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About ABomb

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  1. I have developed two lumps since my surgery. One on my arm and one on my collarbone. They move under the skin and when I research seems they are fatty benign cysts. Not sure if this is related to the sleeve surgery or weight loss. I am also achy in my joints. Just wondering if anyone has experiences. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. ABomb


    Hello all. I am 52 and had my sleeve surgery on September 1. I am down 60 pounds from my first consultation appointment. I seem to be a bit stuck but really it's probably my fault. I am not working out as often and getting back in to some bad habits. I have 29 more pounds to go. I am drinking adult beverages again and having no adverse effects. I know it's empty calories but old habits die hard. Trying to stick to a vodka and crystal lite but sometimes wine sneaks in. Anyone know what the evils of alcohol are after this surgery besides slowed down weight loss? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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