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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by CrazyHeart14

  1. Oh great!!! I am on my 6 month of weigh in. I will be complete June 22nd. I still need to get an upper GI and have my final appointment with my surgeon. I am getting excited. Feels like I have been waiting for a long time. Keep me updated on your surgery date!

    You are close! My heart ablation is July 11th and appt to be cleared Aug 8th. So if all goes well surgery should be about 2 weeks from that. Insurance called today and said my approval is good for 1 year. So that is a relief too. That's next May!

  2. I have my first appointment June 1st, honestly, I'd love to get the surgery over the summer (as this is when I have the most help/time off), But.... I doubt this is possible? I have a couple friends who had surgery with the same guy I have a consult with. (A preferred surgeon through my insurance, thus being covered at a higher rate) And she said it took 6 months. She also said if I was to be more flexible with scheduling appointments. (With nutritionist, psychologist, etc.) It could go faster. But how much faster?

    Tina, I'm having my surgery on June 24th @ mayo in jacksonville. Because I had a lot of things wrong with me, like sleep apnea, etc.. It's taken me over a year. They want to make sure that you know everything & are ready for your new re-birth.

    Sent from my SM-T520 using the BariatricPal App

    @@marylu I am going to Mayo too. Approval today! Do you remember how long from approval you got a date?

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