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Posts posted by bbyisonu

  1. Welcome I'm new too. I started this journey in October 2014. Made almost all the way through the program and upper GI wasn't great so I was referred to a teaching hospital also due to other medical issues. The new hospital wanted me to do their program so their team could work together with my GI, neurourologist, urogynecologist etc. Last summer I started over again with the new hospitals program. Finally got a good EGD. 4th times the charm but failed the swallow study and was diagnosed with a motility issue. FINALLY got the all clear, did my last class and pre op stuff and have a 4/11 date! Long journey so far but glad it's finally happening. I'm craving carbs not sugar which was a surprise but found a few halfway decent Protein shakes. It's long, I apologize but it's been a long journey this far.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. 800-1000calories., 60-100g Protein, high Protein low carb. A suggested menu is Breakfast veggie, 1oz cottage cheese, 2 egg omelet

    snack apple

    lunch 4oz chicken breast 3cups salad greens, 2TBSP low fat dressing

    Snack5.3oz chobani nonfat plain Greek yogurt with 2TBSP cinnamon and hint of vanilla extract

    dinner Premier Protein Shakechocalate

    Snack 1-2 sugar free Popsicles

    64oz Water

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. Hi this is my first time posting as well and my surgery date is April 11 I am on day three but not all liquid and I am craving carbs like crazy! I too have a supportive husband, but he's a chef! Lol he's used to bringing home meals etc. I'm not having to prep accept for myself and I find wanting something to crunch on is getting me. I'm seriously thinking of freezing small broth ice cubes for Snacks.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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