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LAP-BAND Patients
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About TammyLu

  • Rank
    Chunky Chicana
  • Birthday 08/08/1974
  1. Happy 39th Birthday TammyLu!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday TammyLu!

  3. TammyLu

    Was Scheduled 3-27 Moved up to 3-10

    Thanks Its going to be great !
  4. TammyLu

    Getting Banded 3/27/08 Any advise!

    I have a new surgery date March 10TH
  5. Ok I was originally scheduled on March 27th for my surgery but because my mom couldnt make that time to go with me I am now going on March 10th. Thats over 2 weeks earlier then I planned but I am very excited and cant wait. Im starting my pre op diet today. Hopefully things are going to go well with that! I hear its tough. Is anyone going to Dr. Ortiz in TJ around that time. I would love to hear from you! :tongue2:
  6. TammyLu

    Getting Banded 3/27/08 Any advise!

    Im in Medford Oregon and I will be having my surgery with Dr. Ortiz also. I wanted it to be at least a month out. But now Im wishing it was sooner. I want it to be over with already.
  7. TammyLu

    Getting Banded 3/27/08 Any advise!

    Im hoping thats not the case. I have to drive myself back home. YIKES Im really excited and nervous its just around the corner!
  8. TammyLu

    Getting Banded 3/27/08 Any advise!

    Thanks for the info ... Well I will be driving myself so there goes that Idea of taking pain meds ! I have several places to stop along to way though
  9. I am going to TJ with Dr. Ortiz to be banded on March 27th and I am getting very nervous. Im traveling from Oregon and will be driving to TJ. I am hoping the car drive home is going to go well! So can anyone tell me any DO'S and DONT'S ... for after the surgery. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. Cant wait unitl its done and over with! TammyLu

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