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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RosieCheeks

  1. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Thanks for that, I'll certainly take it on board. Goodness, I never thought I'd see the day when I'm told I'm not eating enough!!! I went to H&B yesterday and bought some Quest protein bars which have 21g of protein in but are low in sugars etc. I'll get some greek youghurt, Babybels and nuts as I like that but I don't like things like granola, meusli, Weetabix or peanut butter and that Skyr yoghurt made me feel sick. I'm Glaswegian, if it's not dipped in Irn Bru and deep fried, I don't like it
  2. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    I have asked my GP for an appointment with a Dietician. Yesterday (a typical day) I had Brekkie 100g Strawberries 25g half-fat creme fraiche Lunch 150ml homemade mushroom & pancetta soup Dinner 100g Lamb Rump Steak 50g Potato Dauphinoise Throughout the day I drank water and fresh 2 X coffee made with 100ml semi skimmed milk each time Whilst I'm not exercising per se, as my breathing wont allow it, I'm walking more and will use stairs when possible etc. I've been to Holland & Barrett this morning and bought some protein bars so thought I'd replace lunch with one of them.. PS, Yes, I don't eat fish, seafood or eggs through allergies but am getting better with meat now.
  3. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    I've got my knickers in a right twist over protein intake. I'm getting nowhere near 60g despite trying to add powder to everything. Today I've managed 36g. I also don't seem to have lost any weight for about six weeks.
  4. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Well done Chris. I'm looking forward to seeing what difference a year makes although with my low eight loss last month, I'm a bit sceptical but trying to banish all negativity and carry on. Really struggling with protein levels. I've managed 43 today but only 19 yesterday and 22 the day before. I can't think how to get more down my neck.
  5. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Each to their own but yes, I hate cooking for one. I too eat stuff that doesn't need to be cooked.
  6. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    I live on my own so cooking for one is soul destroying. I make a healthy vegetable or mushroom soup at the beginning of each week and have that every day for lunch. I make a large soft fruit/berry salad and sometimes have some for breakfast or I'll have porridge. I buy M&S or Slimming World calorie counted ready meals for variety and I'll have half of one of them for dinner. I try to add a scoop of unflavoured protein powder to everything I can. I don't know of any meal plan sites as I'm just doing my own thing but I guess there'll be some out there.
  7. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Keep posting here, we'll support you but you've got help yourself too. I was feeling down because I didn't lose much this month but it's just made me all the more determined. I always have a small treat on a Friday and In Waitrose yesterday I saw my favourite Mackies ice cream, I absolutely adore it but you can almost feel the calories sliding down your throat. I was in one of those 'will I, wont I' dilemmas but then I thought it's silly to jump on that slippery slope as I know my willpower is limited when faced with a huge tub of Mackies. So, my alternative treat was some raspberry sorbet. If you don't buy it, you can't eat it. C'mon girl, dig deep and find your mojo - you can do it!
  8. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Hi I was sleeve on 19th April. I'm ok, struggling to reach protein levels but certainly not eating junk food. Goodness, the thought of wasting the £5,000 I've spent on the op is enough to keep me away from the biscuit barrel. I'm quite fanatical at reading labels and weighing things out, I'm sure it will wear off in time but hopefully by then I'll have got the hang of healthy eating. Time to be brutally honest, get yer face out the tuck shop and start saying no. The sleeve isn't a magic wand, it's an aide, you have to work with it not against it and don't say "I'll start tomorrow" - START NOW! Good luck.
  9. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Message received and understood. I'll leave the leg for now! x
  10. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Hi Jinty I'm ok really. Next month though, if I'm not 3st lighter, I'm cutting off my leg, then the scales will go my way I'm much posher than Styal, although not far. I'm in Hale; Real Housewives of Cheshire and all that..... LOL, I wouldn't be seen dead with any of that bunch of over-made-up desperate wannabe's, they have all the class of an extra from Shameless. I think you probably mean The Ship at Styal. The Ship was nice years ago, it's just another gastro pub now. Next time you're up here try The Clink, the restaurant in the women's prison, it's really nice and supports a good cause.
  11. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Thanks for the support girlies. Whilst I knew I wasn't going to wake up a size 10 after my op, I think there were still a few sneaky unrealistic expectations lurking around. My guess is I'm struggling with protein because I don't eat fish, seafood or eggs nor do I drink those vile shakes. I'm also still struggling to digest meat somewhat but working on it. Not sure if I'm still not chewing enough or still eating too fast so I'm trying to address both issues. Anyway, just had some homemade soup and I've remembered to add my protein powder so that's my objective for this month - get those proteins down my neck and see how I get on next month.
  12. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Thanks, I'll do that and see how it is next month. Going off for a sulk now
  13. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    I'm ok on fluids but low on protein intake. I keep forgetting to add my protein powder but I'll work on it this month and see if it makes a difference. I'm averaging 600 calories a day.
  14. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Well, this month's weigh in was a waste of time, I only seem to be 2lbs down from last month. Two months today from op and I've lost a total of 31lbs but most of that fell off in the first month. I'll be devastated if I only lose 2lbs a month. I've been so careful weighing everything and watching the nutritional content. I'm still struggling to meet my protein targets and I'll work on that this month, see if it makes a difference next month. All in all I feel rather deflated.
  15. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    The first month is a great boost as the weight drops rapidly. I've found it feels slower the second month. It's my weigh-in on Sunday, my second month. I feel my body changing, my knees feel less painful, especially going up and down stairs. My breathing is improving; I'm not ready for exercise yet but have been parking my car a bit further away and been a lot more active around the house. It was taking me up to half-an-hour to change my duvet cover as my breathing was so out of control, now it's fairly normal timing. Best of all, my clothes really are starting to look baggy. @@VSGMB why do you use he word 'strange'; what do you mean by that?
  16. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    I like that. I've put my scales in the shed and only weigh myself once a month on the anniversary of my op, the 19th, as I became obsessed. You can weigh yourself five times a day and get five different weights but if it's more than the last one, paranoia sets in so I decided not to get too hung up on numbers. I can tell by my clothes, my trousers are all hanging off me and tops don't cling to every roll of fat, however, I'm not ready to go on a spending spree yet. I've put aside £10k for a new wardrobe and can't wait until I can fit into something from Harvey Nicks!
  17. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    OOOH, what a great feeling - well done! What's an NSV?
  18. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    That's terrible Lulu. What are you going to do? Have you investigated having your mouth sewn up instead? Where is everyone? Out showing off your new slimline bodies in the sun no doubt. Hopefully I'll be joining you next year!
  19. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Oh Lulu, I'm so sorry. Why have they rejected you?
  20. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    what about if I let it go flat before drinking?
  21. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Can anyone tell me when/if I can ever drink Irn Bru again? Obviously I wont go back to 2/3 litres a day but the odd 100ml would just keep me going. I'm losing my Glaswegianess - help!
  22. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    The gastroscopy was vile but thankfully over quite quickly. I got through it by thinking of the end result.
  23. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    No, in our clinic we had a gastroscopy, which is a camera down the throat.
  24. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    Thanks Perforce but I'll pass, I loathe smoothies, can't bear the texture.
  25. RosieCheeks

    Two Weeks to Go!

    @@VSGMB I'm ticketyboo ta. I'm still struggling with chicken so just avoiding it for now. I've bought some tasteless protein powder and just add it to everything. You just stir it in, sometimes get wee lumps in soup but it's fine. I was struggling with protein before that but now averaging 60-70g a day. Think I over-ate last night. I'm careful usually and weigh out no more than a total meal of 200g but there was a wee bit of mash left over so I threw it in but boy did I suffer. I didn't even finish it but my 'off' switch kicked in big time. I felt like my stomach was going to burst so not doing that again.

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