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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LaMonica

  1. LaMonica

    October issue of Essence

    Hmm I will have to go get the issue I haven't seen it yet. And just because you lose weight and get healthy doesn't mean we'll turn into skinny b%$#! HAHA!! Our curves will be even more pronounced and we will be healthy which is the main goal. I know my husband just said "I want you to lose weight but I like your thigs and your butt and I hope they don't disappear". It's good to know that people do like our curvy shapes...
  2. LaMonica

    Back to working out????

    Make sure to check with your doctor first before taking advice here so you know what guidelines to stay in. My doc told me absolutely NO exercise other than WALKING until after 30 days and I started regular foods. He said it's important to walk as much as I can daily, but after that I could do more brisk walking/jogging if I could, weights, etc. The only major restriction was no abdominal exercises for about 2-3 months to give time for my port to heal. I've known people to pull muscles in their stomach because of bending over too much, stretching stomach too much, etc. Remember they had to cut through those muscles to place your port and it takes a while to heal fully on the inside. But listen to your body after the guidelines and you'll do just fine!
  3. LaMonica

    Dallas Doctors

    I was also banded by Dr. Felts in Richardson/Dallas...he is great, called me over the weekend after my surgery, and the staff/nurses are very nice. Price $15K including $1000 of aftercare/fills.
  4. LaMonica

    I'm Banded now!

  5. LaMonica

    When Should I Return to the Gym?

    Make sure to walk only and don't do anything else. Be careful about bending/stretching, and don't go for too long where you wear yourself out. My doctor told me walking was fine, but no strenous activity or stomach work/weights until at least 30 days. You need time for your insides to heal - your stomach muscles. Trust me I have a friend who has a pulled muscle just from bending over too much 2 weeks after surgery and her pain is no joke.
  6. LaMonica

    Surgery buddy neede in DFW area

    I wish I could help but I can't since I work full time - but make sure to ask around in the September band group also. But do you have any friends that you would trust to tell? How long will your husband be out of town? You will need someone for more than just taking you home because that part you most likely will feel the best until several days out. You need someone to fill your prescriptions, to help you stand and sit sometimes, and even to lay down if you want to sleep. I know waiting another month is long, but this will be for the rest of your life and I wouldn't want something to happen to you because you didn't have someone at home with you. I would seriously think about those things before deciding to have surgery with your husband out of town.
  7. LaMonica


    My decision would still stand. Gastric bypass is normally used for extreme circumstances when compounding medical conditions are concerned. And it's still used now even though there is lap band because of sometimes a person has few months to lose the weight before their health, and even their life is at serious risk. I don't doubt my decision for a second, it is a lifestyle change, it is adjustable, and fully reversible, and does not cause malnutrition or a severe intrusion in your body. What is the comment that was made?
  8. LaMonica

    Request for time off

    Thanks for the law side of this...much better to just say medical reason, nothing major, thanks than all that other stuff. Good looking out guys
  9. LaMonica

    Oh Boy!

    I did the pre-op diet but compared to others mine was pretty easy...but not easy for me!! 3 shakes per day, with 2 lean/healthy meals per day. A lot of restrictions and stuff, but I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. My friends/family that did not approve of the surgery were so quick to say see - if you just change your diet you will lose weight without the surgery. But the pre-op diet and post-op diet are not diets that you can live by...it's preparation/healing. Because trust if I could do this on my own, I wouldn't have spend $15K of my own money to have the surgery! If anything the pre-op diet encouraged me and I was able to see that I have the power to do anything I want...and the surgery is helping me get to where I want and need to be. So stay positive and good luck!!!
  10. LaMonica

    Three months out...

    You all are not alone! I've lost about 36lbs or so since surgery 5/23.....over the last 3 weeks or so about 2 pounds!!! It seems when I restrict my diet more I stay at the same weight...but if I "pig out" meaning I eat a little more, I lose a pound! I think I may not be eating enough calories sometimes...and I have to step up my workouts but we're doing great!!! 3 months 30+ lbs....that's awesome!!
  11. LaMonica

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    You guys look GREAT!!!!!! Don't you just love how your face shrinks!! We are doing great let's keep up the good work!!
  12. LaMonica

    Oh Boy!

    Welcome and congrats!!! Like mstrina said, it is NOT a magic cure and you will have to work to see results. Don't get discouraged when the scale doesn't move, and don't feel like you can't get to your goal fast enough. This is life changing, and for the better, and if you stick to your guns it will be PERMANENT in a sense. Enjoy the journey, take time to fall back in love with yourself, and it will be fine! :-)
  13. LaMonica

    Request for time off

    Just say you have some issues with your GI tract that must be alleviated with outpatient surgery. In the request make a clear statement that the principal is not to tell anyone the nature of her request, and if they want to know they will have to ask you directly. And then when you start losing weight, tell them you have diet changes that must be made as a result of the GI problem, and since you're losing weight you are going to stick to the diet to get healthier. Something along those lines. P.S. - can't you tell I'm good at tip-toeing around the truth? LOL
  14. LaMonica

    Gas Pains

    Gas-x doesn't work for everyone....but you have to WALK WALK WALK WALK!!!!!!! The gas is most likely left over from surgery - not only do they blow up your stomach, but they blow up your whole insides with gas for room to maneuver around in. They try to "press" it all out, but that never works. So walking, hot liquids, sometimes gas medicine all work. It's hard, and it's tough, but it won't last forever. I didn't get my worse gas pains til the Monday after my Friday surgery. I wanted to cry...it felt like I was getting stabbed in the shoulder. But until you get it all out just be patient and remember it will be over soon.
  15. LaMonica


    Carbonation is bad because the gas that gets released in your upper pouch can stretch it...and it can be very painful. Too much and your band can probably slip also. I would say NO to all beer/sodas/champagne, etc. forever after being banded. If you think about it, your body doesn't NEED any of that anyway so if you are getting banded for a life change that includes all aspects of life. Now for drinks - I usually take shots if I want a buzz or whatever because it's less calories, and you get there MUCH faster. Sometimes I may sip a margarita, but that's very rarely. Part of the banded lifestyle is changes that last forever. I used to drink Coke several times a day...I stopped drinking them 1 week before surger (5-2-08) and I haven't had one, or much of a craving for one since. There are many sacrifices to having a band and this is one of them.
  16. LaMonica

    Anyone divorce after lapband?

    In January I found out about my husband cheating on me...physically with one person, and emotionally with another. Neither of us has filed, and we are "working" on reconciliation and staying together, but I honestly don't know where we will end up. I think he also has self-esteem issues and I'm only about 1/3 of the way with my weight loss, but he talks about how will I act when I lose all the weight. It's a hard time, and I know nothing we say can really comfort, but know you are not alone and we're here to help you and talk with you if you need it.
  17. LaMonica

    post op questions

    This is very normal so don't get discouraged! You are doing well, and making good choices which is the hardest part anyway. I've had 3 fills (banded in May) and am closer to the pot of gold of "restriction" lol but not sure if I'm there yet. Just remember the new full feeling you get is not a "stuffed" feeling but a satisfied feeling, and it takes a while to get used to. And hungry also will start to feel different. Great job so far, keep up the good work!
  18. LaMonica

    Surgery Today, Aug 5!!!!

    Congrats on surgery!! The gas pains will inevitably come, either very small, or large and very painful. Either way you will be fine. Make sure to stick to what YOUR DOC tells you for post op. All docs are different so don't go by what someone else says, just what your doc said. But I do know you should make sure to get all the water in, and your required protein in through shakes. This is the beginning of the rest of your life!!!
  19. LaMonica

    I am SOOO depressed

    #1 - STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF EVERY DAY!!! Weight fluctuates so much daily, that's not a good indicator of what your loss/gain really is. Weigh weekly, if at all, because if you don't lose you will only be more upset. Now - make sure you are getting 40-60g of Protein daily...and try to get between 15 and 20 g of protein with each meal. When you are eating, only sip drinks, don't guzzle like you used to. If so, you wash food out of the upper stomach which means it empties faster and you get hungry faster. Also make sure you are not snacking during the day, and drink all the Water you can. What type of exercise are you doing? You have to exercise to lose for the most part. Extended exercise where you get sweaty. Just a few suggestions...
  20. Hmm....try some type of melon or other sweet fruit. Or even sugar free popsicles or jello. The fruit is probably sweeter than the sugar free stuff though in my opinion.
  21. LaMonica

    Typical Day of Eating

    It's hard at first after you get to regular food to stay to the portions b/c you may not be close to any type of restriction yet. I will go through what I eat now, since I eat regular foods, and I've had 2 fills so far. Make sure to stick to your post-op diet meaning stick to liquids with a list of approved foods until you can progress to mushies, and then to regular foods. Breakfast - I try to eat eggs, maybe sausage or turkey bacon, and sip orange juice. Ideally you would want to eat maybe 2 scrambled eggs, 1 or 2 pieces of low-fat breakfast meat, and sip either Water or something like orange juice. Crystal light is always good for flavor also. lunch - Usually this is the time for chicken, fish, or lean beef or maybe even turkey. Smoked turkey, like from a barbecue place, with no sauce of course! Eat a small portion, chew well, and eat slowly. You won't get "stuffed", but you will be satisfied. That's a new feeling that comes after being banded. Some veggies if you like, but only after you get your entire 4oz or so portion of Protein. I sip crystal light or water. dinner - just depends on what you want to eat. Make sure to eat small portions, cut low on the carbs if you can't eat them. Sometimes I do something as simple as 1 piece of wheat bread with Peanut Butter, and a carnation breakfast. High in protein, low in calories usually. My doc told me wheat breads are okay, just not a lot. And I can tolerate tortillas pretty well, as long as I don't eat a lot. So grilled chicken tacos or lean beef/sirloin tacos are really good for something different. Make sure to drink as much WATER throughout the day as you can. I got one of those jug things and try to drink 1/day. Doesn't always happen, but I try. I also take a chewable Centrum Vitamin once a day (unless I forget) which is good also. Every now and then I will eat a cookie, or a small individual serving of ice cream. Good Snacks are lowfat cheese, sugar free popsicles, and things like that. Today for lunch I am having tuna salad with wheat Ritz crackers. High in protein, lower in fat/carbs. So as you can see most things I can eat, just remember to have high protein and smaller portions. It's hard to eat slowly at first, but you get used to it. I don't let other people tell me foods are off limits. I try them myself and if I don't get sick or it doesn't get stuck then great! :-)
  22. LaMonica

    Tube during surgery??

    HI precious! And congrats on being banded next week! You are completely under before they put the tube in, and most often when they take the tube out you will still be under or just waking up. My tube was out and my oxygen mask was on before I started waking up. My throat was EXTREMELY DRY and it hurt a little, but the ice and Water helped. I guess the plastic also leaves a nasty taste in your mouth so that part was a little gross for about a day or 2, but it gets better with time and water. I was freaked out too, but it's really not bad at all. Just the lingering taste and soreness gets annoying but with everything else that will go on the first few days, it won't matter much. :-) P.S. - Congrats on 100 years....from your Greek Sister in DST. ~LaMonica, McKinney, TX
  23. LaMonica


    I use Mederma...I bought it at Walgreens and it was expensive but it's working okay I guess. My incisions used to be hard underneath, but they're getting softer. I talked with my doctor and a guy I get tattoos from. He said the more melanin in your skin, the softer and more sensitive it can be. Therefore make sure to use creams and things suggested by your doctor to help with scar healing to minimize keloiding and things of that nature. My tattoo artist is white and he said he loves tattooing Black people because he can use a lighter touch with the needle and the tattoos always come out nice and last longer. He was really a studier of skin...I thought it was cool.
  24. I understand your pain...it's hard when everyone isn't able to see the big picture as well. And when something bad happens, it's easier to focus on that instead of the million other times thins went okay. I mean truth be told driving is one of the most dangerous things to do now....people die every day in accidents. But nobody tells you to walk to work instead of drive.....so it's a matter of opinion. I know people who would never tell, and some tell everyone. Do what's right for you. But the good thing about the band is that it's a gradual loss, so it's not like bypass where 3 months later you've lost 80lbs. They will only know if you tell them. At best you can say you work out, eat better, and eat less. All of that will be true. :-)
  25. Did anyone drive the day of their surgery? You are not allowed to leave the hospital/surgery center, etc. without someone else to drive. You should get whoever is driving you to get whatever you need at the pharmacy on the way home as this will probably be the time you'll be the most comfortable for the next several days (due to anesthesia). Stock up on what you need food/liquid wise before surgery. For those banded awhile, does anyone still consider diet pills to curb their appetite? (yes I know that's what the band is for, but I read a lot of comments about not feeling restricted, so I'm curious) Restriction/satiety takes a few months to master...and you must follow your new eating "rules" and doctor's recommendations. I would not use diet pills they are NOT safe and definitely not if they are not prescribed by your PCP. Weight will not drop off quickly...it is a gradual loss. So yes "that is what the band is for" but you ultimately control what goes into your body and how much exercise you do which dictates weight loss. What is the earliest you went back to work? I had surgery on a Friday morning and went back to work (mostly desk job) on Tuesday (Mon was a holiday). I was extremely tired, stomach was sore, and if I had days to stay home I definitely would have. You will survive, but you would rather be laying down. The stairs might not be a good idea so you may need to take a few extra days for those. I figure I'll try going back the 2nd day for a few hours at least. The second and third days were absolute HELL pain wise for me and my worst. Especially since sleep was almost non-existent, I had no desire to drink anything even Water, you need to heal/get on a good med schedule for at least 3 or 4 days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
