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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrsace13

  1. Sept 30th I am going!! Im excited to learn more. If my insurance doesn't cover it, I seen you can be a self pay, do the drs let you make payments or do you have to get a personal loan for that?
  2. Thank you!! I seen I joined this site first back in Feb. and still haven't went to the siminar!! I keep thinking I can do it on my own as I keep gaining. Thank you for the info. I want to know everything I can!!
  3. This is such a big dection to make, it is so hard. I keep telling myself I can do it on my own after doing every diet for the last 15 years and Im at my heaviest right now. I need to admit it to myself that I just can't do it!! I always wished they would come out with something like this and now that it is right here for me I don't know why I have to think twice about it. I tell myself I want to be proud to say I lost my weight on my own, I see that works well for me, NOT!! Did you have these feelings? How do you over come friends telling you not to do it? I need to just go and do this for me, I know this but keep making excuses. Thanks for the support!!
  4. Mrsace13

    So hard to decide

    Thanks for your kind words. I have seen on this site how people lose good and I have seen a lot of people who lose so, so slow or not at all. I am the type the eats when Im not hungry, that is a bad thing I know and Im worried that is a bad thing for lap band. What Im really thinking is, I've tried so many other things and have lost and gained that I really need a tool. I have taken pills for tool, I know how to lose weight I am just not strong enough to stay away from McD's. I am going to look up the next siminar and I am going to just go! I have a lot of learning to do and everyone here is so helpful. Thanks!!
  5. Mrsace13

    just had a weigh in

    My mouth dropped when I seen your results!! You should have happy tears!!
  6. Mrsace13

    BMI question

    I have a couple of friends that have had gastric or in their 6 month pre op that started out over 270 pounds. I thought of Lapband since I don't have as much to lose as them but I have seen on this site that it does not matter. What is the reason you have decided on lapband instead? My insurance states I have to have a BMI of 40 or more 35 with a medical condition. My BMI is 37 so I may be OK however I am seeing on this site that during your 6 months you have lost weight. Is there anyone that can tell me, if I lose weight during the 6 months but I started out with a higher BMI will that change anything with my insurance? If I don't lose weight during the 6 months, what does that mean? I'm sorry, I am really new with this and don't know if I weigh enough but I know I weigh too much for myself and can not lose it on my own. Bringing me to another question...my problem now is I eat when I'm not hungury so will that change with lapband? I don't want to be one of those that gain it back. Thank you for any help. I do have an appointment and I am sure I can get answers soon I would rather hear it from those who have done it or about to do it.
  7. Mrsace13

    BMI question

    What kind of diet history did you have to show not to have to do the pre op diet everyone is talking about?

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