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About blondie88

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  1. blondie88

    Feeling Too Ill.. Help!?

    Hi all, please accept my sincerest apologies for the massive delay in my reply. I think once you read what happened to me, I may be forgiven. So just after I made this post, I went worse, I went to Accident and Emergency 3 times to be sent away, with no answers. Even when I begged them to keep me in, for observations they refused. I got even worse, and was unable to eat anything, I was vomiting orange bile continuously, couldn't drink not even Water and my head was exceptionally dizzy, my eyes were flickering side to side and I couldn't stand without swaying. Then one day at the beginning of August whilst feeling this poorly I went to walk down the stairs to go to the GP and I couldn't. I landed at the bottom hitting my head off the metal radiator. My mum was with me, and instantly called an ambulance. As they didn't think I was a priority (not a Heart Attack or Stroke or bleeding out- as told on phone by operative) I waited over 3 hours to be seen by two paramedics, who immediately took me to my local Hospital to see a Dr. So, what then happened was, I was admitted to Hospital for 8 weeks, I spent them in a Gastroenterology ward, with patients in their hundreds, I was 28. I couldn't move, eat, and was double incontinent due to this mystery illness. I also had short term memory problems, so my verbal questioning/recall was on a 30 second loop. It took 6 weeks to be formally diagnosed, and this was by specialists at a Hospital over 100 miles away. I was diagnosed with bilateral radiculopathy, which was caused by an infection in my stomach, which they believe was from my surgery, due to no prior history and no other apparent reasons. This infection, spread to my spinal nerves, causing them to be inflamed and this spread to my brain, causing the eye flickering, confusion and short term memory. Long story short, I spent 8 weeks in the hospital, then I was sent to an inpatient neurological rehabilitation centre for a further 10 weeks, where I had to learn how to sit again, then stand/balance, then take steps. After the 10 weeks I had learnt to walk with a Zimmer frame- very fashionable for a 28 year old, I think we'd all agree. Then I went onto a 4 wheeled Walker, then crutches, and now walking sticks. I was discharged from the rehabilitation unit 10 weeks ago to my parents, as they're both retired and able to offer 24 hour care, and were able to accommodate me downstairs in their home, as I could not walk long distances nor do steps/stairs. So here we are, after 28 weeks of hell, I am now definitely on the road to recovery, I still use walking sticks 90% of the time, but I have taken my first steps without them. I can also get up steps/stairs with a crutch, and a bannister on one side. My short term memory can still be problematic when I'm tired but I have learnt to write everything/anything important down in a book which I have on me at all times. I am also very lucky that I have such a supportive and caring family who have had the patience to take me in at my lowest time. So, what I genuinely get asked is, 'do I regret my WLS?'. Well, yes and no. No I don't regret it for the amount of weight that I have lost, today's scale reading was 10 stone lost!!!! However, the price that I seem to have paid for the weight loss is, over 6 months of excruciating pain, illness, confusion, hopelessness and hospitalisation and separation from my family and loved ones. It has been the single most scariest time of my life, and all I am thankful for is that I am still alive and recovering. So yeah, that's my update!! Once again sorry it's taken months to reply! I hope you can understand why now. Hope you're all well! Much Love xx
  2. Hi All, I hope it's okay to post this here. I was sleeved on 01.05.16 and all was going reasonably well, usual tiredness and emotional ups/downs until last week. I started vomiting after everything, liquids, foods, smells etc, I couldn't control it. I eventually got taken to A&E due to being unable to control the vomiting and having stabbing pains in my right mid abdomen. After numerous doctors assessing me they've decided there's a problem with my Gall Bladder, and have given me lots of pain killers and anti-nausea tablets. Anyway, I've been out of hospital for a week now and the pain has subsided but the vomiting remains really bad. As soon as I wake up I vomit, (TMI- highest volume of vomit per day and is very orange!), then each time I drink/eat anything I feel nauseous and can sometimes manage to keep it down, but most times I'm sick. I'm so tired, I have no energy, I can barely walk without feeling like I'm going to faint and I cannot do daily tasks for myself. I've spoken with numerous doctors, surgeons and GPs but I need advice from persons who have been through this, I need to know if this has happened to anyone else, if anyone thinks it may be stomach acid related? Or if this phase will pass otherwise I just keep thinking that I've made the worst mistake of my life getting the sleeve done! Thank you all . Xx
  3. Wow, you look amazing Tiffanymarie6997, you can set tell the difference in your face. Im just over 4 weeks post-op too.. [emoji4] was wondering how much you're eating each day, and if you know how many calories? As I seem to be only managing a tiny amount and in worried it's not enough lol. X
  4. blondie88

    3 Months Post-Op!

    You look amazing, congratulations! 74 months in 3 months is incredible, so pleased for you x Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Hi all, I'm new to this forum as I have only been sleeved since 01.05.16, so 8 days ago! I'm 28, female 5ft9in and live in the UK. I've been overweight since the age of 8, and I decided that enough was enough, and elected to have private treatment for the Gastric Sleeve. My start weight from consultation was 23st 10lb after my two week pre-op diet I was 21st 8lb, and a week after surgery I am 20st 8lb. As you can imagine I'm very pleased, but I really need some advice. One week out from surgery I'm still on liquids and will be until the 01.06.16 as advised here in the uk. So I'm supposed to have a Protein shake for Breakfast, Soup for lunch and dinner, am I okay as I can only manage about 4 teaspoons of each meal, and I'm struggling with drinks etc, as I've only been allowed to sip from a cup/glass as of today (previously had to drink with a spoon). Also is it normal not to be able to tell of your full, hungry or thirsty? Anyway, thank you in advance for your replies I appreciate it xxx Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Hi all, I'm new to this forum but having read the posts I can see that you're all wonderful and a great support network for one another. I'm from the UK, and unfortunately haven't been able to find a forum like this in the UK, so hope you don't mind me joining in?! I'm due for a sleeve on 1st May, so I'm currently doing my 2 weeks pre-op diet... Best of luck to everyone with their upcoming surgeries. Xx Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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