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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bunkey1965

  1. I heard on a talk radio health program that people need to drink half of their current body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 oz. of water per day. And tea and other "water drinks" dont count because your body doesnt metastize the water from the tea ect.
  2. Bunkey1965

    Protein Troubles

    Try worldwide sport drinks at thevitaminshoppee.com. A 12 pack of their ready to drink cans are olny 19.99 (they are on sale now!) They are really good tasting. Much better than most. 11 oz can has 35g protien 2 grams carbs 160 cal. and 10 cal from fat. I like banana creme.
  3. Bunkey1965

    Muscle Milk - YUM!

    How much can your stomack hold? The serving size is 12oz. Does a shake like this go right through the pouch?. Wouldnt this be a meal?
  4. Bunkey1965

    e coli

    I am having my surgery on April 1 and my 21yr old daughter found out she has ecoli. Not sure how she got it since she had just urinary track infection syptoms. I am concerned going to surgery if this could be dangerous if I had the bug in my system.
  5. Does anyone know if I am getting my surguery on April 1 and my 21 year old daughter has ecoli, should I be concerned? She got some medication for the infection and the nurse said its not contagious. I am worried because I dont want to go into surgery with this infection in my body. I am not showing any symtoms but either is she.
  6. I am getting my things together to go get banded.:sad: :smile2: What should I have with me? I am getting operated on a Tuesday and am not flying home til Friday. I am looking for the voices of experience here. Thank You!!
  7. Bunkey1965

    what to pack?

    Hi Penny! My name is Desiree. I live in San Diego. My DH is retired navy. My insurance wouldnt pay. I also didnt like to wait for year waiting list then have someone with 1/4 the experience of Dr. Rambout in Monterrey Mexico. I have 2 friends who are doing great both treated with the skill of Dr. Rambout. I also did some research of my own. Everything included for 9.5k. So when did you decied this was for you?
  8. Bunkey1965

    what to pack?

    Thank you all. I like to plan ahead and I think by asking others experiances helps me to do that. Kat, thank you for you being so kind and compationate for a "stranger". You really take the time for others alot and I've noticed. I'm so glad that you and the dedicated others on this talk forum are here. mnn251, I am going to monterrey Mexico.
  9. Bunkey1965

    Pre-banding Feed Frenzy....

    I think we can all agree that we have a love affair with food. But being banded will a least keep my amounts down. I have 1 more week to start my pre op liquids. Food right now seems like my love is going to the moon and I feel the reckless abandon or bittersweet ending of mindless snacking.
  10. Bunkey1965

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I guess I need to go buy a SCALE! YUK! I havent had one of those in a LONG time.
  11. Bunkey1965

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I am actually excieted about the liquid diet before..feels like getting started already... APRIL 1st..Anyone have that day too? I am self pay with Dr. Rumbout in Monterrey. Just paid my deposit..
  12. Bunkey1965

    OOH! A new forum!

    Hello All, I am Desiree, 42, married for 23 years and have 1 21 yr old. I am getting my band April 1. Thank you to all who post here. I GREATY appriciate this forum. Its a great time filler of my never ending nervous energy.
  13. Bunkey1965

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hi all, I am reponding to roll call for April. The 1st is my date. I am a self pay going to Monterrey Mexico with Dr. Rumbout. I am really excieted.
  14. Bunkey1965

    Anyone else do their own fills?

    Hi OLGI330 I see you just went to Dr. Rumbout. I am going April 1. How was it? Any tips on the flight back or I would love to hear from a fellow patient of your experience. Desiree
  15. Bunkey1965

    girdle issue

    Hi havent seen anyone mention about the wearing of a girdle post op is O.K. I wear one daily and my back hurts if I dont wear it. I was concerned about the staples and the port area that will be sore after wards if the pressure of the girddle isnt good or alright to wear. Also when I wipe my self because I have a big belly I have too twist myself to clean up properly. Am I going to be a stiff as when I had a c-section? My first time visiting the toilet after I had my daughter, my husband (bless his loving heart) had to reach back there for me. I felt so embarrassed. Also, when I go to sugery am I going to HAVE to get naked in front of everyone? The thought of this makes me cringe. Do you get a cathader put in? Any person to answere my ?? would be greatly appriciated!
  16. Bunkey1965

    A new life

    :hurray: Hi all! I am getting banded April 1 in Monterrey Mexico by Dr. Rambaut. I have been thinking about this for more than a year. I weigh 255 and am 42 BMI. Its so excieting to me to get going. I thought I would introduce myself here. I have 2 friends that I know had great success with the band and I want this to work with me in my battle of the buldge! I wasnt always fat. As a youth I could eat alot. I was also always out ridding my bike climbing trees playing dodgeball ect... NOW I am not active. I do work full time in sales and on my feet most of the day but that doesnt cut it as far as burning off anything. I love food and Im particular about what I eat. I usually go for the stuff with the most flavor (and Calories). I snack at night. I know this is comming to an end and Im feeling anxious. I look forward to feeling restriction to shut off the physical feeling. Right now I feel like my gluttony is comming to an end. I know WE ALL WISH we could eat whatever we wanted and still loose weight but thats not the case so here we are! I find it so inspiring, you all here for one another! I am so glad I found this site. :confused:
  17. Bunkey1965

    girdle issue

    Whats a muffin top? Im thinking pubic area, is that right? Sorry to be naieve. As with the girddles, I got used to wearing them along time ago. I sleep o.k. without one but I can see your point about getting USED to it so that my abdominal muscles get weak. I like the feeling of beeing pressed in. Makes my clothes fit nicer. It will be nice when I dont need one.
  18. Bunkey1965

    Shortie Porties--Banders that are short!

    Standing 5'1", I can sympathize with the usual complaints. I too have a apple shape (THE MOST DEADLY SHAPE FOR FAT ACCUMALTION) By the time I find a style of shirt to wear ( it has to cover my tummy and but standing and sitting) I realize I limit myself to 1 or 2 different basic styles, my shirts always long. I felt like I had a short dress on with elastic waist pants. I hate my thighs too so I would wear olny pants or longs shorts makeing me look even bigger. I am getting banded on April 1 and I am soo ready to loose weight and buy more flattering outfits!
  19. I am going April 1. Two of my friends have been banded in Mexico with Dr. Rambaut. They both are doing great. I have completed my online questionair and will Pay my deposit two weeks before I fly outta here. I think this forum is a wonderful place to learn information for yourself.
  20. Bunkey1965

    Lap-Band in Mexico

    I chose Dr. Rambaut. I asked for a list of refrences 4 out of 5 responded and gave glowing reviews The HOSPITAL he works for is a state of the art facility and puts alot of whats here in the U.S. to shame. Its the OLNY hospital in Mexico the PRESIDENT requests to go to (if needed) when visiting Mexico. I have had 2 friends banded there both lost 100+ pounds with great results. They go to Dr. Ortiz CLINIC for fills. I was impressed with Dr. Rambaut .04 complication rate. He is also banded.
  21. Bunkey1965

    Full Liquid Stage Recipies

    My understanding is that liquids diet for up to 22 days MEANS that is breakast, lunch and dinner is all liquid meals. I also thought you cant drink with your meals. I am going April 1 and I want to have the correct info.
  22. I have Tricare. I was told right now, the olny type of weightloss surgery they cove is Gastric By-pass. They siad they were trying to get approval to get it covered but wont be fro at least another year. THEN you get 6 months couceling and 6 months DR> SUPPERVISED diet to see if you CAN lose weight. I didnt want to wait that long. I have a 43 bmi 5'2" and weigh 251. I had knee surgury last year and now the other knee has the same problem. Heart problems on both parents. I am pre-diabetic. I feel like time is ticking and I dont want to wait that long. I am paying for it privatly in Monterrey Mexico. I have 2 close friends that had great success. I have done extensive research. Dr. Roberto Rumbaut, has banded over 4,300 placements with a 0.04% complication rate. Google him. So, even is I did it the Tricare way I definatly would not get a such well repected surgeon to preform it. Good luck with you on your jumping through all the Military regulation hoops to get what you want.
  23. Bunkey1965

    Dropping a shoe size?

    When I was pregnat and gain alot of weight, both times I changed a half a shoe size. It would make sence that your feet , without so much pressure on them would "adjust" back. Remember our feet have a bunch of small bones.
  24. Bunkey1965

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I am going on April 1 this year. I have had negative remarks from my daughter (21) and various friends. Olny YOU can make this decision. I realize I cant make everyone happy, But this IS NOT like getting a tummy tuck or a boob job (although That will probebly be needed after my weight loss) This is a life saving surgery. I look at this as something I need to help me live a healthy life.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
