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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About alwest68

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 07/16/1968

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    Harpers Ferry
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  1. alwest68

    Dr Fitzer Reston

    The first month I lost 23 pounds. I lost almost all of the rest by November. I always thought a stall was a day or two it is not. I stalled out most of the winter and have only lost a few pounds. Im still losing inches though. Make sure you measure everywhere today because it will be help you keep your sanity later when pounds dont seem to be coming off on the scale. Sometimes the pounds dont come off because your gaining muscle or other reasons and it is very frustrating especially when your doing everything right. Thats why I got rid of my scale in February and I am much happier. I went to doctors in early March so I know Im losing again. I measure my Upper Arm, Thigh, Calf, Butt, Hips, Waist, Upper Belly, Lower Belly and Bust. I measure every Tuesday. I have lost 13 inches just on my waist. Over 11 inches on my butt, lower and upper belly. Over 8 inches on my thigh. Thats just one thigh and over 7 on my bust. That keeps me very motivated when the scale isnt budging.
  2. alwest68

    Dr Fitzer Reston

    Hi there! I had surgery last July. I had it done on a Tuesday and came home Thursday. From the time I got out of surgery I didnt take any pain meds. Dont get me wrong I was sore but I just dont like them. You can have them in the hospital. They offer them to you. I didnt even take Tylenol so it was bearable. The first day of surgery I slept about all day. I only got up to walk a few times. 24 hrs later I felt much better and was up sitting in the chair. I was just very sleepy. When I came home I slept in my bed that night and never did take any Tylenol. By Saturday I was moving around great and out of the house. I was moving slow then usual but felt good enough to be out and about. Usually only for an hour or so because I would still tire easy. I had 2 C-sections years ago so I dont know if that made it easier on me or not. Im happy to say the last time I weighed I was down about 65 pds and I have never had one complication at all. It went so much easier then I ever expected. You will be fine and good luck.
  3. alwest68

    Haymarket Hospital...VA

    6 months of dietician appts. Cardiologist clearance, EGD by Gastro doctor, Sleep Study, Psych Evaluation. I'm not sure what he required and what the insurance required but those are the things I had to do. He gave me a checklist and folder with all the information at the first appt.
  4. alwest68

    Dr Fitzer Reston

    Your welcome. Good Luck to you. He is an excellent doctor with a very good staff. They are so helpful and you shouldnt have any problems.
  5. alwest68

    Haymarket Hospital...VA

    You pick which hospital and the date. I really loved that hospital.
  6. alwest68

    Dr Fitzer Reston

    Im not sure which what his requirements are. I thought most of my requirements were from the insurance company. I had 6 month wait, psych eval, gastro dr, cardiologist, sleep study and a couple more little things. They gave me a checklist the first appointment.
  7. alwest68

    Haymarket Hospital...VA

    Dr Fitzer did my surgery in 7/19. He did an excellent job. I have had not one complication. I had my surgery in Haymarket at Novant and that hospital was great. Clean, quiet and all the staff was very friendly.
  8. alwest68

    Dr Fitzer Reston

    Dr Fitzer was my surgeon. I was sleeved 7/19/16. I was very happy with him. I did only see him during the web meeting, first office visit and for a minute right before we went into surgery. So I can understand how someone would not be happy with his bedside manner. It didnt bother me. His staff always went above and beyond in helping with all the questions and details that I felt safe. It did the part I was worried about perfectly and that was the surgery. They told me before no pain meds but I dont like pain meds at all so I was fine. I didnt even take Tylenol. It hurt but was bareable. I had no complications then and never have since surgery and Im over 4 months post op. Ive never ever thrown up. SW-245 CW-190. Im 5'4 1/2. Ive been off all bp meds since month 2. First time since before I was 18 and Im 48. It was my main reason for surgery. I feel so much better already and if I didnt lose another pound I would still be happy and it was worth it. I wish I would have done it sooner. I highly recommend him. He is a nice guy but if you are wanting a doctor who will personally be at every appt that wont happen. I had my surgery in Haymarket at Novant. I loved that place. Everyone was nice. It was very clean and quiet.
  9. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    @@Rainey631 Here is the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/257390321288324/
  10. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    Im starting my second fb group for people getting sleeved in the summer if anyone would like to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/257390321288324/
  11. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    Summer sleever FB group link for anyone who wants to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/257390321288324/
  12. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    I sent you a private message on here
  13. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    We sure will. We need another guy. Poor Romi is stuck with all us women. Lol I will friend request you when I get back to my house in a little while. I dont have wifi where I am at and it wears my battery down.
  14. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    I sent you a personal message amanda.
  15. alwest68

    June - July sleevers?

    @meganski I think you already sent me a private message and I got it earlier so I can add you. If not send me one so I can find you on FB. The page is set on secret so people cant find it even by the link anymore. We did that to protect the privacy of members on the page. There are a few that arent telling people. Our page is for summer sleevers June, July and August. Our first surgery out of our group os tomorrow.

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