I can completely relate to your depression and need to "start over". You see, I had my band done in Feb 2008. I was on a good track of losing that first 5 weeks and then my 17 year old son died. He was physically handicapped and I had the procedure to try and become healthier so I would be able to care for him. I tried for awhile after that but then gave up and had all the fluid removed from my band. i have not stopped gaining weight since having the fluid removed. I have made it to the point in my life, I realized that it is time NOW for me to start over. I made an appt with my surgeon, and will go in on the 10th of October to have the fluid put back in my band. I know it will be a difficult journey for me, but that I CAN DO IT.....Hang in there all my lap band buddies...YES WE CAN!!!