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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to diamondsandpearls in Delaware Sleevers   
    Hi, I'm pre-op too. Based on my timeframe, I'm looking at the end of August/early September as my surgery. My surgeon is Dr. Irgau.
    I agree it would be nice to have a support group in Wilmington somewhere. I made it to the one at Christiana once but it was crazy to get there. I had to leave work early and with all the traffic it took 30 minutes (it's normally about 10-15).
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  2. Like
    Maggie143 got a reaction from suzzzzz in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I did not get a pain pump or a purse. I got nausea and pain meds via IV. I opted off the pain meds quickly for liquid tylenol. The pain meds make a lot of people throw up and I did not want to hinder my progress. Hiccups and weird gas not going away but that is trying to get liquids in too fast. Slow sips. Sip 1x every 3 minutes. Start with 1 oz to 2 within 15 minutes to half an hour. Take a break and do it again. We have to get 4 ounces in an hour. They told me worry more about getting liquid in and build up on Protein as you go. They are more worried about your dehydration. The Protein will come as you heal and your stomach pouch is handling liquids better. I feel great in the morning as the day progresses it gets tougher as I don't want to drink but I'm making it work. broth is my friend. Popsicles too. Adding small amounts of Protein powder to broth. Getting Vitamins in is also hard. Space them out through your day and don't be surprised if you don't get them all in just yet. That will come too. You don't want to hurt your pouch so take it easy. No poo yet but nothing solid to rid of - they said that is normal too and will come with the protein. Doing good you guys - keep up the good work and post all that helps you!
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    Maggie143 reacted to shantell500 in June - July sleevers?   
    I'm scheduled for July 9th with Dr. Diggiss here in the Bahamas.
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    Maggie143 reacted to csalt in June - July sleevers?   
    I finally got approved from insurance and have a date July 27th. Barely making it into the June- July club!
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    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    CirA. I have no idea. I don't remember it being mentioned before. They made it seem an easy thing. But I suspect it is because I was in such pain when waking up and moaning about it.
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    Maggie143 reacted to Seastars in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Psst... The other June 2016 sleever thread is here: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/364304-calling-all-june-16-sleevers/page-18
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    Maggie143 reacted to cfipilot in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Day 4. Still trying to get liquids in. Drinking Isopure and Protein shakes
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    Maggie143 reacted to CirA in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Chycky is that ball thing typical? Good luck with your recovery
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    Maggie143 reacted to CirA in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Good luck suzzzzz mine is Tuesday, keep us posted
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    Maggie143 reacted to suzzzzz in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Just got home. Went well. Going to get some sleep and will post more later
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    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    My "pump" thing is a ball of pain meds. It is for six days post surgery. The ball gets smaller as days go on and it says on-q pain relief. They explained that it is meds so definitely not a drain. It is annoying and it is not like I want to go outside to walk with my little "purse" attached to stomach! I may have gotten because I distinctly remember whining in pain immediately post op.
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    Maggie143 reacted to shannon.crigger in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I'm over a week post op and still hiccup like crazy. It hurts so bad! And I had my first bowel movement 5 days after surgery. Once you start on Protein shakes it'll help. Plus I drink egg drop Soup which helped too.
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  13. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I am on same Protein Drinks as pre op so using premier as easier to take smaller amounts. I had Protein broth and protein Jello at hospital. Not completely clear liquid then like others I guess.
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    Maggie143 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    My gas isn't too bad, but I'm doing this weird almost hiccup thing that hurts like heck! I've got scopolamine patch on that's good for 72 hours, plus taking Zofran and promethazine, so there's been no nausea at all.

    What are you all using for clear liquid Protein? I actually like several flavors of Isopure Zero Carb, so the sipping part is a little more tolerable, although I'm really missing the hospital ice chips.
    You might go as long as 10 days with no bowel movement, since nearly everything you're drinking is being absorbed.
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    Maggie143 reacted to cfipilot in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    That pump looking thing is a drain, my was removed before I was discharged.
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    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Anyone have one of these stupid pump things attached like a purse to stomach?
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    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Moderate to mild gas some burping worried that no poop for days now though!
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    Maggie143 reacted to pewpewpewpew in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    i had my surgery yesterday (the 22nd) and arrived home late this afternoon.
    so far just a lot of discomfort from the gas still and some nausea of i sip too much Water too fast.
    going to stay with Clear Liquids (water) tonight and try a Protein shake tomorrow morning for some energy.
  19. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to cfipilot in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    How is everyone doing with the gas? I'm burping like non stop
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  20. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Much the same for me only early morning surgery helped me only have one night in hospital. Glad to hear others had phlegm thought it was just me. I was so over the iv fluids all I did was pee pee pee. Plus the fluids brought my blood pressure up. Now just achy when drinking. So far have had one and 1/4 Protein Shake and some Water. Trying to walk more tired. Doing the breathing thing.
  21. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to ShelterDog64 in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    My surgery was on the 21st, just got home I stayed 2 nights due to blowing my IVs and not staying hydrated, also my potassium got out of whack. Pain, with the use of the PCA pump and IV Tylenol and Toradol, was very minimal. I got up and started walking about 2 hours after I left the PACU, I walked 4 or 5 times that afternoon and evening and I really helped with the gas pains. I still got sharp, awful pain in my left shoulder if I sat up quickly, but that's done now. Still on Clear liquids and I have no desire for anything. I also had a bunch of phlegm that I finally cleared today, using the incentive spirometer helped a lot with that.
    I had an umbilical hernia that was repaired during the surgery...I think that's the most painful site on my belly. Otherwise, my whole abdomen is just uncomfortable and kind of gassy feeling. No hunger at all, I'm not even thinking about food. Lemonade Isopure and Water is all I've had other than a few sips of chicken broth last night.
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    Maggie143 got a reaction from Shrinkinqtpi in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Good luck today Suzzzz! Had my surgery on Tuesday the 21st. I also had a hernia that they found and fixed. I was nauseous, in a bit of pain in the top part of my stomach and a good deal of pain in my left shoulder. Was on IV drip the entire time in the hospital so had to pee constantly and every 2.5 or 3 hours a walk about the floor. Couldn't sleep between the bed, the peeing and the constant vital checks. I had to stay in an extra day because I had an allergic reaction to one of the meds they gave me and I needed to get in more Water. I didn't want a single thing. They did a dye test while I was knocked out in the surgery and I did not have another leak test following that one. I was very happy with the ice chips. Get your ice chips! Walk walk walk. The walking eases the pain in your shoulders and your stomach so move. fart, burp and ride the hiccups. It all helps it go away. I have a sore throat and am coughing up a little phlem from the tube. Home today and still on Clear Liquids and don't want them but trying. Tomorrow full liquids. Can't imagine I will want that either but have to push and have to take meds so I'll have to make it work. My stomach hurts today drinking the Water. Do not want. I will get it in as I don't want to go backwards. Gained water weight from the IV drip I think as I came out weighing more than I did when I went in.
  23. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to cfipilot in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    June 21 was mine. Very little
    Pain and finally going home. Haven't pooped yet, but I'm sure it will happen when I get home. Still have gas from the surgery. Not really hungry just trying to get my liquids and Protein in.
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  24. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to brookebonic in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    Where is this June group? I'm two days out and would definitely love to chat.
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  25. Like
    Maggie143 reacted to chycky in Late June Sleeve Buddies?   
    I could have stayed 2 nights but I wanted to go home. I had a very early 6am arrival 730 am surgery so really it was like I was there 2 days since left at 7pm following day. First day rest and a few walks, 2nd day early in day leak test then broth Jello ice chips a few times that day. Rest walking bathroom. I was on Fluid iv drip entire time which meant bathroom every 1-2 hours practically. I was able to go on my own they just stay outside bathroom to make sure you don't fall. Happy to be home in own bed without as much noise as hospital !

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