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Everything posted by takingcontrol2016

  1. My husband and I spent the past SEVERAL hours in the emergency room. I had been vomiting for the past two days and was dehydrated but I am feeling much better. Anyway, my husband skipped dinner while we waited so afterwards he drove to Jack in the Box (because I have always hated it so he knows I won't be tempted...not that I am at all). We were waiting at the window and a female worker was talking to a male worker about this guy she knew from high school that has "gained literally 200 pounds since they graduated two years ago"! She was totally harping on this guy who was not there to defend himself and it really pissed me off. She continued on about how he came in to Jack in the Box...where she works...and she confronted him on what he had been "doing with his life the past two years" and that he needed to do SOMETHING. I was just blown away. This poor guy! She obviously doesn't know him well enough to discuss his health and it was obviously not coming from a place of kindness otherwise she wouldn't be gossiping about it! Ugh I could have reached through that window and smacked her upside the head! I do not understand this line of thinking and lack of filter! Although this girl was not 200 pounds overweight (and I seriously doubt that guy was), she was by no means at a healthy BMI. I mean absolutely zero offense to anyone who works or has worked in the service industry (I did for several years) but my goodness I don't think she has the right to ask anyone what they've been doing since high school while serving them the burger she's shaming him for eating! She doesn't know what kind of struggle that guy might be facing! Ugh I'm sorry for ranting and I'm sorry it's a big jumbled mess. It's late and I'm tired and angry. I just can't believe people sometimes. Saying a prayer for both of them. Bless your heart. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. takingcontrol2016

    Did that really just happen?!

    @@MSALLTHAT my ER visit was fine. They gave me two bags of Fluid and a CT and sent me on my way citing dehydration. I have continued to dry heave day and night although and I can keep some liquids down. Every time I talk to my surgeon he tells me to try a different med. First Claritin, then Pepcid, tums, Prilosec. He doesn't seem concerned. I'm still feeling dehydrated and haven't had much Protein over the past week. I can't even sleep at night because the dry heaving and foamy saliva keep me up. I was supposed to have a post op appointment on Monday 4/18 but their office was shut down due to severe flooding in the Houston area. So my appointment is now on the 25th. I really don't know if I can make it that long without going back to the ER and I surely can't afford the $500 ER copay that goes along with it. My husband is going to call my surgeon this morning to demand some answers (for whatever reason my surgeon is much more chatty with him than with me...we can pretend like he's not a misogynist ). Sorry for the long drawn-out update but I haven't slept and I am desperately seeking some relief. Thank you for your concern Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. takingcontrol2016


    I will be one month post op on Friday, and for the past few days I have had some serious post nasal drip causing me to be very nauseated. In the past 24 hours I have vomited every time I have tried to consume anything other than Water. As per my discharge papers, I took some robitussin to help with the phlegm (gross I'm sorry) and I swear it makes me so much worse. It burns all the way down. I called my surgeon who seemed totally put off by my call and his solution was for me to take a Claritin in some applesauce...even though I can't keep anything down. He didn't even bother to ask me if I was getting enough fluids. Needless to say I am frustrated and nauseated and tired and I'm not quite sure what to do. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. takingcontrol2016


    Thanks @@KristenLe I tried some antacids and they made me feel much better temporarily. It's now been 48 hours of vomiting and I can no longer keep Water down. I have some mild pain near my gallbladder, but no fever so I'm not sure if that's related or just a result of being stuck in bed. My surgeon gave me the same advice today. Allergy meds with applesauce. I feel like I should go to the emergency room for an IV at the very least. Maybe the ER docs will have better luck communicating with my surgeon. Frustrated and worried. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. I'm new here, and I usually just read other posts, but I need some guidance from other people who may have experienced this. I was sleeved on 3/15/16. My surgeon has me on a 7 week post-op diet and I am currently starting to introduce soft foods. My problem is, no matter what I eat (liquids, purées, soft foods, etc,) or how much I eat (as little as a baby spoon full) I get extremely nauseous. I am managing to get in some Protein from premier Protein shakes, but it takes me about 6 hours to finish one. Fortunately I have not vomited at all since surgery, but I am worried I will never be able to eat real food without feeling miserable and I am concerned about the long term. I literally felt like I did when I was pregnant. Morning sickness all day. Nothing smells good. Nothing tastes good. The lack of nutrients makes me feel very fatigued which is not really conducive to being a stay-at-home mom with a very active 2 year old. My surgeon doesn't seem to be too concerned, but I am. I guess my question is, has anyone experienced anything like this and/or have any advice to offer? I'm a 25 y/o female with PCOS, otherwise generally healthy if that helps. Thanks in advance Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. takingcontrol2016

    Everything makes me sick.

    Kaciii, tried a sip of pickle juice and it was amazing! My surgeon says it might be my body needing electrolytes so I switched to smart Water. Still having an issue with nothing sitting well but it seems to be lessening with every day so I'm thankful! Members of my family that don't know I had surgery keep asking me if I'm pregnant haha Djd, I wish I had some suggestions, but I'm basically just keeping hydrated and hoping for the best! I definitely have some anxiety about eating solid foods even though I know it should be fine. I have this fear of hurting my sleeve and I've trained myself over the past few weeks to think solid foods are "bad" so to speak, so I'll see how it goes in 2 weeks when I can have regular foods. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. takingcontrol2016

    Everything makes me sick.

    Thank you so much for the reply. I was prescribed zofran, but it doesn't seem to do much. I use Vitamin Patches for my multi vitamin and my b-complex Vitamins and a sublingual Biotin. My surgeons main concern was hydration and for whatever reason I have no problem drinking Water...even in larger amounts. I wouldn't call it a gulp but I can definitely do more than sip the water. I'm just frustrated because I was really looking forward to getting Protein from food and not from powder/shakes. Also, my body is just craving salt which is weird. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
