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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LipstickLady in How much of your stomach was removed?   
    Damn it... i wanted to be a sharpie pen... but im a boring felt tip... least the sharpie is permanent and doesn't leak
    So yes @lipsticklady... i think pens are a suitable to reflect our sleeve size lol
    No wait... i am a sharpie... my stupid phobe cut off some of the pic! Woohoo!
  2. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    This is exactly why people are being "negative" ...its from experience... we have either been there ourselves or have seen it happen to someone else .. if we see something that is wrong or potentially dangerous should we not warn the person?
    I personally will not be an enabler and tap you on the shoulder and encourage you if you are doing something harmful to yourself, that would not sit right with me.
    Yes, some people need to choose their words more carefully, but i think most of the time it does come from a good place.
    Then again, sometimes you can be warned a million times about something but won't stick until you learn your lesson... eg someone says dont touch the wet paint.. but you touch it anyway lol...
  3. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    I know... but all the compliments ive been receiving during the last week are making up for it ☺
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from wanttoloseslowly in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    Your surgeon doesn't need to mention it... but some do some don't.. its a surgerical thing.. it won't make much difference to your lifestyle change. A bougie is a thin flexible tube that is inserted via your throat into your stomach to guide the surgeon on where to cut.... they come in different sizes... some smaller.. some bigger... it depends of various factor on which the surgeon will use.
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    @@Aimee-Belle There is no need to be like that... she has taken the time out her life to respond to you, yes you might not like what she said, but there is no need to become nasty... we are all this together to support and inform each other.
    It is a public forum with diverse views... name calling and directing insults aren't necessary.
    We all have read replies we don't like... its better for your own mental health to move past it... otherwise you will stress yourself out..
    I think it is nice that people take the time to respond, they don't have to offer support.. because deep down experience equals wisdom and ad newbies we need to appreciate it... even if we don't accept it
  6. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    I know... but all the compliments ive been receiving during the last week are making up for it ☺
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LipstickLady in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    I think that many people fail to realise that the reason why the post op instructions are so different is because each surgeon has different technique and uses a different bougie size... we are not all sleeved the same size... smaller sizes are bigger risk hence the stricter post op instructions.
    Your doctor has advised what to do based on what he has done to your stomach.
    Its not as simple as cutting straight line and being done with it.... there is size, curvature and the actual state of the stomach to consider
  8. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LisaMergs in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    Omg!! Now that you mention it... they really do look like a pair of punching bags!!! *jogs on the spot humming the rocky theme*
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LisaMergs in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    Now now pup... we are not allowed to say that now.... lol you will be called abusive and irrational lol... sorry couldn't help myself haha
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LisaMergs in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    Im about 98% sure i am a girl..... my saggy boobs are proof!!! Hahaha
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from KindaFamiliar in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    I know... but all the compliments ive been receiving during the last week are making up for it ☺
  12. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from PaulaB72 in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    Wow.... you belong in the same category as the dude i made the post about.
    Calling us childish and irrational?? Thats so supportive of you..
    This is posted in the "rants and raves" section for exactly that purpose... to rant.
    Please do not tell me how to post or what to say.. as irrational as they may seem to you.
    I am entitled to let of some steam, in whichever manner i deem appropriate.
  13. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jccanada in Anyone else set for 4/20 or there abouts?   
    Thats awesome!! Great work... thats almost a pound a day!! I literally called my scale a b!tch this morning lol.. my scale is such diva and a control freak lol I'm ready to throw her out the window! Lol
  14. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from krazy kat in Week 1 post op but can stomach solids...   
    @@aimee belle crockford
    I don't think anyone is trying to be cruel.. i think they are just being honest and are concerned for your wellbeing.
    Testing your sleeve this early out is extremely dangerous, you can risk getting food stuck in your staple line in your stomach and you risk getting a leak.
    I understand that you may feel that you can eat solids, but it is extremely important that you follow your post op instructions.
    The doctors do not force these rules because they are bored or on some power trip... it is for OUR safety.
    Is being re admitted into hospital worth it? Is a piece of cheese worth being fed by a tube because of a leak?
    Please remember you only have a small percentage left of your stomach... if you ruin it... they can't get you new one or cut off the ruined bit.. thats all you have left.
    My program had us starting purees on day 3... and thats quite early compared to some plans... and cheese was not allowed...
    Please be mindful that just because we can't see it.. doesn't mean there isn't something as major as cutting off 80% of your tummy going on the inside.
    I wish you all the best in your journey.. and i wish you a speedy recovery.
  15. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from krazy kat in The feast before the famine...   
    I had a food funeral..
    The day before i started my pre op diet.. we went to my favourite place and ate a full 3 courses... i called it my "last supper"...
    We even took pictures of my last bite with all the empty plates surrounding.
    I took that pic to mark an end of an era.... and the start of a next one.
    Now that i am post op... i love that picture... i look at it and im much bigger... it reminds me that all that food is what got me there.
    So i use it as a motivational thing.
    I'm the type that needs closure... and that one night was enough for me
  16. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jaxmom in Family totally against my surgery   
    Im going to give you a virtual hug. *big squishy hug*
    Im sorry you are being treated like this by your daughter.. you deserve love, support and understanding.
    You should be proud that you have made the choice to change your life, admitting that you have a weight problem and actually doing something about it!!
    It takes a lot of courage to make such a drastic change.... physiologically, psychologically and physically.
    My brother actually said to me once i did it... quote.. "girl, you've got some balls to cut off your stomach.... good for you for taking control of your life, at least you are not sitting around stuffing your face sulking about it"
    When he said that it made me realise.. that he is right..... i could sit here sulking, stuffing my face feeling sorry for myself... or take action and make that change.
    Basically what i am trying to say is good for you for taking action.... and we got ourselves to thus weight alone...and we will lose it alone....
    If your daughter is not speaking to you, she might have her own reasons, she might be scared or maybe she is fearful of doctors because of her son... who knows.
    Perhaps sit her down and have a frank discussion with her, tell her what you have told us... and explain that the journey is already stressful without her adding further stress by using emotional manipulation.
    If all else fails.... i am happy to volunteer to be your WLS daughter
  17. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from Sugary Sweetheart in What did I do to myself?   
    It will get 1000 times better. .. the first night is pretty brutal for some... the next day is easier.. and it just keeps getting easier from there...
    As soon as your dizziness eases.. walk as much as you can handle... if you are dizzy i would raise that with the nurses...
  18. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jaxmom in How much of your stomach was removed?   
    The bougie is a measuring tool in the form of a long, thin, flexible tube. The surgeon uses it as a guide when dividing the stomach.
    During surgery, the bougie is put into the mouth and pushed down through the esophagus and stomach to the pylorus. The tube creates a bulge inside the stomach that the surgeon uses to guide the stapler when dividing the stomach. After the sleeve is formed, the bougie is removed from the body.
  19. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from PaulaB72 in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    Wow.... you belong in the same category as the dude i made the post about.
    Calling us childish and irrational?? Thats so supportive of you..
    This is posted in the "rants and raves" section for exactly that purpose... to rant.
    Please do not tell me how to post or what to say.. as irrational as they may seem to you.
    I am entitled to let of some steam, in whichever manner i deem appropriate.
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    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jintycb in Feeling Judged   
    Aww i am sorry you had to deal with that kind of judgement.
    I would take her aside as tell her straight up that this is your journey and choice and that you do not appreciate the additional pressure and judgement on top of what you are going through.
    You are doing what is right for you... and perhaps in a warped way she thought she was giving you good advice.... but this is your journey. . Ignore the naysayers and forcus on doing you.
    In a few months when you are looking and feeling fabulous.. they will realise you made the right choice...
    Congratulations on your weight loss... you have done an amazing job so far... keep doing what you are doing.... and ignore them...
  21. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from catherinek4435 in Hi! New here!   
    Hi there... welcome... same story here.. banded.. got to goal.. had complications then gained it all back. . I am 5 weeks out from the sleeve. .. it is sooooooo much better... no getting stuck.. restrictions and having to stay close to bathroom when i eat just in case i throw up...
    I wish i had done this first time around but it wasnt offered back then...
    Go for it... i found surgery is much easier than the band... but aftercare for 2 weeks was about the same
  22. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from LoveMyBypass in Getting Called Fat After WLS   
    I have a little rant about stupid insensitive people who don't know how to keep their mouth shut.
    Why do people feel the need to tell you that you are fat...
    Its like .... what!!! No way! I never knew i was overweight.. i got my stomach cut off because i thought i was thin! I dieted for years because i was bored! I have spent the last month eating like a mouse because i have nothing better to do!
    I had the sleeve 4 weeks ago... and finally it is starting to show physically.. so i was feeling so good about myself.. until BAM!
    Some idiot at work felt the need to mention that i was "chubby" and that i am lucky i don't hurt myself.
    Mind you i am 5'7" and 216 pounds.. and a size 14... i thought i hold my weight really well.... even my surgeon said i don't look what i weigh...
    I just wanted to punch this guy in the face.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  23. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jaxmom in What's it like after you've been through surgery?   
    Hi Matt... welcome and congratulations on taking the step to improve your weight.
    I am no stranger to bariatric surgery. . I have had the band and now the sleeve.
    I am 5 weeks out now and on solid food.
    For me personally there hasn't been much change.. nothing that i would say has drastically altered my life... i am still eating, breathing, working, socialising and living.
    The biggest change is food and Water... i am more mindful now about what i put into my body... i plan my foods.. and ensure i meet my Fluid requirements.
    Basically i go grocery shopping and pick out food for the rest of the week... and pre pack and cook for the next two days.. this way i have everything ready.. and in the morning i put it in my bag.. and eat it when I need to eat.
    So other than that.. life has finally gone back to normal..
    The first 3 weeks i was more focused on food and fluids and during the first week it is a struggle to meet your Protein and fluids.. but that gets easier.
    Prior to surgery i thought that my life would completely change.. that every moment would revolve around food and this surgery.
    I thought the surgery itself would be extremely painful and difficult so i was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't as bad as i expected. . I found recovery from the band more difficult than the sleeve.
    The best thing you can do is educate yourself and have a lifestyle plan.. and follow your WLS instructions.. if you do that the process will be relatively simple.
    All the best to a new beginning. . You won't regret it (after the 3-4 week lol)
    Good luck with your journey.. keep us posted
  24. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jaxmom in Family totally against my surgery   
    Let me tell you... you can't overeat early out ... cause you a) won't want to or b ) you will puke or c ) you will feel really uncomfortable
    To be honest being 95% bed bound is not living... i would risk it all to be able to do the things that i once did...
    Go for it... with or without her.... keep us posted on how you go.
    When is your surgery?
  25. Like
    NeedaBreak4Me got a reaction from jaxmom in Family totally against my surgery   
    Im going to give you a virtual hug. *big squishy hug*
    Im sorry you are being treated like this by your daughter.. you deserve love, support and understanding.
    You should be proud that you have made the choice to change your life, admitting that you have a weight problem and actually doing something about it!!
    It takes a lot of courage to make such a drastic change.... physiologically, psychologically and physically.
    My brother actually said to me once i did it... quote.. "girl, you've got some balls to cut off your stomach.... good for you for taking control of your life, at least you are not sitting around stuffing your face sulking about it"
    When he said that it made me realise.. that he is right..... i could sit here sulking, stuffing my face feeling sorry for myself... or take action and make that change.
    Basically what i am trying to say is good for you for taking action.... and we got ourselves to thus weight alone...and we will lose it alone....
    If your daughter is not speaking to you, she might have her own reasons, she might be scared or maybe she is fearful of doctors because of her son... who knows.
    Perhaps sit her down and have a frank discussion with her, tell her what you have told us... and explain that the journey is already stressful without her adding further stress by using emotional manipulation.
    If all else fails.... i am happy to volunteer to be your WLS daughter

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