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Posts posted by Harsha

  1. Love reading all the posts here. I've been basically maintaining the past two years or so. I'm still 10 pounds away from my goal, but I just was never able to hit it. I seem to lose and gain the same 5 pounds over and over again... but I just can't get to 160.

    It's so much harder now that my body really doesn't reject any food anymore, I have to have 100% willpower to not eat bad on my own. I think maybe I just have a case of the winder blah's. I haven't been to a gym since my surgery so I prefer outdoor activities. With the cold winter weather I've been hibernating more than anything.

    My biggest issue is getting enough Water. I get so full from my coffee in the morning (I tried giving it up, it wasn't pretty) but it takes me hours to drink it... then I go home I usually have a Bang in the late afternoon (yes I know, energy drink = horrible even if it has no calories and sugar). Some days I have ZERO water!!! The crazy thing is that before surgery I ONLY drank water (gave up soda 25+ years ago) and now I rarely have water. I really need to work on that. Maybe I should grab some hint water right now... sigh

  2. I met my fiancé at work. Pre-surgery I was too shy to talk to anyone, he just thought I was a young stuck up office girl LOL. Post surgery I had my co-worker give him my number. Turns out I'm 10+ years older than he thought I was (which was a good thing) and he is a really great guy. We dated for a year and a half and he proposed in Aug while we were in Alaska.

    I never really dated much, or talked to guys. I think that there was potential out there, I just closed myself off to it. I mingled with a lot of people that became friends doing things I enjoyed, volunteering for a dog rescue, hiking, biking, kayaking, just getting out there. You never know who you could meet! I am very happy I have my guy though, I figured I was going to be that crazy 90 yr old lady on the corner that never married and had 50 pit bulls LOL (not a cat person ha ha)

  3. I never had a dumping issue, but I agree with what was said above. Pay very close attention to your body. I get the hiccups when I'm getting close to being "full". I've pretty much learned how much I can eat of what. Example: If I get a burger at a restaurant I cut it up in to four pieces. I can eat one piece or a 1/4 of the burger (no fries) and that's it. If I eat salmon I know I can eat half of it, salad I can eat almost a full salad. If I do take that extra bite, I start hiccupping right away. I'm guessing if I ate a bit more I'd get dumping.

  4. Congratulations!! My biggest advice is just to follow all of your surgeons instructions. If they say two weeks of liquid, do it... don't cheat with one bite of something etc. You'll be great! This surgery has been the best thing I ever did for myself and my health. I feel like the time leading up to the surgery, all the appointments, deciding which surgery was the best for me, getting insurance approval, to me that was the hard part.

  5. Congratulations on being approved!!! I was out of my office job for about a week, but I also own a pet sitting business and I went back to that three days after surgery. I think my biggest advice would be to follow exactly what your surgeon says and that will give you the least chance for complications. I didn't take any of the pain meds, so really after the gas went down after a day or two I didn't even feel like I had a surgery at all. Good luck to you!

  6. As far as how much to expect to lose in the first 30 days, it's so different from person to person. Plus, you will have stalls. It took about a year for me to lose about 130. Then I slowly lost the rest, and now I've been maintaining about 155 pounds lost for a year, and now recently I've lost about another 5 pounds. I do notice the more Protein I eat and drink more Water, the more weight I lose.

  7. I'm a year and a half out from surgery. I have noticed if we're rushing, I can grab a burger and eat almost half of it. It started scaring me and I was worried I'd slip back into bad habits. We did a 26 day detox, just eating whole foods, all organic, I did lose 13 pounds but best of all I can tell it reset my pouch. Now I can eat like a few bites of my salmon and a few asparagus and I'm full. The thought of grabbing a quick burger makes me gag. On Sundays I started meal prepping again for the week.
    If I were you I'd try a pouch reset, it definately won't hurt! Good luck to you and congrats on your baby.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I used to feel the same way as you! I think it was my excitement for the weight to be gone after going through something like surgery. I watched people that started around the same weight as me post about their success and their weight wad dropping so fast while I had stall after stall after STALL. Once I healed more and was able to eat more food aka Protein, that's when my faster weight loss started. I just had to be patient, trust me I know it's hard. I had my surgery July of 16 and now I'm going between 188 -184. I notice though my weight slowly goes down. For a month or so I'm 197-194... then 195-189... so it's very slowly going down. I know I should weigh around 145, but honestly I'm so happy with my current weight if I don't lose more I'll still be thankful for what I have lost! Keep going and keep positive!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. I went back and forth between the two surgeries also. I had no health issues at all besides being overweight. In the end I decided on the RNY because it has been around longer and I felt the statistics of losing more weight and keeping it off was more of a positive than having to take Vitamins. I don't mind the vitamins and got the good flavored chews that were recommended to me vs swallowing a pill. Other than that, the more foods I'm able to eat now I am getting the nutrients I need.

    I'm very happy with my decision!!

  10. I couldn't stand the shake phase... it was horrible. I think one type eating something I shouldn't have... or a bite too much did it for me. The thought of how I felt afterwards makes it so worth it. I tried to eat a burger (just made the meat patty, nothing else) I got so sick from one bite of it.. I'm now 7 months out and still too afraid to try beef again! It will get better, especially once you can eat "normal" food and get away from just the liquids. Now all I crave is salad and maybe some salmon or shrimp.

  11. YES!! I became terrified the closer it got. I just told myself I was doing something that would change my life forever. Even the morning of surgery when they were prepping me I was almost in tears and I told my mom I wanted to get dressed and leave! I'm soooo thankful she calmed me down and they took me back for surgery and I fell right asleep. :)

  12. I had RNY on a Thursday... I was released from the hospital on Saturday and two hours later I was staying at a client's house (for a week). I own a pet sitting business so I was taking care of their five shar peis for a week and during the day at home with my dogs. I'm also an accountant so a desk job, and I took one week off from that job. I don't think I needed the full week, but took it just in case

    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App

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