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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrsace13

  1. I went to the seminar last night and they were so helpful regarding different insurances. I have B/C B/S PPO now and they said approvals are pretty easy with them except they require the 6 months and of course I'm ready to jump on the operation table tomorrow, lol. We are at the end of the year where I can change my insurance from my dh's to mine, we have United Health Care, I was told from someone here that I should ask others on United since I guess some had problems. My problem is they said with United you have to have a 40 BMI and I rock back and fourth from 37-38 with medical conditions. United does not have the 6 months. Then of course I would have to wait until Jan to start everything so I guess the wait game is the same at the end. So for you that have B/C B/S PPO and for those of you that have United Health Care, I just wanted to know what you thought of your insurance, issues, problems. I'm excited to get started, after the seminar I know the band is something I HAVE to do. Thank you!!
  2. Mrsace13

    B/C B/S PPO vs United Health Care??

    Did you have to do the 6 months? I was told by the dr office that I have to go weigh in once a month for 6 months and go to all these different appointments. I'm OK with the test, I would love to have all these test on me but I hate waiting 6 months. I will have co pays at each dr's as well and I know that will start to cost a lot. But if that is what I have to do, then of course I will. Thanks everyone!!
  3. Mrsace13

    Just a quick question

    just what i was looking for, thanks!!!!
  4. Sorry, kinda new here. I looked but maybe I'm missing it. Is there a way to see my recent post, like I will post something, maybe a question and then get on the next day and I can't find it. If I find one of mine I can then click on my name as I will be able to do when Im done with this and then I can see recent post. Is there a easier way? I am so sorry if it is right in front of me and I'm just not seeing it. Thanks for your help.
  5. I'm so excited about attending the seminar on 9/17 so I told a couple of co-workers and wow, I wish I would have just kept it to myself. My good friend had bypass and is so happy, I want to be happy and healthy like her. My co-workers started on me how I could just do it on my own and one has known me for 6 years and knows I can't. I just let them talk and kept quiet. Then at lunch I went for 2nd's and there she went telling me how if I just didn't eat so much I could lose weight, again, I didn't say anything. Now I don't want to tell anyone else or my family. I don't want to hear neg remarks when I'm so happy to get started. I'm not even sure my insurance will approve me and I'm stressing over that already, I don't need to have people trying to talk me out of it.
  6. Mrsace13

    Just a quick question

    Right but I have to find one of my post right? I can't just go to some where on the home page or my profile, right?
  7. The only thing that can stop me right now is my insurance!! I want this more than anything and I love all of you that have your weight loss banners and date you were banned, it gives me so much hope!! I went out last night with a bunch of friends including my bypass friend that was 270, now a size 6 and looking at the pictures of me, I look like I ate a few guest. I am so tired of hiding from the camera or dressing so covered up while everyone is so dressed up and loving the camera. That will be me one day too. I have to do this, I was so sick over the pics and then had to go out and of course stoped at Wendy's that me, that's my life and no I didn't get a salad!! Thank you so much for your comments. I don't care who knows I just hate the remarks about how they just know I can do it if I really tired, if I really tried???? OK, those people do know me and how can they say that to me?? I told them at work the other day that I need their support and if they had to fake it, then fake it. They are worried about the danger of it, I told them they should know me by now, I have been reading these boards since Feb., reading everything I can, asking questions, I wouldn't just jump on the operating table. Thanks everyone
  8. I'm on my husbands insurance now, B/C B/S PPO and I really do not like it. He went in the hospital for a couple of days and I guess since I have never had a PPO I didn't understand that it is not just a one time co pay like I'm used to, we are getting large bills from the hospital and eveyone that works there it feels like. So, I thought of changing to my insurance, I haven't even checked yet to see if they cover this, United Health Care seems to be a good insurance. Now my problem, I can't change until Jan. 1st of course so will I need to wait to start everything for Jan. 1st or can I start with one insurance and complete it with another? I'm just worried that my husbands insurance is going to charge me so much for the test, the hosptial and so on. I don't know much about PPO insurances so I guess I need to start checking into this. Just checking if anyone here knows these answers. Thanks!!
  9. Mrsace13

    Changing insurance companies

    Thank you and you are right, I do need to learn more. I knew that is what he was offered, not really a choice so that is what we have. I was just shocked when I got the hospital bills in. I'm used to $150 and that is it. I should have taken care of the insurance instead of letting dh, I will this year. Thanks for the heads up on UHC, I was worried about that too since B/C B/S has already sent me info on what they would cover and they looked pretty good.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss as well. I love my best friend with all my heart and if anything every happend to her I would be so lost. {{Hugs to you}} I had that question before, I have not been banded yet however was wondering how that worked. So you were able to gain the weight back because you were not getting your fills? And now that you are ready to get back on track, you just start getting fills and it is like starting over? Good luck to you!!
  11. That is true, when my friend who was 270 got bypass and I was on Weight Watcher's, eating right, working out like crazy and watching her lose weight. To be honest, I hated it, I wanted to be losing like her. I hated visiting her knowing she was looking so much better than me and buying new clothes while I started gaining my weight back. People do not want to see you looking better than them, I hate that she looks better than me, lol. She is a size 6 while I'm a 18, not fair!! Everytime I'm with her she is so excited and happy. I remember us being on the ship and she had to take breaks going up and down the stairs. We would have to move to the side to let people pass so she could catch her breath, now, those people better move out of her way and she is 50 years old!! So we talk about it a lot and she has made me really check into this and I am really close with my co-workers so I was kinda shocked when they started in on me. I have been on or off or starting a diet for about 15 years now and I'm at my heaviest, something isn't working for me, I need a new tool. Of course they hear the stories of bypass and people gaining it back, well, I'm sure more keep it off than gain it back. Brings me to a question, if you start to gain and you have the band, can't you start fresh and start losing again? Thanks, I think I'm not telling anyone. I need to get approved before I start telling anyone anyway. My teen girls and my husband are by my side and that is all I need. Haven't told my oldest son yet, he is skinny, lol.
  12. This was great since I'm confussed too and the same thing as you, I don't want to need skin removal, I'm older than you too so I don't know if that makes a big difference. I've always wondered bypass vs lapband? Is it correct that healing time and getting back to work is faster with Lapband as well?
  13. Mrsace13

    Why did you choose RNY?

    Thank you for this post, I wanted to post the question of why Lapband vs Bypass since I don't know the reasons for the choice. I have my first seminar next week and I'm ready for lapband however of course wondering why I don't just ask about bypass. I do see with Lapband it seems that not all have to wait and do a 6 month pre op diet and it seems with Lapband they are getting back to work pretty fast. One of my best friends had bypass and lost weight pretty fast and had to have skin removal, I don't know if with Lapband will I have that same problem? I thought with Lapband I could lose slower and work out to not have that issue but I don't know if that is even correct. I really want to make the right choice and I guess my doctor would be the best one to help me with that. I can't wait until the seminar next week so I can learn more.
  14. Mrsace13

    Has anyone tried Alli??

    I have used it, like I have tried everything, I bought it the first day it came out. I was already on Weight Watcher's so I thought since I'm already eating a low fat diet I would be OK. My stomach was upset and I was worried all the time that I might have a leakage. I hated the feeling of being worried and running to the bathroom to check. I never had a problem but I hated the fear. Like already said, it will not control your eating if that is what you are looking for.
  15. Mrsace13

    Greetings from MD

    Good to know, I have B/C B/S PPO, my insurance isn't great when we have to go to the hosptial but I did get a package from them showing that as long as I was a 35 BMI with medical conditions that it would get approved. I hope I do not have to do 6 months, I'm excited and ready to get started thanks to this site.
  16. With my insurance my BMI would need to be 40 or more or 35 with medical conditions and at 37-38 BMI I sure do. I'm 5' 4" and weigh 226 and if I do not get approved for lapband I'm know I will be 40 soon. My weight is all over from head to toe, not just mid area. I have done every diet and even with Weight Watcher's it took me almost a year to lose 37 pounds and now have gained back most of that. I have a hard time walking, so I don't think it is odd at her weight to get surgery. My doctor said lapband, not bypass though so that might be why too.
  17. Mrsace13

    Pre-op weight loss goal?

    That is so great to know!! :redface: I have been so worried about that since my BMI is already boarder line.
  18. One of my best friends had bypass and she is doing great and looks great with clothes on due to scars from skin removal. She went from 270 to 135, however she has friends who had it that does have problems all the time with eating. Of course Im using her doctor for my lapband!! Like you said, people are different and can have different problems with both.
  19. Mrsace13

    Inamed Band vs Realize Band

    Wow, there is so much to learn. I'm sure glad I found this site for help.
  20. Mrsace13

    Pre-op weight loss goal?

    The dr. puts in your weight to the insurance now for approval, do they have to report it again? That is what Im worried about. I am about 37 BMI and my insurance says I have to be above 35 with medical conditions. I have been worried if I lose some during the pre op diet that they will then decline me.
  21. I'm sure I will find out all these answers on 9/30 when I get to go to the siminar. however, just wondering... I'm trying to learn as much as I can and I have read a lot here but now Im confussed. I've seen some say they have to do a 6 month diet first and some say they didn't? My BMI is under 40 but above 35 and my insurance says if it is over 35 and you have medical issues it would cover it. I get worried that if I have to do a diet for 6 months and I go under 35 BMI will they not cover me or if I dont lose during th 6 months then what? I know I will lean about this but what is the Q-ball? I know everyone is different but I thought I had read that you can't return to work for a while then I see post where they are going back pretty quick. I have been putting this off due to needing vacation time, how much time does most people need if all goes well? I have seen compaints that they are not losing, I know it is a tool but what would be some of the reasons a person would not lose weight? I see some upset about losing slow but they have seemed to lose a lot of weight. I wanted to look into this since my friend had gastric had then had to get skin removal, I would rather lose slower and have time to work out or do what I can to not have that happen. I'm I right to think that or will I maybe need skin removal? Just wondering since I'm just trying to learn everything I can. If anyone can answer any of my questions that would be so nice. After I learn more I hope to be helpful to the new ones looking to learn as well. I'm sure I will have more questions later, lol. Thanks
  22. They have one on 9/17, I dont know who is picking up my daughter from daycare but I have signed up and I am going to make it happen!!!
  23. I just called them and they said I would need to attend, however the website was incorrect about the 30th since it is a holiday :thumbup::cry_smile: Now with my work schedule I dont know when I can go, Im depressed, I want to get started after reading results here and looking at the photos.
  24. Do I have to go to a seminar or can I just call the dr and make an appointment to see him and get started?
  25. Mrsace13

    Greetings from MD

    I had heard some say they have to do a 6 month diet first and some like you that do not. Why are they able to do your so fast without any diet first. Just wondering what to expect from my first visit. Thanks

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