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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LaMonica

  1. Thanks a bunch and super congrats on your progress so far!!!!!

  2. Thank you very much...you look so beautiful!!! I love your hair

  3. LaMonica

    Me in my bathing suit Weight: 245

    Sexy mama! I wish I could look that good in something like that...we'll see this summer! :-)
  4. LaMonica

    In the mall

    Looking good girl!!!
  5. Actually not very close at all haha!!!! Just in the same metro area you know? I know it's hard to find people in the same city sometimes so I'm down for a drive to say hey to a fellow LBT member!! You're welcome, and welcome to TX home of the crazy weather as you can tell!

  6. I agree with theninside...my husband at first was so critical!!! He would make comments about how I must think the surgery is magic...and I never took working out seriously before...how I probably would have been able to lose weight without spending all that money, blah blah blah! Insecurity at it's finest! You have to live for YOU and learn to control yourself. My hubby can eat whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and I just can't. But don't deprive yourself to make a point either. I eat ice cream, but maybe the REAL serving size of 1/2 cup instead of a whole pint like I used to. Or sugar free popsicles or other treats might satisfy your sweet tooth if that's what you like. Learn a new way to enjoy food, but don't allow him to taint you or get you off track. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. LaMonica

    Resolutions vs. Goals

    Congrats Jodi!!!! I would like to lose at least another 50lbs which would get me to 100 total...and depending on what it looks like maybe lose some more LOL!!! I am no longer concerned with categories like Obese etc. as much as how I feel, how I look, and making sure my vitals and cholesterol/bp looks good! I also want to feel good in a swim suit and maybe take some professional pics on a beach or something. Also graduate from grad school (hopefully be done in May pray for me!!) and get a better job!
  8. Good morning - I haven't been in the forums in a while but this is a good one to start back with. I was never small...always felt fat in my head. Family history of women being overweight, plus I was always a picky and non-healthy eater. Mom and Dad divorced when I was 8 and they never had a good relationship. Every boy/man I have ever dated or been with has cheated on me...including my current husband of 3 1/2 years. In school everyone else was always 'prettier' or 'smaller' or more popular. I never did anything to control my weight, and I gained a significant amount every year. When I was 14 I was sexually assaulted by a school "friend". When I was 16 I got pregnant from my boyfriend at the time and wanted to keep the baby, although I hadn't told my mother yet. After 2 months he "questioned his paternity" like an a$$hole. I didn't believe in abortion, but I wanted one so I didn't disappoint my mother. But that was they year they changed the law from age 16 to 18 so I had to tell her....and she made me have an abortion (didn't give me other options although I don't know if I would have decided different) on December 30, 2000 12 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I believe I was going to have a girl, and I named her and Celebrate what would have been her birthday every year. Graduated, went to college, did great, got married after I graduated, and then was the victim of adultery. I am still recovering, but know that anything is possible with God's help. My life hasn't been the worst, but by far not the best. I am glad to have a place like this to unravel the crazy thoughts in my mind. Thank you all for your support and I hope I can support you all the same.
  9. LaMonica

    ****Sensitive Topic****

    The only thing I would say is be careful with doggystyle for a few weeks as you stretch your stomach muscles somewhat and a sharp pain can come out of nowhere...other than that try whatever you like and if it hurts move around! :-)
  10. Hi thanks for dropping by! I was banded 5/23/08 and so far I've lost 50 pounds!!! I've had some stall moments of course and don't always work out like I should but I am still happy with my progress so far. Good luck with your date!!! I'm in McKinney so maybe sometime we should hang out...

  11. Thank you!!! It's hard work and I get discouraged sometimes but I know I can do it! Congrats to you!!!

  12. LaMonica


    This means that you are either eating too fast, not chewing well enough, or eating too much. You really have to chew the food to liquid consistency to avoid blocking the passage through your band to your stomach. And it's not good to have to "vomit" to unblock the opening on a regular basis although it does happen from time to time. My suggestion would be to take smaller bites, chew twice as much as you think you should, and take a break between bites. Sometimes the blockage gets worse because we eat too fast before we realize the pain. Hope this helps!
  13. Good morning and thank you!!! Good luck to you as well! We can do this, we just have to be patient and work hard...

  14. LaMonica

    The Desire to Eat...

    Yes the desire to chew is crazy!!!! But you can make it...try to eat fruit when you can or something like that and you will get used to eating just to satisfy yourself and not a favorite pastime! I think it's so funny that I used to eat ALL DAY just because food tasted good. And now I eat and it tastes good, but I don't have to eat all day. Vent away we're here for you!
  15. LaMonica

    Pre-Op Diet

    Well first let me say good job about letting them know about your concerns with only Optifast, but make sure to stick to the 1200 calorie plan!!!!! My pre-op was 14 days, 3 shakes per day, along with 2 meals with 4oz lean protein, and fruit. NO sugar, LOW fat, LOW carbs. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. But it was worth it, I lost 10 pounds, and it prepared me for life after the band. Now afterwards you can only do liquids/shakes for a couple of weeks most likely so yes it is a sacrifice, but it is well worth it. The alternative would be risking slippage or other internal problems, the diet is there for a reason. You can do it!
  16. LaMonica

    Carnie Wilson & Al Roker

    I agree - my mother had GB and she lost a lot of weight, but she didn't change her eating habits. She didn't work out. So she didn't lose as much as she could have. She is now working with a personal trainer and watches what she eats so she is getting better. She attempted to have the "band over bypass" surgery, but there was too much scar tissue around her smaller stomach that they couldn't do it. So she is having to work hard and she actually likes it because she is seeing results. With the band you HAVE to adjust your eating habits or nothing will happen. With GB most people aren't given dietary restrictions, just eat smaller portions.
  17. I agree wait a few days. A lot of it is water weight, and also bloating and other fluid build up that packs the extra weight. So don't worry or get discouraged, just work out and relax and then you'll be happy to see the scale looking "normal" again. And congrats on your loss so far!
  18. LaMonica

    OMG I got STUCK

    I had been stuck a few times eating peanut butter and wheat bread, but after a few moments it would go down. The first time I got stuck and actually vomited, was at Denny's. I had eaten hash browns before, as long as they were crunchy, and only a little bit. Well this time they were softer, but I figured it would be okay. Was I wrong!!! I ate a few bites, ate a bite of scrambled eggs, and chewed, and sat there. Unfortunately, my bite was kind of salty and instead of waiting, I drank some water - BIG mistake. Soft potatoes get puffy with water, and that's exactly what happened. My husband was like are you okay and I was like no it hurt soooo bad. I raised my arms and stretched, didn't work. I walked around, didn't work. About 5 mins later the sliming started - salivating to no end - and I went to the bathroom. Took a few seconds for it to come up, but it did and it hurt, but afterwards I felt so much better! Unfortunately although I was really hungry, I no longer had an appetite and just drank water. But I never want to feel that pain again!
  19. LaMonica

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I am so happy to hear everyone's stories!!! Brad congrats on getting a counseling appointment!! Tina congrats on getting stronger every day, and recognizing that your feelings are valid and vary at times but as long as you can identify them, you're all the better! I did see the movie Fireproof this weekend - about a marriage about to break up and how it was saved. It was very hard to watch as I am at a place where I need to "fireproof" my marriage, I cried, but I also cried tears of joy at the determination there was to get on the right track. I immediately thought of you Tina through the movie and had to come back and write about it. I encourage everyone to see it, be cautioned there is a strong Christian message - just in case that's not your thing - but even without that the movie is definitely worth it. Have a great week guys!!
  20. LaMonica

    my mind is going!!

    I agree - go to bed, wake up, and start again! It's the long run progress that counts, so a mess up here and there isn't going to kill your progress!!
  21. LaMonica

    Eating out of boredom

    Try eating string cheese as a snack, high protein low calories. Do something physical, read, music, etc. something!! You have to fight that because it's all in your head. Also make sure you're getting enough protein at your meals and during the day. Also try drinking massive amounts of water...that helps me. They even have 70 calorie snacks now lol so I do those, but limit myself to 1 or 2 per day between meals. Snacks aren't a part of the plan, so do your best to work around it. Your body will thank you!
  22. Congrats!!!! It will be here before you know it I know you are very excited! Keep us updated on your progress
  23. Hey sorry I am just now getting to know how to check these visitor messages! Thanks for the encouraging words! I am at a stand still as far as losing goes, but I'm working on getting back on track1 How are you doing?

  24. Sorry I just figured out how to check visitor message please forgive me!!!! You asked MONTHS ago how I was feeling - I was very weak and sore for about a week after surgery (5/23) but of course now I'm great. At a stand still as far as losing goes, but I have to get back on track with eating and exercise. How have you been doing?

  25. You are in my prayers as well...and this is not the end for you! You are still on your way to a better healthier life! Keep us updated chick

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