we use Myocel which is fortified with both vitamins and protein to assist post op , your body has juct gone thru some stress and who knows what other rigors you have been thru. Nioxin works well for women but post op hair loss is due to another cause. Myocel ordered on line at Myocel .com
yes, some of the up to date lazers can help, i.e. cutera , or palomar in good hands, several treatments, painless, also message the scar this will initiate the body to grow blood supply to the scar and decrease keloid formation.
Dr. G
see your dr. obtain ultrasound of gallbladder,take all the fluid out of band and do a ariu swallow now. these studies should address the problem. but do not delay, the sooner the better is there is a slip as this may be able to be corrected without removing the band. do you hurt post food? If you hurt all the time as you describe one should always check on the integrity of the band.
if you have a fear of needles just ask the fill person to use some lidocaine first and or spray topically and this should help, it should not be any more uncomfortable than a flu shot .