying down with my feet raised, a bit different to some of the other suggestions I found on here. Hope this helps! Feel better soon
  13. clarebear08

    Port size

    Feeling under my skin it's about a 2cm diameter circle... But this may not be what you mean! Hope this helps.
  14. clarebear08

    Am I going to fail!?

    Thanks so much- I'll give it my best shot!
  15. clarebear08

    Am I going to fail!?

    Thanks so much for your quick reply, you have no idea how much I needed that. Very good point about the liquids, I am not drinking with meals which is when I used to do all my drinking so now that I think about it I'm not drinking more than 1 glass of Water a day if that. I will change it- but how soon after eating can you drink? and the same prior to eating? I havn't had any pain eating, so I presume it's okay to do so as long as its nutritious and mushy enough not to be uncomfortable to eat. I'm re-enthused. I'm going to try and find some scales (in my boarding house :crying:) to see how I've done this week. These boards are such an invaluable tool- everyone who's considering or had this surgery should be referred to them!
  16. clarebear08

    Online food journal

    I use: Calorie Count Plus - Free, Intelligent, Online Dieting It's good because you can track EVERYTHING to do with your weight loss, and it has the calorie expenditure values for excercise as well as a huge database of foods. The only frustrating thing is for some items unless you've physically weighed them it's difficult to record how much you had.
  17. clarebear08

    Any Teens ?

    Thanks for asking It went well, but I had severe gas pains and a bad reaction to the anesthesia which meant that I did quite a lot of vomiting afterwards...haha I dunno how much detail is too much! My mum had to help me shower and dress, which was quite strange, but boy do I love her more for it! I'm still in some discomfort due to the gas pains, but they're ebbing away! Unlike most people walking around dosn't help me, I have to lie flat with my knees bent to get some relief! I didn't have any form of pre-op diet and I started on full liquids/mushy foods the day after the surgery. I've had some smoothie and some lentil Soup so far, I can only eat 1/4 cup every 8 hrs or something,it's so strange. I ate too much last night (1/2 a cup :biggrin:) and it was pretty painful. It's the weirdest feeling, but I'm not craving food and will happily pass it up, long may it last! I have found that if I don't have a few sips every now and then of some form of liquid food I get painful stomach cramps, which I was mistaking for nausea. It's going to take a while to get used too!
  18. clarebear08

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Ingredients 2 Cans of tomatoes 2 tblsp tomato puree 1 pint stock (I used chicken, but any will do!) 1/2 white onion 2 small red onions 2 garlic cloves 2 tblsp olive oil 1 tblsp chilli flakes Directions Heat oil in a saucepan Crush the garlic, roughly chop the onions and add both to the saucepan. Sautee until slightly translucent. Add tomatoes, puree, stock and chilli Simmer on a medium heat for 20 minutes Use a hand blender or conventional blender to blend to desired consistency Serves: Who knows!...all the banded are different It makes about 1.5 litres of Soup anyway.
  19. clarebear08

    Any Teens ?

    Yeh, I'm really lucky. I went to see the doctor, he agreed to the surgery, I went and saw the anethetist (sp?), had my bloodwork done, saw the admissions officer, signed some papers and I go back on Thursday. I'm English, but I'm having it done in the Middle East.
  20. clarebear08

    Why did you get the band?

    I saw my doctor today about his decision regarding my surgery and I'm being banded on Thursday! I have a BMI of 32, so it's slightly unusual but he was willing to be persuaded by research that I brought along to show him about low BMI banding in Australia. Thursday....whoa, I'm excited and nervous!
  21. clarebear08

    Any Teens ?

    I'm 18, I went to see the weight loss surgeon at my hospital today to see if he would band me, because I have a BMI less than 35 he wasn't sure but my dad and I convinced him and I'm now having the surgery on Thursday! I'm nervous, VERY nervous, but excited all the same!
  22. clarebear08

    Paying $325.00 per fill, too much?

    The only place you can get a fill anywhere near me in England, costs 800 USD a pop! Not including fluro. Thank goodness I'll be getting mine in the Middle East- a more reasonable 200 USD
  23. clarebear08

    Beginning as a low BMI bandster

    Makes a LOT of sense! I shall bear it in mind! Thank you!
  24. clarebear08

    Beginning as a low BMI bandster

    My parent's suggested it- my dad had it done in November. I'm completely healthy, other than my weight and I have been overweight ever since I was young. The reason I'm doing it is because I want to be happy and healthy for the rest of my life- I'm sure many people on this forum would have done it at my age if they could go back :biggrin:
  25. clarebear08

    Clarebear08's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
