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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DeRaco

  1. I have wonderful support from my husband (he was the one who had actually suggested it, even though I'd seen and thought about it before, I just hadn't told him) but I'm not sure about the rest of my family and friends. My parents have been brutal (especially my dad) about my loosing weight since I was an adolescent. My mom lost weight the old fashioned way, going from about 175 to 135 in a year. My parents also own a TaeKwonDo school, which they're constantly trying to get me to come back to. I got all the way to a deputy black belt, but I still never lost weight, even with classes 3-4 times a week and soccer at school. I've been despirate and I feel like this is my last chance. But I still feel that they are going to tell me I'm taking "the easy way out," or am "cheating." As for my friends, a few of them are also overweight, but I know they can't afford this surgery (I got lucky, my insurance covers it). I'm afraid of disapointing my family, jealousy from friends and bitterness on both ends. Plus, my in-laws talk WAY too much, and I don't want to have to explain my choices to my mother-in-law's dietitian friend, or anyone else I hadn't intended to tell. Anyhow, now that I've outlined my whole history, sorry, any suggestions?
  2. I've only just made my decision to get banded. I've only just talked to my doctor, and am scheduled for my first test, EKG, tomorrow. I'm wondering... How long, after you talk to your GP, not surgeon, does it usually take to get into surgery? I'm sure it's months, but how many, roughly?
  3. I thought that because it would slip into the rest of the stomach, drinking water wouldn't give the feeling of fullness? (Read it somewhere on the site):confused2:
  4. Thanks everyone for your opinions and support. I'm thinking I might tell my sister, and try feeling out my friends and the rest of my family first. I'd rather have no support than negativism. It's not that I can't handle the critisism, but I've had enough "issues" with my family that I'd rather not add to it. I can be strong on my own if I have to, as far as the surgery and dieting go, but I can't be as strong if I'm constantly being dragged down. Besides, I'm a bit lucky. I work as a substitute teacher and can take off as much time as I need, plus I work with so many different people and different schools, no one's going to notice a change in my eating habits. The only thing I'll have to do is forgo my weekly Sunday brunch at my mom's for a bit, and avoid dinner at my mother-in-law's like the plague (that won't be such a loss). Again, thanks so much for your help.
  5. Thanks for the advice! BTW, here's my official before pic:
  6. My doctor just approved me for the lap band! Now I have to go to the seminars and start the tests. I'm really excited, especially since my insurance is paying. :scared2: I've been struggling with my weight since puberty and nothing seemed to work. The most I've ever lost was 30 lbs on the Atkins diet. But I plateaud and, again, gained it back and more. I just had a baby 2006, so that left even more weight to go! I really want to be a positive role model for my daughter. Young women have enough body issues of their own without their mother adding to it. The only thing I'm worried about is excess skin. I'm young, so that might help, plus I'm going to invest in some good body creams. If anyone has had luck with a certain product, please, let me know. b Thanks!

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