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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Andrea72

  1. Question for those following the Keto Diet. I'm curious as to how much fat you consume. I'm getting in roughly 600 to 800 calories a day, 19 to 25 carbs, 75+ Protein, and roughly 30 grams of fat. I've had some say that's too much, and others tell me it's way too low. Any thoughts/advice? Please and thank you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. I try not to be such a negative person so I am really sorry for this. Especially being my first post, but I had my surgery on 3/23. For the most part, I feel good....meaning I'm not in pain, but today is horrible. I guess everything is just finally hitting me, and I'm an emotional mess. Since the surgery, I've had no energy, I don't feel like having anything more than water, and I just seem to be getting more and more depressed. I am single and only work 3 days a week, so I'm sure my solitude isn't helping, but please tell me it gets better.
  3. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    Agreed....foamies are not pleasant. It does get better @@jenjenp Actually there are many times I forget all about the surgery until I start eating too fast and my stomach quickly puts a halt to it. I can only speak for myself, but I know some days I can handle certain foods, and the very next day I could try the same exact thing and it be the worst thing I could have done. My biggest complaint with all of this is now I simply do not get hungry and if I didn't set an alarm to remind me to eat, on busy days at work I'd totally forget. Never thought I'd hear myself say that. Lol. I still have bad days, as we all do, but it's those bad days the make the good ones so much brighter!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Andrea72

    Could use a little encouragement.

    Thanks @@peaches agnes , but I am way beyond feeling like I did then. I'm 5 months out and life couldn't be any better. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Realizing you have gone from a size 24 to a 16, in under 14 weeks, does wonders for the soul. I'm actually on my way to the second workout for the day. This is gonna be an awesome summer!!
  6. Andrea72

    Life Is Good

    Thank you @@OKCPirate Still hard to wrap my head around that this is working, but as my surgeon says....the numbers don't lie. And I'm 44.
  7. Unfortunately Tuesday I threw out my lower back rearranging furniture. Yesterday I could barely walk so I headed to the dr. I was given a steroid shot and a steroid pack for the next 6 days. This has never bothered me prior, so I'm assuming it's the new stomach. I am so nauseated. I've taken Tums, my omeprezol, and Zofran. No relief at all. Any suggestions to get me through until I can call the office in the morning? I know I'm old enough to suck it up, but I can handle just about anything besides feeling like this.
  8. Andrea72

    Any Nausea Remedies?

    Ok, V......following up just for you!!! I just got off the phone with my bariatric surgeon. All is well. He told me where the RX said to take on an empty stomach, I just need to eat a little yogurt or something first. He said from here on out that would be the best practice prior to all meds. Gotta head to work. Thanks again for all the great suggestions cause I.....DO NOT.....LIKE BEING NAUSEAS!!!!
  9. Andrea72

    Any Nausea Remedies?

    @@Kaze @@Shrinkinqtpi I am a huge peppermint oil fan. I use it for everything from adding it to my shampoo, using it for migraines, placing a few drops in my Water, and it even helps me relax enough at night to go to sleep. Unfortunately I'm out and my order won't be here till next week. ???? I've tried both eucalyptus and lemon tonight, but they just aren't working. Did get some relief from the ginger ale and mint tea, also when all else fails.....I start "huffing" alcohol swabs. Oddly enough in a pinch it works. Hopefully my dr(s) can give me a little insight in the morning. Have a good night all!!
  10. Andrea72

    Any Nausea Remedies?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl I am 13 weeks out. He does not know I was placed on them simply because I did not see him, or call him. I was in too much pain to think about it. However, the Prednisone is listed as one of the approved medications that was in the info book I was given from his office prior to my surgery so I'm going to take that as him giving approval. I will still call his office in the morning, though.
  11. Andrea72

    Any Nausea Remedies?

    Thanks ladies. I have ginger ale and mint tea. I feel so crummy I didn't think of either of those, but will give them a try. @@Valentina my bariatric surgeon is 3 hours away, so no I just went to my PCP. She does know of my surgery though. And I know it's the Prednison. It's just never bothered me before, but I guess with the sleeve I can't handle the normal dosage required. I had just planned on calling my PCP, but I will check with my bariatric dr as well.
  12. Thank you @@tavilez12 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Today makes 12 weeks post op. Hard to believe. As I look back, I see all the ups and downs I've had during that time. It's easy to feel good about everything on those "high" days, but on those lows? It's really hard not to focus on anything, but the negative. I found this forum in hopes of helping me reach my goal, but I have taken away so much more. I for one do not have a support system I can rely on, so I am thankful for all of you. There are so many of you that have shown me that even though life can be pretty crappy, there is always something to be thankful for. More importantly, a few of you have caused me to laugh, when all I wanted to do was cry. And one very kind person that through our talks, I ended up learning more about myself that I either refused to see, or just didn't want to acknowledge. If that's all I take away from this process, I will be forever grateful. Anyway I say all that for this.....the numbers on the scale have once again stopped. I've been driving myself crazy about it cause all I could focus on was those stupid numbers. If it wasn't for what I've learned on here "to look for the good" I totally would not have even realized I grabbed a pair of jeans 4 sizes smaller than what I've been wearing and.....THEY FIT!!!! Wasn't until I looked in the mirror at work that I saw they aren't my usual "go to's." So, thank you to all of you that have been there as mentors, comedians, my reality at times, and more importantly friends. Dang I look good, and this is only the beginning!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Andrea72

    Sex Drive Increase?

    Um.....yeah!!! At 12 weeks out I kinda understand what it might be like to be a hormonal teenage boy . Lol. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Andrea72

    Feeling Good

    Thank you for this. Been a rough morning, so it couldn't have come at a better time!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. All together now..... GOOD MORNING, @@KindaFamiliar!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Thank you, ladies!!! @@KristenLe Maybe one day soon I'll get complimented on my arse instead of "you can really see it in your face". Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Thank you, ladies!! Today is one day I don't mind being surrounded by mirrors. Lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    Thanks for the info @@Daisee68 Two weight loss Drs from the past both had me on it and back then I did have way more fat. I was trying to go by my old paperwork and those calculations, however I wasn't required to get in as much Protein as I am now. I think I'm going to do as @@pr_pitbullgrl mentioned and not stress too much over the calculations. 60 to 70 % of my diet takes away all the protein I'm to be getting in. I don't think it would be that bad if I could eat more, however I'm killing myself just trying to get in those 600 to 800 calories. The hospital appointed NUT gets on to me all the time saying I'm not getting enough carbs. On the average of 19 grams. However she was the same one that told me to eat cake and ice cream two weeks out because I wasn't getting enough calories. I don't put much stock in her advice, training, or knowledge. Lol Only edited to say what I wrote sounded much better in my head, so I hope it all made sense. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    @@pr_pitbullgrl I'll be patiently(ish) waiting!!
  21. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    Thanks @pr_pitbullgrl. I have been using full fat everything that easily gets me to my 30grams, but now that I've upped my workouts, my once Tasmanian devil energy level quickly diminished to a sloth crawl. I thought maybe it was my fat, but like I already mentioned... some said I was already consuming too much. Oy!! I will up my intake and see what happens. Thanks again. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    @@swizzle Unfortunately all the macro calculations I have found are based on me eating 1,900 calories a day with no way of setting them to my actual daily consumption. If I find anything out for sure, I'll let you know. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    Thank you. I'll check it out. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Andrea72

    Keto Help Needed

    Great. Thank you so much, and congratulations on your success!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Andrea72

    Post Your Silly Rant

    YAASSSS.......To all of this!!!

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