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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mrsace13

  1. My husband knows this is going to make me happy since he has watched me struggle with my weight for well over 10 years of being over 200 pounds. He is not really telling me if he is happy with it or not since one of my best friends had bypass and went from 303 pounds on a 5' 1'' woman to a size 6 after PS too. She was engaged to a man that she has been with for 8 years and my husband and I were with them two at least 3-4 times out of the month. After she stated losing, her fiance started telling us that she was treating him real rude and he didn't know how to handle it. Then while she was out of the country getting MORE PS he lost his job so she called off the wedding. She started feeling real good about her new body and that is all she would talk about to where I didn't even want to be around her. She kept telling me to have bypass too (at this time I had never heard of LapBand). She started going out and drinking with her adult daughter and her friends, then started hosting parties at home. Now she has always been an entertainer, parties at her house weekly but she was not a big drinker. Now she was drinking so much (and you are not supposed to drink for a year after bypass). Finally, her fiance moved out, he could not handle her wanting to party and she could not handle him not wanting to party. Now she is lonely, she is 50 years old, she is out drinking all the time looking for guys, looking for friends, she is just always drunk. Most of her good friends, including me, don't go over as much since there is just too much drinking. I can tell my husband over and over that I would never turn out that way and that is not why I am doing this to dress sexy to go out but since we have known her for about 12 years, he knows and I know, she didn't get bypass for that reason, it just happened. Really it is sad to watch her even though she is very happy with her new body and she can do so many more activities and can breath and walk at the same time. So, my husband is not asking me not to do this, he knows I want and need it. However, I know he is worried that I will turn out like her. I know I wont, but like I said, she didn't do this for that reason. She was just so happy that now finally after so many years she could dress nice, sexy and feel good in anything she puts on. She feels good that finally people look at her different. I can't blame her for being so happy, I can understand, we all can I'm sure. I am still going to have it done once I'm approved and I will have to just show him, I wont be like her.
  2. Mrsace13

    Why does no one understand?!?!?!

    I haven't even told my mom, I just dont feel like hearing neg remarks from people that have not even researched it and I love the "you can do it without that" remark since that has really worked for me so far and then you hear how dangerous it is, well, I have looked into this for almost a year now, I haven't seen this danger thing they are talking about and they do not have any stories to back up the remark. My mom is going to be more mad at me for not telling her from the start, I just know I can't win no matter what. But I will win at my weight loss and that is all that matters. And you are right, if I was saying boob job they wouldnt say anything. I think not too many people know about LapBand, I just learned about it a year ago. They think it is new.
  3. Mrsace13

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    I have seen that a few times where people are saying they are waiting on approval but they have their date already set. That must be nice since my dr said they normally have an opening in a month after my approval. I hate the waiting:confused:
  4. Mrsace13

    Can you feel it?

    WOW, this is good to know. I thought you would be able to feel it when you walk or move around. Thanks!!
  5. Mrsace13

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    Drs office called on Wed to let me know they were sending it in for approval, I called the insurance today and they said it could take a week to get in the system and then 7-30 days for an approval or not. I wish mine was 2 days like I read from so many others.
  6. Really, thank you. I read on here so much with people saying they are not losing like they thought they would and that would really explain it.
  7. Mrsace13

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    Thank you Rhonda. I can't get a weight from 2006 since I never once went to the drs that whole year!! My check list didn't really say I needed it. Good luck to you too!!!
  8. Mrsace13


    I think because we have been on and failed every diet we have been on that the unknown of another tool is making us feel we may fail again. I don't even want to tell people that I am doing this because what if I fail again? When I read stories of people that have not lost or watch them on youtube I wonder will that be me too, will I over eat since I eat now when I'm full or not hungry? Will I stretch out my pouch and have my co-workers say they told me so that it could happen? Well, now I just worried myself even more. I have walked into Weight Watcher's so many times with my head high saying to myself, this is it, this time I am going to lose the weight and keep it off, my freinds and family support me and then I fail, I am so tired of failing. We have to go into this without our old habits, fears and thoughts of failure. I'm sure we'll have moments of weekness, we will have bad weeks or even a bad month, however, this is the best tool we can ask for so I am going in this last time with my head held high and with a possitive attitude again and I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT, we all are, we have a great site here to come to when we are having a problem or a question, we have friends here we can trust, we have each other and I know I am going to finally and forever lose my unwanted weight, I'm finally going to be healthy. I just can't go into this scared, I can't be scared anymore, I just want to keep the excitement!!
  9. Mrsace13

    Are there protein pills?!

    How much do these cost? I'm waiting on approval right now, when do I need to start drinking protein, after the surgery?
  10. Mrsace13

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    My drs office just called and said they have all the paper work ready to send to my insurance. I am so excited that my heart is pounding so hard. I don't know how long it takes, they said they have 45 days, oh please no, I can handle waiting!! I just want to hear the approval word so I know it is done. I live in Florida but have B/C B/S PPO of Ohio, does anyone have a approval story to tell? I am reading that a lot of you are calling your insurance to ask about your paper work and approval, if they are telling me they are sending it today, should I wait a couple of days and call them to make sure they received it? Will they tell me if there is anything missing?
  11. I was worried about this too. My friend with bypass lost a lot of hair. I was hoping this would not be the same since I have thin hair to start with. It is OK if my gray ones fall out, lol.
  12. My dr just said the same thing last week. He asked me how much weight did I need to lose, I said 90-100, he said then expect to lose 55-60, he said the band helps you lose 55% of the weight you need to lose. I came home and posted here too. I know from seeing results here, you can lose all of it, it is up to you and how much you work for it. I did read that with LB you lose slower but it showed a gragh from Bypass and LB that within 3 years you end up with the same results, it just takes longer and that is what I would rather have. I guess every dr has to start off with someone, lol. I wouldn't want to be his 1st but I guess someone had to be. Someone has to be their 20th, 30th, 40th and so on. I'm sure he knows what he is doing and will have someone there too, I would hope anyway. I agree to make sure you trust your dr. I drive pretty far for mine since I knew he was good and even teachers others. He did my friends bypass.
  13. Mrsace13

    Keeping it a secret?

    I'm so glad to read these stories since this is a hard thing for me to decide as well. I have told my husband and my four kids ranging in ages 7-22 and my 7 year old doesn't understand and doesn't want me to look different, bless her heart. I can't wait to show her why I'm doing this when I run and play with her at the park one day. I was so excited when I decided to do this and ran into work and told the four close women I work with and wow, that wasn't a great idea, they all started in on me how I don't need to do something like this and how I can do it on my own since that has worked SO well for me in the past and they all know my story. I was so depressed by the way they acted I decided not to tell anyone, not even my mom or the rest of my family. Now I know I'm going to have to one day and then my mom is going to be upset that I didn't tell her from the begining, I am NOT going to win with her but if I tell her I do not think she will support me since she doesn't even know what it is and then she will tell EVERYONE she can talk to and then call me with all of their opions, I don't need that after what I went through at work and still do. I asked my co-workers for their support and showed them on the computer what I was doing and explained it and assured them that it was safe since that was the first thing they said, people that have not checked into just start talking about things they have no idea about. But of course now they are expecting me to have this in Dec and be a size 6 by New Years and I know they are going to watch me and be the food police. I'm not a private person, I don't care who knows as long as they know what it is and understand about it before they start talking. I do not feel like debating this daily with people, I want to feel excited, that is why I come here daily. Thanks!! And yes, I am scared of the day I have to tell my mom, lol.
  14. Whenever I start wondering if this is right for me, I know I can come to this site and read stories like yours and know this is what I want, this is what I need. I can't wait to have my story to tell and share with others. Thank you
  15. I'm waiting on approval and thinking possitive that I will be banded in Dec :eek: When I make a banner it tells me that I do not have enough space even if I remove things. Is there another place to put it than edit signature? I see some are larger than mine so maybe I'm doing something wrong.
  16. My drs office is telling me that all B/C B/S PPO is required to do the 6 months and my insurance mailed me all the info and it does not say anywhere in there that I have to do the 6 months so I called them and they yes I did need to do the 6 months and then they started looking at my policy, put me on hold and came back and said it doesn't say it anywhere. Has anyone had them and not had to do the 6 months? My drs office said they can go ahead and submit it and we could try, all they can do is decline it I would guess then I would just finish out the 6 months. They said I could fight it since it doesn't say it, has anyone ever done that and won? Thanks. If I have to do the 6 months, ok, I will, however if I don't have to, even better.
  17. I have just found out even though I live in Fl. my B/C B/S is Oh too. Was it hard to get approved? It said to go by the check list, the same as the link you sent me in a post and that check list was pretty easy. Did they need your dr. to send a 5 year weight list? I am waiting for my dr. to get back with me so I told them to submit it without it since it wasn't on the list.


    Thanks for any help. The waiting to get approved is hard!!

  18. I live in Florida, however my husbands corp office is Ohio so I am also B/C B/S PPO OH:thumbup: I have been doing as if I needed the 6 months, just in case and I called my insurance to ask them one more time and they said as long as I have tried and failed for 6 months and I did do WW for over a year so they said that was good. I called my dr office and asked them to submit the paper work to the insurance even though they are saying I need a 5 year weight history from my dr office. I can't get anyone to call me back for them to send that. So she said she would once she gets the drs notes in. So, I hope I will be approved soon!!
  19. I am so worried about needing PS even though I will be having a BL, need one now and I haven't been banded yet. I need to lose 90-100 pounds and Im getting LapBand over Bypass since I want to lose slower so I can work out while losing. That will help, right?
  20. Mrsace13

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    I hope to be Dec :eek: just waiting for approval
  21. I went to my drs today and seen him for the first time except the seminar. He asked me how much weight I needed to lose, I said about 95 pounds. He said a successful weight lost is 55% of your weight so I should lose 55-60 pounds. Of course I want to lose more than that! Can anyone explain what he meant. If I work hard at this I can lose the rest, right? The lady that does the insurance said it takes about a week for her to get my paper work ready, then the submit it to the insurance and they have 45 days to respond but normally respond in a 2-3 weeks. I have seen so many of you say you got an approval in a few days, I didn't know it was going to take that long. Then she said he would schedule my surgery in a month after my approval, wow, during the holidays!! Oh well, I'm not going to put it off, that is for sure. I'm not even sure if my insurance is requiring 6 months yet. They said it normally does but I don't think I have B/C B/S PPO of Florida, my husbands corp office is Ohio so it may be from there. Does anyone have B/C B/S PPO of OH and know their policy? Thanks for any help.
  22. Thank you. I just want to get the approval and be done. I know what you mean about the holidays, if they want to do this on Christmas Day, I'm ready, lol. If I have to be on my liquid diet on Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years, I will!! I just want to start this and start my new life. I know I have more holidays to come that I will be healthy and looking good, lol.
  23. Mrsace13

    Anyone cheat on preop diet?

    I am waiting on approval right now then they said my surgery will be scheduled in about 30 days after. They haven't told me about the pre op diet yet, I didn't know that different drs required different diets. Is this all just to shrink your liver or is there any other reason with it?
  24. I live in Florida but I don't think my B/C B/S PPO is Florida, I think because my husbands corp office is in Ohio, it might be there, I should call to find out. Does anyone have Ohio? The doctors office told me today that it would take a week or so for them to get the paper work ready then they would submit it and they have 45 days, but it never takes that long. I know what you mean, the waiting and wondering is so hard. I just want to hear the word approved so I can breath!!, LOL
  25. I'm sorry, I'm lost. I haven't asked my dr about my pre op diet yet, I thought it was just liquids only from other post I have read. So, there is cottage cheese and oatmeal in the liquid diet? That is good to know, I will now have to ask him. I just thought liquid meant liquids only.

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