My surgeon put a piece of my tummy around my band to stop slippage. Everyone has a different story to tell about their band.
The whole I am in pain but skinny thing stays on my mind. I only have moderate discomfort and I know how to aleviate it.
All in all I have started down a road that not only includes weightloss but just getting healthy in general. The fact that I spent $8,000 on this surgery motivated me to get up and go to the gym. It also convinces me that I do not need that candy bar or that soda.
I have even changed the way I feed my children and have them on the track to a healthier lifestyle. maybe its because I am so scared of wasting so much money, I dont know. What I do know is I do not regret weight loss surgery. I however,wish I had enough money to get the gastric sleeve. It has a lot less complications and you dont have to continue to adjust the volume of your band.