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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tmbowe

  1. The recovery is the same is the original band. Back on liquids for 2 weeks no lifting. I guess I am lucky because even though I like the brownies and cookies my band dont like them so it's easy to stay away from the for me. Maybe you need a little more of a fill. Also watch for any empty calories you may be drinking. Starbucks,Juice, Soda. If you find you are drinking a lot of it cut back on it and I bet you start to seethe weight come off
  2. I dont know how much my slip will cost me either. I am one that had success with the band and followed the rulesSo for it to slip terrifedme.I am also terrified of it slipping again, but am also terrified of gaining some of my weight back while I am unfiled I have worked hard to get this far and will be devestated if I gain weight. I guess we will just have to make sure we are careful about everthing we eat
  3. So I havent been on here for a while but decided to post today. I lost 120 lbs with my lap band and had virtually no problems. It was a slow but steady weight loss and I have been very happy with it. Then about 2 weeks ago I started to get Very Sick where I could not keep anything down. Lo and Behold I managed to slip my band. Not an experience I would like to live through again. I seen the Dr. at 2 pm on Friday and was in Surgery to have it fixed by 5 pm that night. I stayed in the hospital overnight and was out by 10 the next morning. It was a quick stay at the hospital and I seem to be recovering very quickly, but now I have the fear in my mind of my band slipping again. I would love to hear from anyone that may have went through the same thing to see and see how you handled it. It's really been an emotional journey for me and I really cannot imagine my life without my band. So if anyone else has been through this and has some ideas how to get over the fear let me know
  4. I have been on Birth Control for about 14 years. After my band I found it was harder to take cause some days I just couldn't get anything down. On Friday I had the Implanon put in which is an implant in your arm..Since I have had this put in I have not been able to eat anything at all. I was just wondering if anyone else is using the implanon and if they have ran into similar problems..Am also worried about gaining any weight would love to hear from other users..Thans
  5. Maybe you need to call around and see if there is another Dr. that you can see..My Dr. Only Charges $55 for a fill that includes the office visit. So maybe you need to find a Dr. that is willing to work a little better with you and that may be a little cheaper.
  6. tmbowe

    1 year 6 months since surgery

    These are pictures from the day before surgery to current I have lost 95 lbs and still have about 30 more lbs to lose.
  7. tmbowe

    Down 70lbs

  8. tmbowe


  9. tmbowe

    Dwn 70

  10. tmbowe

    Down 95

  11. tmbowe

    95 lbs Gone

  12. tmbowe

    Down 95 lbs

  13. tmbowe

    Down 70 lbs

  14. tmbowe

    Down 70 lbs

  15. tmbowe

    Down 52 lbs

  16. I also had a problem recently where my band became very tight and I was unable to keep anything down..I had 6.6 cc's in my band and the Dr took my down to 6. Felt much better right away. I have also noticed that I am eating foods that I have not touched in a while. I dont go back in for a fill until June 1st so I know i have to watch everything I eat or I will easily gain the weight back. I just finally hit Onderland the last thing I want is to be over 200lbs again. I am glad to see I am not the only that is dealing with this problem. I really need to get on here more. It helps to have others to talk to
  17. tmbowe


  18. Well at lot of us our coming upon our 1 year since we got the band would love to hear how everyone is doing. I see the Dr for my 1 yr appt on November 14th. According to my scale I am currently down 72 lbs. The past year has had its ups and downs but overall I am happy with my Band. I still have about 50lbs to go but am still losing. I Have not had a single month where I have not lost anything so that is really good I hope I can keep that up until I reach my goal weight. I have really been slacking on the excersice for the past month but am working getting back on track with that as well. Would love to hear from everyon else and will update you more after I meet with the Dr.
  19. tmbowe

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I was so glad to find this forum. Someone on another one recommend the c25k program to me and I tried it a few days ago..I was only able to complete about 1/2 of the 1st week. I think I will have to stay on week 1 for a while..How many of you had to do the same thing and how long did it take before you were able to graduate to the next week..Any advice would be great
  20. OK I finally downloaded the C25K to my mp3 player and tried it for the first time today. I thought I was in ok Shape but I could not even complete the first step. I was able to get about 1/2 way through then I had to walk the rest. You are supposed to go up a step every week I think it will take me a little bit longer than that..I bet I feel it tomorrow.
  21. I think it would help to have someone that has had the band for a while co host the support group then as people have questions they know who to ask.. A few months ago our support group hosted a chef who had the bypass. I think the cost was $25 a person and he cooked a meal and showed people how to measure there portions and all that good stuff. I was unable to make it but I heard it had a good turn out. I am sure who could research it on the web. I cant remember his name but sure you can come up with something..
  22. Before I moved I went to a great support group. The lady that ran it is a lap band patient herself and actually works for the Drs office that does the surgery. She would try to have guest speakers every couple of classes one time it was a lady from the gym showing different excercises she had the dr come in, a psycholgist, A Nutrionist that took us shopping and showed us out to read labels. Twice a year they have a clothing exchange. It was stuff like that, That kept me going. It was also nice to have someone that went through what I went through cuz even though I had my surgery 10 months ago I still had questions. I hope some of this helps
  23. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.. I have been thinking about adding running into my schedule..So I think the c25k would be great. We have some wonderful trails here that would be great to start out on..Will definetly look into it. I am not sure about my daughter staying in her stroller though she is pretty independent wont even stay in the shopping cart. So will probably have to wait until my teenage son gets home from school so he can watch her. Thanks again

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