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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kbf1

  1. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi, sorry i've been away for a bit and haven''t been able to respond, but yes, Dr. Leung and have 13 ccs in a 10 cc band with mid-range restriction, losing.8 lbs per week with tonnes of cardio and good eating habits. i too would like more restriction, but hate the put downs. has anyone had flouroscopic fill? i'm considering it as i think my band is wierd!
  2. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone, I'm just touching base - still can't make it to the meeting time - to my deepest regret!! So, my weight loss is painfully slow - .5 lbs per week - plataued for a month! I've switched things up a bit - hope to get better results. I've got 13 ccs in my 10 cc band - crazy or what! it is a 10 cc silimed band - and the thing is - I STILL DON"T HAVE ENOUGH RESTRICTION :biggrin:...has anyone hear of this before? Would any of you recommend floroscopy? Please feel free to watch my videos on youtube - kbf1 is my channel name!! Cheers, K
  3. kbf1

    For those who have PCOS

    Hi, Doný worry, the pcos is a blood test to see if two specific hormones are balanced in the correct way. They don't need to really check you out in any other way - sometimes people get ultra sounds to look for cysts, but some people with pcos don't actually have cysts! Good Luck:)
  4. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Thanks so much for the reply - my doc just said to ride it out for a while until my weight loss is well on its way. Now to the point of restriction - one fill - no restriction. just trying to limit myself - doing quite well - 1 cup to 1.5 cups of food per meat - if I need to snack having applesauce or something low calorie. I've called and requested another fill appointment for Wed. We'll see how she goes :Banane01: When is the next meeting? I basically now I won't be able to go, but I'd love to have a coffee/tea buddy to have casual meet ups in Vancouver - could your group solicit that for me at the next meeting? I appreciate all the on-line help too - fantastic!!!:purplebananna:
  5. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi everyone. It appears that one stitch has come undone and myu port is a wee bit sideways - doc says just wait and see how it settles as I loose weight before we decide to do anything and that it isn't pressing. It kind of makes me uncomfortable and it is easy to feel it - what do y'all think? Stress or not? I got my first fill today and I'm happy to say I had lunch at 11:30 and its 5 now and my hunger on a scale from 1- 10 is about a 3. AMAZING. I had a bit of head hunger and just went for the gum. It seems to work - oh and Water made be feel a bit full too. I hope this lasts!!! k
  6. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hello, I was at a meeting last October and met some of you. I was just banded last Friday by Dr. Leung in Surrey. It all went well and I'm going tomorrow for my one week check-in. Just on I haven't eaten solid food for almost a week. That's a FIRST! Moreover - I can't believe I'm not hungry at all. I've lost 10 lbs already and am so excited! A real motivator when weight actually comes off. I look forward to attending the next West side Vancouver meeting. Does anyone know the details? How have those meetings been going? Look forward to hearing how everyone is doing! kiley:thumbup:
  7. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    I've also started to document my journey on youtube under the same user name, so please have a look at my videos - 4 so far! Will post a new one on Monday. I'm excited.
  8. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    Thanks so much for your words of advice - see my husband is ESL and Asian, so i understand the sentiment behind that - its all good! I'm very excited. I may have to take my baby - if it is just a 20 minute long meeting she will be good. we'll see. I'm so glad my post called to you - I really needed that. Especially to hear how life changing it was for you. I'm getting the nervous - what if it doesn't work?? I'm paying for it - and I actually will be making substantial sacrafices for it. I'm a bit worries - but I'll just put it out into the world and home that those who need to will be "called"! Cheers, Kiley
  9. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    Thanks for sharing your story Paula! I will meet Dr. Leung on Jan 26th! I'm pumped. I chose him specifically for the descriptions of his manner - I like to call it a good kick in the butt! I always respond well to that. :wink: Seeing you drop that weight is fantastic. How much did you weigh to start? I'm excited about my up-coming meeting - any advice? Do you think I could bring my baby?:yikes: An open question has anyone had lap band while caring for a baby - what kind of support should I get? Cheers, K
  10. My Top 10 Reasons 1.Health reasons - PCOS, Hormone imbalaces and insulin resistance 2.Play with my baby when she gets bigger 3.Go swimming with my baby without wanting to die of embarrassment 4. Get recognition for my skills instead of judgment on my size - everyone thinks fat people are lazy at work 5. have a proper wedding - my husband is too embarrassed to take me back to his village on tiny people - they've never sen anything like me before - I wont even fit into the traditional dress:( 6. Get back into running 7. stop putting myself down for being big 8. wear clothes that I like - not just fit 9. hopefully have more energy 10. get back into bellydance I know some are repeats - it is a sad fact that fat people are so discriminated against at work - poo poo
  11. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    Well, I've done all the pre-op x-rays, ultrasounds, and overnight breathing test. Now I should get a call from Dr. Leung's office for a pre-op meeting to set a date! Excited/nervous!!
  12. kbf1

    planning on challenging BC funding

    I was thinking of doing the same thing - but thought that maybe the federal level would be the place bring this to light? If there is anyway I can help you with this, please just let me know. I can get a letter from my Dr. that says she referred me to the Weight Wise clinic in Alberta for LapBand - but the have a 3 yr wait list - so I'm going to just self -pay. I'm happy to help in anyway! Cheers, K
  13. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Sabrina, Just curious about the cost for Dr.Oritz...I've almost got all my preliminary tests done...might want to speed up the process! Cheers, K
  14. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi guys, I went for my x-ray and ultrasound last wed. and will go pick up the sleep test on tues. Getting worried - getting nervous!:laugh:
  15. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    FYI Dr. Leung 604 581 2515 Suite 200 13798 94A Ave Surrey:thumbup:
  16. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hello North Van Bandsters, "I attended your meeting in October and had a really great time. It was so fantastic to meet everyone and I could really feel everyones excitment about the changes the banding has made in their lives. I really liked hearing your stories and the tall thin woman who chaired it was so down to earth and informative. I have since decided to self pay. I have my pre-op x-ray/ultra sound next week and am looking forward to meeting with Dr. Leung in Surrey. One test I need is the overnight oximetry. My doctor said she didn't know where to refer me to for that. Does anyone know? I totally can't afford it - but it is cheaper than a car and my health and future are certainly worth that! I look forward to hearing from you. Does anyone know of the meeting details for the meting in Vancouver? When should I start to attend?
  17. kbf1

    For those who have PCOS

    i have PCOS and am seriously considering the lapband - however my GP said I could accomplish the same results without spending the money if i was just more dedicated to a lifestyle change - would you agree?
  18. kbf1

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I'd like to thank you for the very exciting meeting tonight. It really solidified my decision in getting the band done. I loved to hear everyone's stories, and appreciate the diversity in everyone's experience with the band. I'm also happy to hear there were no regrets! A special thanks to the tall lean woman who let me feel her port!:thumbup: A great group and I'll look forward to attending again for more information to take with me on this journey. Best regards, K
  19. kbf1

    I meet with Dr. Woodhead in Delta

    What is the room number and exact time of the meeting? I'm excited to meet people who have done this I have a lot of questions!:eek: some about seeking government reimbursement! If it is a treatment insured in some provinces - aren't we eligible for being reimbursed by the federal government - even if BC won't? :crying:
  20. kbf1

    I meet with Dr. Woodhead in Delta

    Thanks for such an informative reply. Could you pass on more details foe the lionsgate meeting. Is it baby friendly? Cheers, K
  21. kbf1

    I meet with Dr. Woodhead in Delta

    Hello, COuld you pass on Dr. Woodhead's info - I'd like to contact him. Why did you choose him over Dr. Leung? I'm just looking for the right Dr. So I can go ahead and start the process... K
  22. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    Do you know the contact info for Dr. Woodhead? I'd like to contact him to see what he is like... K
  23. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    I am considering this Doctor, I've read some good and bad things about him - I've got his package - its either him or Mexico..Dr.Kuri? I'm not sure who do go with - have you hear of Dr. Woodhead in Laddner/Delta? Thanks for your help
  24. kbf1

    DR Wai leung

    Hi everyone, I've got a couple of questions - now that Alberta Sask. and Man. all cover the lapband - under the reciprocal billing agreement with ab and bc - it is covered! But I don't want to wait and would rather self pay and seek reimbursement from the gov - has anyone done this? Also thoughts on Dr.Wai - I live in Vancouver so, this choice is clearly the easiest for me - but I've read some bad reviews about his care - anyone care o share or somment? Made one call to a Dr.Kuri in Mexico - he would do it for me quickly but I'm weary of no accountability to the governement health regulating bodies. Please give guidence! :crying:

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