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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RosieCheeks

  1. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Hi all I have booked my op for 18th April 2016 with Beautiful Beings in Czech Republic. Nervous, excited and scared are just some the feelings I'm getting. I've had relatively little information from BB, they've just said 'eat healthily' until I go and to take Omeprazole twice daily. There's loads of silly questions that keep popping up, like:- What should I pack? How will I get my bag in the storage unit above my head on the plane on my way home? Is there a shop in the hospital, how much Czech money will I need? Has anyone else been who can answer these for me, any help appreciated. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about the op but truthfully, I think it's a positive thing I'm doing. Whatever the outcome, I can't be any more miserable than I am now. I can barely walk couple of hundred yards without huffing and puffing, my knees are killing me, I go up and down stairs like a two year old, one at a time, nothing fits me and when it does, I look horrible. Everything I own looks like a huge black bin bag etc.... Two years ago I lost five-and-a-half stone on the Cambridge diet but I've put it all back on in less than half the time it took me to loose it. I'm so angry with myself but I'm sure a lot of you have been there. All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about the op and am raring to go.
  2. Has anyone else's feet gotten smaller, I seem to have gone down a whole size from a (UK) 7 to a 6; I'm flapping about in my Jimmy Choo's that fitted me not so long ago?
  3. RosieCheeks

    Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

    I LOVE shoes (and handbags but don't get me started...) and have loads, most of which I've never worn for some bizarre reason. Donald J Pliner is one of my faves - I just love pointy shoes/boots. Talking about calves, I'm struggling - I think I've got lymphoedema. It's relatively common post cancer from what I gather and despite my GP telling me 'some women are just like that' - I'm ignoring him and pressing other avenues for treatment. I'm not losing all this weight to end up with elephant legs!
  4. Definitely. I've not enjoyed food so much since I've had my sleeve knowing that my 'enough' button now kicks in.
  5. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    Right you lot of whingers, I want you to start posting positive things you have done, or how you overcame a negative thought/experience. I'll got first. Today I splashed out £500 on a size 14 winter coat. I've thrown away the receipt and I WILL get into it by the time it's chilly willy season.
  6. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    Thanks Gina, I got it. I used to live in LA
  7. RosieCheeks

    Shoes, shoes and more shoes!

    @ proudgrammy Thank you. Watch out Ebay - there will be a mega amount of very expensive new/worn once shoes in a UK 7 on sale very soon!
  8. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    I am making regular trips to the charity shops with my old stuff. I just love the fact I can now look for new clothes in regular shops.
  9. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    Wee things like this are great aren't they.
  10. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    My friend made me laugh the other day. Talking about my weightloss she said 'well you just look normal now'. I get what she meant, she wasn't judging but just saying it as she saw it. I do hope she only meant weightwise though as otherwise, I've never been 'normal' in my life!
  11. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    Lulu, this is the positivity thread, let's try keep it that way so that new sleevers can see the positive side.
  12. RosieCheeks


    Hi SK101, Apologies for the late response, I've been super busy workwise recently and just ignored the board. Welcome, glad you're doing ok and you've found the board valuable, I did/do too. It's great to have somewhere to bounce things off, as well meaning as people are, they don't understand fully.
  13. A little bit of everything I fancy - moderation is the key!
  14. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    Well boys and girlies, I've reached the SIX, yes 6, stone loss mark and feel positively ticketyboo! I wore jeans on Saturday, probably could be doing with a bit more off before I do that again but I thought 'what the hell'! I had an Irn Bru ice lolly to Celebrate, my friend found them for me (and drove the six miles home like a bat out of hell before they melted) bless him. I'm enjoying my new life. Still not doing much exercise, I really don't enjoy it but still making an effort to walk more, use stairs etc... but I will probably have to do some sort of exercise pre-body life next year. Eating out more now and learning when I've had enough before it hurts and I feel dreadful but I don't feel deprived of anything. How's it going with you lot?
  15. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    I too hated 'fat shops' They seem to think being fat equals no dress sense and they make things in the most garish and clashing colours ever. I am enjoying shopping and dressing again and it's no longer a case of going to the wardrobe to choose from my vast range of black sacks. I'm a self-confessed label queen but have not been near any decent labels in years, whilst there are some labels I'll never get back into because they think size 14 (UK) is plus size, I'm slowly getting there. Had a browse in Harvey Nicks the other week and pretty sure I'll be back for my Christmas outfit as I no longer feel embarrassed just looking at the clothes.
  16. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    How you doing LuLu?
  17. RosieCheeks

    New and wanting a sleeve

    I went to see my GP before I started the process. She was great and had no qualms in supporting me and agreed to remove stitches and offer aftercare if needed. She arranged for the District Nurse to come out and give me DVT injections for a week as I'm a wuss and couldn't do it myself. She said surgeons in Czech Republic were more regulated over there than here and adhered to more stringent supervision BB did all the co-ordination, I just had to book my flight and inform them, they did the rest. Monday Flew out, collected at airport and driven to clinic. Beautiful clinic, lovely staff. Tuesday AM Battery of tests i.e. chest xray, bloods, medical questionnaire and examination, gastroscopy Given all clear Interview with psychologist Meeting with Surgeon and Anaesthetist who fully explain everything Tuesday PM Op Spent night in ICU with a very attentive nurse who offered massages and care No pain just tired Wednesday Slept most of day No pain just very tired Thursday Again still tired and slept a lot but up and about a bit more, chatting with girl from M/cr who had same op Still no pain - sometimes an 'uncomfortableness' due to wind but certainly not pain Friday Flew home and straight to bed as still tired but again no pain. All in all I couldn't believe how painless it was. The only thing I wasn't thrilled about was the two hour journey from the airport to the clinic but I guess in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't that bad. All in all, I don't have any complaints. Hope this helps, feel fee to ask more but going out shortly so may not reply until tomorrow.
  18. RosieCheeks

    Positivity Thread

    On Saturday I walked to my friend's house, wait for it.... drum roll...... 1.5 miles away!!!!!! I didn't even die on the way! I've not walked that much since about 1975.
  19. RosieCheeks

    New and wanting a sleeve

    I went through a company called Beautiful Beings. The clinic itself was lovely, everyone was so friendly and professional. I was nervous but it all went smoothly and felt I had better care over there than I've had over here in the past. I've had no problems and feel it's the best thing I've done in a long time, wish I'd done it years ago.
  20. RosieCheeks

    New and wanting a sleeve

    @@MrsOC Hi I live near M/cr. I flew to Prague to have mine done as it was ridiculously expensive over here. Saved myself £4k and bought a sports car; now that I can get in and out of one
  21. RosieCheeks

    Loose Skin Surgery

    Is anyone thinking of having it done or had it done? I'm pretty sure I'll be off for a full-body lift when I'm at target. Presently I looked like I've been melted in the middle . I think my stomach on it's own weighs about 2 stone.
  22. I'm getting there and really happy with the way things are going. Ideally, I'd have liked to wake up the morning after my op a size 8 but hey, you gotta be realistic..... unfortunately. However, I can honestly say it's the best thing I've done. I don't feel deprived of food like I did on the many, many diets I've been on and feel this is completely sustainable as a lifestyle. I'm enjoying being able to breathe again and shop in my favourite stores rather than 'fat shops' where they think because you're carrying a bit of timber, you're completely devoid of taste! I've actually given up weighing myself, I know I'm losing weight because my clothes are drowning me. I'm not hung up on numbers, i'm just enjoying the journey and every time someone says to me 'wow, you've lost weight' it gives me much more pleasure than getting on the scales.
  23. Hi Silk, welcome. Yes, the 'not hungry' thing is great isn't it. I still find myself 'grazing' through habit and have to stop and have a word with myself. Whenever I reach for food, I stop and ask myself 'am I hungry or am I doing this just because that's what I've always done?' It works, I graze less and less these days. Where did you have it done?
  24. RosieCheeks

    Loose Skin Surgery

    The only stipulation I would make is that I would make sure I stayed in the clinic for healing, not sent to some hotel to fend for myself malarkey. I like the idea of pressing a button and someone appears with a tablet to make me sleep through any uncomfortable times. I do not want to traipse through a hotel lobby looking like an unfinished project from Frankenstein's lab.
  25. RosieCheeks

    Loose Skin Surgery

    I'll definitely be going abroad. I'd rather save the extra cash and go on a spending spree when done. I saved £4.5k on my sleeve alone which will go some way to paying for the skin surgery. After seeing how well everything went for my sleeve, I have no hesitation. I discussed it with my GP and she said she has no hesitation in supporting me after surgery abroad and that they are more strictly regulated over there than here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
