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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Lizardlady reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in Mental energy and body temperature after VSG?   
    Well.... now that i have confirmation that my guess was correct about you being hypothyroid i would NOT suggest that you go through sugery at such a low BMI... I would suggest that you go back to your endocrinologist and get a thorough work up and ask to change your thyroid medication. .. because obviously the current one is no longer working and you are having symptoms.
    With your non functionality of your thyroid, even wls won't be useful at this stage.... you will only cause further stress on your body....
    I would get your endo to check your thryoid, pituitary function, and your cortisol (24hr urine)... once all your testing is done... find another endo for a 2nd opinion and see what they suggest.... your T3 & T4 being high whilst your TSH being low means you still have a thyroid issue, which is not being fixed by your meds.
    Like i said in my other post... i am 99% sure that med plays havoc with your thyroid.... please please please explore all the avenues before doing something so drastic as wls at your low weight.... you will find once you are on the correct dosage the weight and symptoms will quickly improve.
  2. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from KristenLe in Getting frustrated   
    Very much so! At least for me so far. I am really hoping that I won't hate some of the foods that I used to love. Right now it seems more simple food is what I'm able to eat without being absolutely repulsed. I LOVED mushrooms pre-op. I'd eat them in Soup, noodles, pizza, spaghetti, pot roast and just about anything you could think to put mushrooms in but the other night I barely tasted my cream of mushroom Soup just to make sure it wasn't too hot and it was a WHOLE new ball game. I was ready to hurl from the mushroom taste! Cream Soups in general seem to be touch and go. I can't stand the cream of broccoli soup either =/. I'm hoping that it may pass with time and recovery and it's just a phase I'm in. I don't feel hungry but I have to eat something and the list of acceptable things to eat are growing shorter. It's hard to get even half of my recommended Protein in when eating only the things I'm allowed.
    Thank you all for the suggestions! I wrote them all down to ask the surgeon and see if he will give me some leeway. Right now I'm not really worried about "going back to my old ways" because at this point I'm only eating to try and reach my Protein and Water goals but the diet I'm on is making it impossible at least in this phase. It will be easier once I am able to add in meat and cheese I think.
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    Lizardlady reacted to KristenLe in Getting frustrated   
    @@Lizardlady Be careful! Lol. From what I've read - tastes change post-op and often smell is heightened making things gag-worthy. Hope you find something!
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    Lizardlady reacted to Natasha G Ford in Getting frustrated   
    Hi hun, one thing I have noticed every surgeon is different. I had the MGB on June 8. For the first 2 weeks we were only allowed G2 and Greek flavored yoghurt, and jello and crackers. This was every meal, which mind you your really not that hungry. When I got home I got to add the to go cup of tomatoes soup. Now I'm 2 weeks out and today I had my first scrambled egg. Just remember to chew a lot. You can do. Good Luck and God Be With You.. . Sent from my SCH-R970 using the BariatricPal App
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    Lizardlady reacted to Cocojh in Getting frustrated   
    I went to my first follow up appt yesterday and expressed the same aggregations to my surgeon. He suggested the microwavable potato flakes in the small cups. Instead of adding Water, I added broth. They were delish, and a few bites satisfied my hunger. I was worried about the carbs, but what I found was that after two bites I was full. It goes down very easy. So I ate that for dinner, woke up had a Protein shake. For lunch I had two bites, now I am waiting a few hours to drink another Protein Shake.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to becomingmandikaye in Getting frustrated   
    I'm in almost the same boat as you (except I can't have yogurt or jello). I've found GENEPRO to be a game changer. I strained some chicken and stars Soup last night and added GENEPRO to the broth. It was 4 oz of broth with 30g of Protein in it, and it tasted wonderful. I went down the soup aisle and picked up any soup that seemed like it would have a flavorful broth after straining. I also have sugar free popsicles, and I did get some Luigi's Italian Ice in lemon (not sugar free, but I'm having issues getting calories in, so I thought why not).
    Good luck to you!
  7. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to KristenLe in Getting frustrated   
    @@Lizardlady Have you tried the clear Protein drinks (Isopure, Nectar) or maybe making your own with Protein Powder? You might be able to have egg drop Soup or strained soup like onion (something with a little bit more flavor than broth). Of course I'm not a medical professional or nutritionist but I'd say the heck with 98% Fat Free and enjoy any creamed/strained soup. Good luck! Hang in there!
  8. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from KristenLe in Getting frustrated   
    Isopure and nectar were the only ones I could tolerate before but I know a lot of the fruity Nectar mixes I'm now disliking to the point of gagging. I'm not sure why, I'm not normally one to gag on any kind of food or drink even if I don't like it but now some things just have a weird taste that I never tasted in them pre-op. I couldn't even really taste the protein in Nectar fruity mixes and now I struggle to even take a sip. I will try the Isopure again and hope that I can stick with that one. I had a fall on a concrete driveway the night before my surgery and the glass bottle smashed right next to my face and I am still recovering from having my butt kicked so I haven't touched a bottle since LOL. I will try again today.
  9. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to Amber Victorian in PCOS success stories?   
    I am 2 months post open. I'm down to 160 from 215. I am really glad I had the surgery. 2 weeks after surgery I had a cyst rupture. It cause pretty bad dehydration. Just make sure to hydrate as much as possible. My periods for the last two months have been at the same exact time. Thats exciting!!!
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    Lizardlady got a reaction from BariatricBetty24 in PCOS success stories?   
    I know this may be a stretch and maybe it is too personal for some to share, but I'm curious to know if anyone that has been diagnosed with PCOS has had success with Gastric Sleeve? How much of a difference do you see in your weight / skin / hair (loss and growth)? Mostly interested in the weight but also curious to see if I should expect any other changes? Thanks so much for those willing to share!
  11. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from BariatricBetty24 in PCOS success stories?   
    Awesome! Thank you gals! Those were the type of posts I was looking for. I do hope the weight will come off like it did for both of you. I don't mind if it comes off slow as long as it comes off! Moving the scale in the opposite direction is beyond awesome for me so I'm excited!
    I don't have any noticeable hair loss on my head but you can definitely tell that I lose more than a fair amount every time I shower. Luckily, I still have pretty thick hair to make up for the loss. I was worried it might be worse for me since it is a common symptom of PCOS even if it's not showing too badly NOW. When I asked my nutritionist she said that it grows back for other people (which I'm fine with) but I wanted some input from people who also have PCOS on if they had any issues getting it to grow back. As far as the hair in other places... well, I've been dealing with it this long so at least you didn't say it got worse lol.
    Monthly cycle leveling out would be a huge bonus too since right now I'm all over the place and I get pretty worried sometimes with how heavy it can be and how long it lasts (sometimes I even get two in a month).
  12. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from BariatricBetty24 in PCOS success stories?   
    I know this may be a stretch and maybe it is too personal for some to share, but I'm curious to know if anyone that has been diagnosed with PCOS has had success with Gastric Sleeve? How much of a difference do you see in your weight / skin / hair (loss and growth)? Mostly interested in the weight but also curious to see if I should expect any other changes? Thanks so much for those willing to share!
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    Lizardlady reacted to KristenLe in PCOS success stories?   
    I hope I lose that SLOW. Lol. You've done incredible!
  14. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to kaitlynm in PCOS success stories?   
    I have PCOS and I'm loosing weight with the sleeve. I think I'm loosing slower than many folks, but at least I'm loosing. I'm down 100 pounds after about 7 mos. I didn't have any Hair loss, and other areas seem to be growing faster than they did before. (I think it is the Biotin in the multi Vitamin and the hair follicles are closer together since there is not as much skin). There is hope for weight loss even with PCOS, just be prepared that it might be slower than others.
  15. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to madferitchick in PCOS success stories?   
    I have pcos and have been very successful with weight loss post sleeve. I will be a year out from surgery at the end of this month and I am 111lbs down from highest ever weight.
    Other symptoms haven't changed to be honest. I still have hair where I don't want it! And although I didn't suffer particularly from thinning hair on my head pre surgery, I lost a lot of hair post surgery (quite normal) but I do have lots of regrowth and the loss stopped around 6-7 months out (although I'm a bit concerned it's starting again now).
    My monthly cycle has become more regular too which is a good thing I guess!
  16. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from Twinkle Toes in Best blender for puree?   
    Nope, I'm allowed 97-98% fat free cream Soups on my pre-op diet. Campbell's cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup for example. I know everyone's surgeon is different. Mine just happens to let us have certain Soups as long as they are pureed thankfully! I did end up buying the Nutri Ninja Auto IQ and it works awesome so thank you to Andrea72! Also a big thank you to everyone that gave their recommendations. It gave me a lot of options to choose from!
  17. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to applejenn in Best blender for puree?   
    I have a ninja bullet
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to smg in Best blender for puree?   
    I have both a ninja and and a Vitamix 780. The Vitamix hands down wins this competition. The ninja is nice, but the Vitamix is really in a league of its own...plus it can make soups...which is really nice at the puree stage...
  19. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to Levita in Best blender for puree?   
    I used a food processor...works like a charm. I dnt really think blenders work well for pureed Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to Twinkle Toes in Best blender for puree?   
    Nutri Ninja Auto IQ...I didn't have the $ for a vitamix, but my new Ninja is awesome!!
    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to Christinamo7 in Skin   
    I have told my husband that I don't care for plastics unless there is a skin breakdown issue - and he doesn't care either
    UNLESS I step on my nipples. if that happens, they have to get put back where they belong. :-) I am 1/3 of the way there though and so far the girls are holding up well.
  22. Like
    Lizardlady got a reaction from snokb04 in Skin   
    This area really doesn't/won't bother me because my fiance doesn't care and nobody else is going to see it anyway. There are some that may have issues with it though. You'd be surprised how many ladies have surgery to make their "vajaja" look .... "pretty" LOL.
    LOL! I needed that, I really did. I am and will be in your shoes so I smell what you're stepping in trust me.
    Exactly! After all the stress I've put my body through, it's depressing to know that I've done this to myself (with a little help from PCOS) and there will be permanent damage because of it. The stretch marks (not JUST on my belly) and lose skin WILL be there to remind me of that but maybe in a way, that is a good thing. It's good to know that I still have a sense of humor about the "aftermath" of something that I cannot change at this point anyway.
  23. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to theantichick in Less than 40g carbs forever?   
    I think it's an individual thing, and different from NUT to NUT and MD to MD. I've asked the question of my surgeon and my NUT because I made myself physically ill trying to do Atkins. I cannot tolerate my carbs going low enough to put me in ketosis. We've all agreed that we'll take the approach of trying to moderate carbs and stick with complex carbs as much as possible instead of simple carbs, and we'll see how it goes. Neither my surgeon nor my NUT is in favor of extreme carb restriction to start with. But I know a lot of people do best with a very low or no carb level, and some docs insist on it, so I'm not knocking it, just saying it doesn't work for me. I would say try to follow what your MD and NUT say, and if it's not working for you, talk to them and work out what will.
    Best of luck!!
  24. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to Christinamo7 in Less than 40g carbs forever?   
    there are certain things my NUT stresses that I vehemently disagree with.
    However, other areas they have been extremely helpful to me.
    So, I take what I can use and move forward. not going to stress over it. right now I aim for less than 60 a day - but not forever. forever I will be high Protein, low carb though. I get that.
  25. Like
    Lizardlady reacted to kmorri in Less than 40g carbs forever?   
    I'm sorry you're being delayed, but glad they are taking good care of you. Your time will come, and will be done safely!

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