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About Kristen1180

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  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. Happy 33rd Birthday Kristen1180!

  2. Happy 32nd Birthday Kristen1180!

  3. I'm a little dissapointed, because he thinks i'm on the verge and that my insur. (the dreaded Cigna) might not approve me.. My BMI is right on the edge of being able to get coverage (40.1) ..and I don't have any co-morbidities(sp?) .. I just made an apointment to do a sleep test for apnea ..and that isn't until May 21st! ..So if it turns out I don't have that.. I feel like I should just give up. Why do they make this so darn hard!! Thanks for letting me vent...:biggrin: Kristen
  4. My insurance co wanted records for the last 5 yrs at least once a year and the weight at each appt to show that I have been overweight for awhile. It also showed that I had been to the doc for weight problems. They said something about a 6 mos period of weight management prior to surgery, but I was lucky as I had actually been going to a weight clinic for a few months immediately prior to my surgery appts. They didnt say they actually needed those 6 mos in my case....but a lot of companies were requiring it to see if you really needed the surgery and to see if you could stick to something for awhile as the surgery itself was a lifestyle change that you would have to live with and hopefully succeed at.

  5. Kristen1180

    Starting out

    planttoshrink- I think i'm scared that after doing all the 'work' going to different appointments/doctors ect ..that we run the chance of still not having it approved. and that would be a huge let down..
  6. Kristen1180

    Starting out

    Apples: I'm glad that your time is coming up ..one month will go by so fast! :biggrin: I know that in the long run six months isn't a lot of time, and I'm looking forward to reading up on everything & shedding some pounds while I wait. At least my six months falls in the summer time, and that always seems to go by so fast! :thumbup:
  7. I went for my intro meeting last night and that went really good. Now the surgeons office will call me today to set up an appointment to meet the actual surgeon! I did call my insurance company and they require six months of working with your primary caregiver and then we can go from there. I'm guess i'm just a little disspaointed to get so much information last night, and feel like I'm put on hold for six months. Anyone else have to wait like this.. Kristen
  8. Shortgal: Thanks for the link to the CT page! I'm new to all this and just getting started trying to get everything ready to go for a surgery date! I've done a lot of reading and this feels right.. I have family support which means alot to me ..some have said "You don't need it.." "You just need to try harder at WW.." But, i'm sticking with this..I'm 100% willing and ready to help myself this year. This is what I have so far.. -Physical date (March 3rd) since I need a letter from Dr. to insur company. -My yearly date at the obgyn ..this is not 100% related, but I'm picking up my weight history for the past five years..I've been good about going there.. just not to my regular doctor. -I'm signed up for the meeting/orientation for Middlesex Hospital on March 18th..and after I'm done with that..then I can call and make a date to meet face to face with a surgeon. I think it will end up being with Dr.Aranow. And so for now.. I'm just waiting. I hate waiting! I glad that my physical is close, so that I can ask the doctor anything she might know about this process..and a time line.. Thanks for reading my mini-book I just typed out! Anyone just starting out in CT? Anyone that can tell me about the process at Middlesex Hospital?? :eek: Thanks, Kristen
  9. Hi everyone.. I found my way to these boards today, and wanted to do a quick intro..and then start reading!! I've been trying to make up my mind if this is the right thing to do.. and I really think it is. I'm going to a seminar at my local hospital next Tuesday night and I can't wait to hear more about it..and get this ball rolling! I called my insurance company and they said that they will cover me 100% with the correct BMI and a letter from my primary care giver..so i'm going to make an appointment with my doctor this week too. I'm weighing in at about 218 these days, and since i'm only 5'1 ..that puts my bmi at a nice round 40.something.. so I think I should fit in around here..:thumbup: Can't think of anything else.. hope to learn some more about the band on here tonight..and hope to meet some more CT people!! :smile2:

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