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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrsace13

  1. Sorry for posting again, I didn't see it come up on the new post, I don't know if I did something wrong.
  2. Mrsace13

    Where do i start?

    I started with my doctor after a friend had bypass and did so good. He gave me a local doctor to see, however my friend really wanted me to use her doctor almost 2 hours away, so I am. But my doctor was very helpful. I heard the same thing about Fed B/C B/S, good luck
  3. Mrsace13

    Surgery Nov 18th

    Your story sounds almost like mine! I have been looking into this and the same, thought I could do it on my own. I wish I would have done this when I first checked into it since I have gained since then, but at least I'm starting now. I have been on a "diet" for 16 years and weigh more now than ever. I'm not approved yet so I don't have a date. Also from Florida, West Palm Beach. Welcome and good luck!!
  4. Mrsace13


    This makes me worry. I see my dr tomorrow then they are putting everything in for approval, I don't know how long that takes but seeing people denied makes me worry now. Keep us in touch, let us know how your appeal goes so we know what to do if needed as well.
  5. Mrsace13

    Chewing the Fat About the Holidays

    I'm glad this subject came up. I see my dr. on Nov. 5th, then it goes to the insurance for approval and then I'm not sure how long it takes until surgery. I have been worried about the holidays since only my husband and kids know that I'm trying to get LapBand. I am worried that I may be on liquids only during one of the upcoming holidays. I didn't know if I should go ahead and tell my family and listen to the neg remarks that I'm not ready for or fake sick, lol. I thought if I said I didn't feel good that would give me a reason not to pig out like normal.
  6. Mrsace13

    To quote the TV commercial - I'm ready

    Welcome from Florida:wink_smile: I'm new too, I looked into it for a long time too and decided that this was right for me. I'm so excited that I am making this choice. I haven't been approved yet, the waiting on that is the hardest part, lol. I am so looking forward to changing my life and this site here has really helped me, I read post from everyone every day, the good and the bad and it has really helped me and answered all those many questions and more. Good luck to you!!
  7. I have done all the requirements that were needed from my insurance and my drs office said once they receive everything then they would make an appointment for me to see the dr. What is next? After I see him do they then put it in to the insurance for appoval? When do I do all the other test they said I would have to do, the sleep study and stuff? I thought you had to do all that before they put it in for approval. I'm lost and I hate to keep calling them even though I'm sure they are used to it, lol. Thanks!!
  8. Mrsace13

    What is next?

    Thank you so much. They called to let me know they had all my info and ready for me to see the dr on Nov 5th so I went ahead and asked all my questions. I feel better and now understand. I just didn't want to be sitting here when I could be getting things done.
  9. Mrsace13

    What is next?

    Is the Pre-Op testing when you do a sleep study, EKG, see the cadiiologist and all that? I thought all that was before you were approved by your insurance. I guess this is where I'm lost. I know my dr will tell me when I meet with him, I just want to make sure I have done everything I need at this time.
  10. Mrsace13

    Weight Watchers

    I was wondering how WW could work with the band since as this reply said, you are on a point system. I was on WW for almost 2 years and I have not been banded yet but I don't think you can eat that much food with the band can you? They really stress that to lose your weight you have to eat ALL your points. WW is great way to lose weight by following them life but not being banded yet, I just don't see how they can work together and of course do not tell them you had WLS since you are free once you reach your goal and they would look at that too.
  11. Thank you, this is helpful information. I'm tired of talking to new people there and like others have said, my drs office doesn't really know as well. Before I started all this I called BCBS and they mailed me the policy, no where does it say anything about 6 months so my drs office is going to submit it and see what happens. I'm getting worried that the end of the year is coming and of course Jan 1 anything new can happen with my insurance policy and then I will have to go by the new guide lines good or bad, lol. Thank you everyone, I know I get my best answers right here!!
  12. Mrsace13

    Anthem Blue Cross approved in 2 days!!!

    Do they make you pay all of it upfront? I called my B/C B/S PPO and they did say I had a $1500 dec and they cover 75% and I asked them if I had to pay that upfront and they said it was up to the hospital and doctors. I have been worried about that part.
  13. I know, if I have to do the 6 months then I will deal with it of course. Look at my join date here, lol, FEB and it took me unitl Sept to finally go to the seminar!! If I would have started in Feb, I would be banned already.
  14. You are so right. I called and one lady told me that my insurance covered the surgery only, that is would not cover anything I did for the surgery. I called my drs office and the lady in charge there about had a fit, she said she had never heard of anything like that. So I called back not even 10 min later and spoke to a guy that said that was incorrect information!! I told him he needed to find the lady I had JUST spoke to and correct her then since she had me really upset. You can't trust them and I asked if they keep activity notes when they speak to us so when I call again they should know who spoke to me and what was said to me but he never really answered me. I have open enrollment and have the choice to go to United as well, however mine at my work does not cover this at all, good thing I called. Plus I was told that with United you have to have a BMI of 40 or more and I'm just right under that but they do not require the 6 months. Good luck everyone and thank you for your input to my question, this is the hardest part is trying to get approved and waiting for the approval!!
  15. Are you federal? They said they do not have to do the 6 months. So was it just your policy didn't require it? You have given me hope :biggrin: let me know how it goes
  16. Mrsace13

    Insurance issues!!

    The hardest part of all this seems to be the insurance!! At the seminar I was told BC/BS PPO had the 6 month pre diet and United Health Care does not but you had to have a 40 BMI and mine is 38. So I called BCBS and they mailed me all the info, it does not say I have to wait 6 months so my dr office said I might be able to fight that, who knows. I did find out that I have a $1500 dec and they pay only pay 75% so I am going to have to pay a lot of money. Does anyone know if that has to be paid up front or is it like when you go to the hospital and then they bill you? If I have to pay it up front then I guess the 6 months is fine since I will need that time to come up with the money. I called my UHC and they do not cover it AT ALL so they are out. This is all just too much!! Too much info to learn about, I just want to get approved and be ready!!
  17. Mrsace13

    My husband does not find me attractive!

    I have never heard that one, LOVE IT!!!
  18. Thank you everyone!! I'm working hard on this
  19. I haven't even been approved, I just started with my appointments and I have an eating attitude!! I can't quit eating and I'm make such bad choices, I keep thinking to myself that I can eat this now since I will be losing weight soon. What a bad thought, I'm going to gain and then not get approved, I don't want to gain anymore but I keep telling myself while I'm making bad choices that it is OK, then once I have ate it, I know I'm wrong. Halloween mini's are in my office and I looked down in my trash can and seen I had so many wrappers that I hid them at the bottom since I was embarassed and didn't want my co workers to see them. Did anyone go through this and how do I stop, or should I been enjoying it, lol. I guess I should get approved first!!! HELP, I'm out of control!!:w00t::thumbup::crying:
  20. First, I did not mean to post this on the post, this should have been on the pre, sorry:blushing: My problem is not that I'm worried that I can't eat later, I have an attitude now that to heck with it, I can eat what I want since I will lose it once I'm banded. I am giving myself an excuse to eat what I want now and I know I have to stop. I may not get banded until April and if I keep eating this way I am going regret it. I need to quit letting my bad thoughts win over me and start trying to get healthy now.
  21. Mrsace13

    a very strange sliming episode...

    Sorry, new here, what is sliming? Just wondering so as you get answers to your question I can learn Thanks!!
  22. What date were you banded? Your ticker shows you have done so good, just wondering how long it has taken. Thanks, Teresa

  23. Mrsace13

    Insurance issues!!

    I wish my company allowed it but they have it in there that it is not covered at all. I was pretty upset that they did that. I just left the dr and my BMI from their weight scale is a 39 so I could have had my surgery soon:cursing:
  24. I was told with B/C B/S PPO that I would have to do the 6 months. At the seminar they gave us a list of insurances and what insurance required what. Most needed the 6 months except United Health Care and B/C B/S PPO Federal. I can change to United in Jan. but they are one of the few that require a 40 BMI no matter what and I'm a 38 with medical conditions.

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