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Hey Man

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Everything posted by Hey Man

  1. FrankiesGirl, Thank you for your post. I actually do eat healthy - I only brought up chicken wings, because I love them and I would still on occasion like to eat them - baked, fried, whatever the case. I also brought them up - because I often see people trying to find healthy versions of the food they love on forums like this like pizza for example or trying smaller portions of the food they love to see how their body reacts. I am not looking to eat crap, but I think it's reasonable to have an ice cream cone during the summer or a slice of pizza without puking outside of all the healthy food I am eating generally. Just like it's reasonable for a healthy person to splurge on something and work it off the next day. I plan to work out as well as have the surgery, so I know there is more to it than just having the surgery. I don't think it's a twisted view at all. Life is all about indulging in moderation. It's not about reward or pleasure, but simply experiencing and enjoying life. There is a reason why there are 50 million different cook books and cooking shows - because food is a wonderful thing and you shouldn't have to deprive yourself as long as it's in moderation. My problem is moderation - even with healthy foods. Keep in mind as well that my wife had gastric bypass, so she was obese as well - which means we were like two crack addicts getting high together constantly, so that contributed greatly to us both getting so obese. We enabled each other. She has lost all her weight now and is doing great. I feel that I will do great as well - but I will need to have some things in moderation and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I don't think it has to be all or nothing for one to be successful after surgery and many patients have proven that. And if I no longer crave my favorite foods after surgery, then great - no problem. Like I said, I may determine that the sleeve is not for me and I will have to lose weight another way. I am looking to see what's best for me for now and long term.
  2. I just think it would be somewhat helpful for a doctor to say - you may be able to have carbonated drinks or you may not, it depends on the person as opposed to some strict NEVER rule and false information about stretching of the stomach, which I have been told is completely impossible with carbonated drinks. I will be making that decision - if it's for me as I go through the process of talking with doctors, nutrionists and the other people as required before I can have the surgery. I get encouraged by patients who have no problem with the things that I am concerned about and then there are patients the say the opposite and then I get worried.
  3. I just think it would be somewhat helpful for a doctor to say - you may be able to have carbonated drinks or you may not, it depends on the person as opposed to some strict NEVER rule and false information about stretching of the stomach, which I have been told is completely impossible with carbonated drinks. I will be making that decision - if it's for me as I go through the process of talking with doctors, nutrionists and the other people as required before I can have the surgery. I get encouraged by patients who have no problem with the things that I am concerned about and then there are patients the say the opposite and then I get worried. I just think it would be somewhat helpful for a doctor to say - you may be able to have carbonated drinks or you may not, it depends on the person as opposed to some strict NEVER rule and false information about stretching of the stomach, which I have been told is completely impossible with carbonated drinks. I will be making that decision - if it's for me as I go through the process of talking with doctors, nutrionists and the other people as required before I can have the surgery. I get encouraged by patients who have no problem with the things that I am concerned about and then there are patients the say the opposite and then I get worried. I just think it would be somewhat helpful for a doctor to say - you may be able to have carbonated drinks or you may not, it depends on the person as opposed to some strict NEVER rule and false information about stretching of the stomach, which I have been told is completely impossible with carbonated drinks. I will be making that decision - if it's for me as I go through the process of talking with doctors, nutrionists and the other people as required before I can have the surgery. I get encouraged by patients who have no problem with the things that I am concerned about and then there are patients the say the opposite and then I get worried.
  4. What foods did you love (not junk food) that you can't eat anymore?

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