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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JoannMarie

  1. JoannMarie

    Realize band..

    Hi Jackie, Great to hear from you. I've talked to one other person who had Dr. Berntsen - she lives in Manhattan, KS. I haven't heard from her for a while. I really do like Dr. B - she's a no-nonsense kind of woman, but though she is busy, takes time with her patients. I like her staff, as well. They are on top of things. I hope your experience is as pleasant as mine has been. Just be sure you are following the dietary rules for the next few weeks - it's time for healing, not weight loss (unless you are very lucky!). I recall losing during the liquid stages, then went to mushies and the losing slowed waayy down. I did lose a little, though, and I did have some restriction as I went to regular food. I have 6cc now and have pretty good restriction. I'll probably visit Dr. B in May for a little tweak. Good luck - stay in touch!
  2. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    MRose - I am down almost 40 pounds, but have just gone from 20 to 18. I've noticed the last couple of weeks, though - the 18s are rapidly becoming too big and it looks like I will be headed down another size in a couple of weeks. I'm visiting DD and family in Korea till May 8 - will head for BassPro for smaller jeans as soon as I get home!
  3. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I sure hope they let you hang out here. I'm 66 and they are all kind enough to let me hang around! After all, it just says 50 and over. We are over. (but not done!) Please don't worry about your weight right now. You are healing, still lots of swelling going on (hence the non-productive burping, etc.), and your stomach is learning a new process as you are learning how to feed it. Just follow surgeon's food requirements and resist the temptation to test the band. The healing phase is very important. Most of us don't experience much weight loss in the first few weeks - after your first fill you may have more success, but sometimes it takes a couple of fills for good restriction. Be patient with yourself and your band. and good luck!
  4. JoannMarie

    New 60+ Thread

    Congratulations! What a great accomplishment! Like Doddie says, the band sure doesn't do everything - we still have to work at weight loss by eating healthy foods and getting as much exercise as possible. You have done a great job. I am looking forward to that day myself!
  5. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    I have missed all of you! I get so much of a boost by reading your posts and enjoying your successes. We're not always perfect, are we? Big surprise! Being successful is a matter of overcoming our imperfections and plugging on in spite of the roadblocks. A little roadblock for us - DSIL has been informed he will be staying in Korea for another tour. They will be moving to Seoul, which is an improvement for them - much larger post with good family support and a lot more to offer spouses and children. It will be a very good job for DSIL, but none of them are too excited about staying in Korea for another tour. They are all missing home, friends, and extended families. They do not know yet whether it will be for one year or two.
  6. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Hi All, So much going on - I've spent several hours over the last 2 days just catching up with all of you. Still in Korea - welcomed Josiah Charles into the family on April 13th (Apr 12th in the States - does that count as an Easter baby?). He is a little doll. Big brother is adjusting after a few rough days. Being a big brother is great - but it means you have a little brother 24/7, and mommy does not always have time to give her undivided attention. Grandma is okay - but just not the same. I have been steadily losing since being here - a week and a half now - and I have lost about 4 pounds. Chasing after a 2 year old has it's advantages. The first 6 days we were eating out at every meal, so I feel pretty good about the loss. I've been concentrating on Protein, vegies, very little white carbs, though I have had rice - Korean staple, of course! Now that we are at DD's home, we are back on a regular "eat at home" schedule, and DD is a very healthy eater and cook for her family. I've been doing most of the cooking while here, but have her ingredients to work with. It's been working well. A lot of walking these days. Every little bit helps. I hope everyone has had a good weekend, making good choices and moving.
  7. JoannMarie

    Realize band..

    Slinderella, where did you have your surgery? I went to Topeka - St Francis Hosp, Dr. Berntsen. I live in Independence, MO, and there are options in KCMO area, but as a Medicare patient, I found the Tallgrass surgeons to have better coverage. I am delighted with my choice of surgeon and my Realize band. I have good restriction after the 3rd fill (total of 6cc), but I am able to eat anything I have tried - bread, salad, Pasta, etc. Because of that it might be easier to eat foods that are not the best choice for good nutrition, but I concentrate on Protein and vegies/fruit, and small amounts of whole grains. I have occasionally been a little "stuck" when I have eaten too fast, but have not pb'd on anything. My losses have been slower than some, but consistent, and I am very happy with the outcome so far. I am finding as time goes by food has not been the primary focus of my life(!). I do think about it, but not in the old way - rather just planning how I will be able to eat what I need to eat to stay on the program. We are on vacation now - visiting with family in Korea - and I am finding that eating out in a foreign country can be a challenge for a banded person! But I've lost 3 pounds since arriving here last week! Lots more physical activity... Good luck to all new banded people. Make good choices and move!
  8. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi to All, So many new friends here and so many posts I have missed since I have had limited computer access! I posted earlier that we had arrived and were awaiting the birth of little grandson. He was born on April 13th - 8 lbs 6 oz - Josiah Charles - beautiful little boy with lots of dark hair. His big brother has been so much fun for us. Josiah's middle name is after DH, so he is quite happy and honored. DD is doing fine, we are back at her home now and beginning to get a handle on a new schedule for the family. I have been walking a lot, also chasing a 2 year old (!) and doing pretty well on my food in spite of a week in a hotel w/every meal out. Stepped on the scale this morning and I've lost 2 pounds since arriving a week ago today. I am pretty happy about that. I have 3 weeks to go here, and my jeans are already baggy... aaawwww... Elayne, congratulations on your new adventure! You have had to wait a long time, but the extra time you have had will help you in the long run - after all, you have had the advice and counsel of all these wonderful folks on this thread! DD's computer has been in for repairs (after it was dropped!) so I have been w/o my cyber friends for a whole week. That has been tough! Now we have 4 of us sharing SIL's computer so my time is a little limited. I'll keep up as much as I can, but y'all will probably run way ahead of me!
  9. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi All, I'm not taking time right now to read everything I have missed - just no time at this minute. We are in Korea and DD's - DGS is adorable, DD is uncomfortable, but glad mom and dad are here. Her friend is headed to hospital right now to have her baby, but DD is still awaiting. Hope all is well with everyone and I will get back later. It is a very long airplane ride from US to Korea. A missed flight (due to weather issues) made it even longer. Will talk more later.
  10. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Janet - you are a rock star! Great pictures, great body! Glad you had a wonderful time and did exactly what you wanted to this time around. No more couch potato for you!
  11. JoannMarie

    How Many cc's in your band and how is

    Ladyracer, check on getting another fill. At 5cc I had little restriction, but at 6 I am much better. I may have a bit more put in, but I'm going overseas for a month, and don't want to have any issues while I am out of range of my surgeon. I'm scheduled for mid-May to tweak a little. Be patient and work with your surgeon as much as possible. My surgeon says they can't go too fast or you will not keep anything down, so she tries to be "assertive" but not "aggressive." That seems to be working for me. Good luck.
  12. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Must have been magic! I didn't do anything, honest - just clicked on it. This just reinforces what we were saying about computers having minds of their own...
  13. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi MiMi, For starters, this is how you use the "quote" button - click on it and it will give you a reply screen that quotes the post you are referring to. That way if you ask a question or make a comment on someone else's post, we all know who you are talking to (or about...) I noticed your ticker was gone. I just clicked on the little box with a red X and it took me to your ticker on the TickerFactory site. Of course, it required YOUR password... Try clicking on it and see if it takes you to your ticker, and you can make any necessary changes, then re-post it. I agree - computers can be frustrating. They seem to have a mind of their own. :sad:
  14. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Welcome back, Janet. It sounds like you had a fun trip. These teenagers really have me shaking my head. Two of my grandchildren are teens - GD is graduating from HS this year and GS is in 8th grade. We are still trying to figure out what motivates them... Love them dearly, but it's hard to figure out how to relate sometimes. I think they would probably sleep through the cruise, too. So glad you did not gain weight. I expected as much from you. I think you were bummed about the last trip you took and the resulting 3 pounds - determined not to repeat. I'm willing to bet you did not miss anything! Your physical exploits gave you all the excitement you needed! Good to have you back.
  15. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Long - I don't remember all the numbers but that is good. I think the ideal body fat percentage for a woman is somewhere around 23-25%. WOW. and WOW.
  16. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    Wow - Charlene - you will have a busy day! Are they local? Your family is in my prayers today for a successful delivery of this precious little child.
  17. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Phyll, thanks for the words of encouragement. I sent an email to DD's friend who moved back from Korea last summer/fall. She responded very quickly with great ideas, names, who speaks English and who doesn't, all the great stuff I needed to know. DD told me she was a wonderful person - as usual she was right. DD has also made arrangements for me to attend a guild meeting on post. I'm pretty excited about writing this article. My local friend will be a great help to me, as she wants me to write it, too. If I enjoy it as much as I think I will, I might consider writing another for submission to some of the other quilting publications - assuming there would not be a conflict, of course. I'll have to check on that a bit more.
  18. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    All of these purchases are VERY important - esp the Grateful Dead CD - ya gotta keep smiling!! What is this special shampoo? I had not heard about it. I am almost 4 months out - been expecting hair loss any day, but so far, so good. I had a cut last week, and my hairdresser (I heart her) said she is not noticing any problems yet. I eat a lot of protein, and get a healthy amount of healthy fats - I am hoping that helps in the hair loss area. Elayne - you are going to do so well. You are starting off with a great attitude. You have life issues - but so does everyone, I guess. You have such a positive attitude about the life issues and your commitment to a healthier future. You have had lots of time for reading and research - and following the adventures of your friends at LBTalk. You will be very successful on your journey. God bless.
  19. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    "When are they coming back?" she whined... We are getting pretty bad when we just can't take care of ourselves for a few days. How pathetic are we? Hope everyone is doing okay this Monday morning. Mrs. Bubba - my complete sympathy for facing the snow again this morning. Our snow on Saturday was about 7" of VERY wet snow. Even the snowblower couldn't handle the slush factor. It was beautiful in the sunshine yesterday morning, by noon was half gone. Today's sun and temp in the 60's should get rid of the rest of it. Usually our March winter blast is an ice storm - I'm thankful it was snow this year (and hoping we don't still get the ice!). We are leaving for Korea a week from tomorrow. Our tonight (Korea's Tues a.m.) DD and DGS leave for Seoul to await the baby's arrival near that Army hospital. As always happens, things start to move more quickly as we near the date of departure - and delivery. I am just hoping and praying this baby decides to really be an Easter baby - and not come early... My somewhat overachiever DH has already packed his suitcase... As long as he does not ask me to pack mine a week ahead of time, I guess that's okay. 48+ years of marriage, I hope we are adjusting to each other's timeclock by now. I am hemming pants (HIS) today so he can pack them... Apples - does this sound familiar? I know you are proactive, but please tell me you did not completely pack your suitcases a week before your trip... please tell me that... Also finishing up the quilting on new baby's quilt. I will probably be handsewing the quilt binding while on the airplane (not really!). I wish everyone a good Monday...
  20. JoannMarie

    I need Godly Council

    Careypea, don't worry about the nurse. If (when) she starts to give you a hard time, tell her it has been an emotional thing with you - and you are there to get your fill because you are dealing with those issues. You are not there for a lecture, you are there for a fill. Does your surgeon have a psychologist set up for patients to work with? I have continued to see the one I saw prior to surgery - on an infrequent basis, but still seeing him about every 2-3 months. We are on an "as-needed" basis at this point. You have some issues he/she could help you with - practical help with emotional eating and such things. Most surgeons work with a person like that or have suggestions about some who help people with our disease cope with the emotional aspects of it. Required reading for my shrink is a book called "The Emotional First + Aid Kit" by Cynthia L. Alexander, PsyD. It is available on Amazon for a modest price (paperback). My shrink said to BUY it, not borrow it from the library, because I could find it very helpful to refer back to as needed. The unfortunate thing about our disease/addiction to food - the drug addict can stop - the alcoholic can stop - but we still have to eat. You have taken a huge step in putting your emotions down on paper. It has helped you to talk about it with your most treasured friends. There will always be those like the nurse who are well-meaning in intent, but mis-guided in action. Pay attention to their intent, and forgive them their action. You do not owe an explanation to those people, but you do owe your best effort to yourself. God has guided you to this point and He is not going to abandon your here. Let it go and concentrate on the steps to make this journey successful.
  21. JoannMarie

    New 60+ Thread

    Rosie - it's been a long road for you. That is hard - but you have had lots of time to think about this decision, read and research, talk to people here, and learn whether or not this is the step for you. I really think my wait was very good for me. All that time seemed like wasted time, esp at first, but by the time the date rolled around, I realized how committed I had become, I recognized all the doors that had been opened for me, and I knew this was the right decision. In reading the posts here I've realized the the most committed people are the most successful, and most of them had to wait and ponder a while before they could actually have the surgery. This whole journey is not an easy one, but very rewarding. #1 right now - don't get hung up on how much you are losing during the pre-surgery stage. As with this whole process, everyone is different and every one loses at a different pace - no matter what stage you are in. Begin this process knowing that you will lose the weight at your own pace and you will not compare yourself to other people. This is your journey, no one else's. Are you wanting to add a picture to your avatar? If so, go to the CP user section (upper left of each page) and open it. Along the left side of the page you will find the different sections you can personalize and modify. I don't remember the exact titles of sections, but avatar is one of them. Click on that, scroll down to the bottom of that page and you will see an option to bring in pics from either another internet site or browse your computer for the picture you want. I browsed and selected my picture, clicked on open and brought it in from the stack of pictures on my computer. It was pretty easy. For a ticker, do a search for ticker instructions. I'm sorry I don't remember the actual link, but it should come up for you. I had some trouble making it work and Alex (the super-super user) helped me with it. (I'm guessing my problem had to do with the settings on my computer, not the instructions.) It goes into the Edit Signature section of the CP user page. You are in my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I have every reason to believe you will come through with flying colors! God Bless you as you begin this amazing journey.
  22. JoannMarie

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi All - just checking in... I spent a good part of the morning trying on closet clothes trying to figure out what is going on my trip with me. I plan to shop a bit this week, but wanted to assess the current jeans situation. In short, it's GOOD. I am in the next size down! The bad news is they have been waiting so long they are no longer "in style" - so relegated to wear-around-the-house status. I love the new straight leg jeans - they are so much more slimming that the tapered leg. Alas, my closet contains the tapered leg variety. I have a pair of straight leg jeans from BassPro, and plan on getting another pair this week - that and a couple of pairs from the closet should take care of me. I think I will also check out the capri's at BP. I definitely need tops. I am between sizes and seasons in my closet, so I'll check those out, too. I have stored a couple of nicer pants/tops outfits - also fit now, so they are going with us. I bought new sandals and running (walking!) shoes last week so I'm set there. I have to shorten a couple of pairs of khakis that DH bought, shorten the sleeves on a jacket for me - and we are set. I've been asked to do an article for a trade quilting magazine on the fabric market in Daegu, and quilting in Korea, on the Army post, etc. A friend of mine is on the board of the magazine and when she heard we were going she called me. I originally thought she wanted me to buy fabric at the market for her (I am doing that for a couple of friends), but she was excited about the experience and the opportunity to share the experience with other professional quilters. She has me pretty excited, too! I don't know how much interaction I can arrange with the local quilters, but I know there are several quilters on post with DD and she has already arranged for me to meet with them. I am hoping some of them might have established a connection with any local quilt guilds that may be interested in sharing their Korean traditions. My friend has given me the choice of being interviewed for the article by her - or writing it myself. I think I might give writing it a try... DH is working this weekend. Our snow yesterday was about 7 inches of very heavy, wet snow. Made a mess of the streets, may have killed our lilac buds and daffodils - and will be gone by end of day tomorrow. DH tried the snow blower on it last night - it did not work well - too slushy... He decided to allow the sunshine to work on it today. Meanwhile, Jack is doing his world-famous snowplow impression with his nose as he runs through the yard. He loves the snow! I hope you all are having a great weekend.
  23. JoannMarie

    I'm Mad as Heck...!

    It's always a tough call. My heart goes out to both of them.
  24. JoannMarie

    I'm here to help...

    I'd like to "weigh" in on the scale issue, and whether or not to weigh more than once a week. I was pretty faithful to that at first - weighing in only on Friday morning. Then I began to slip a little - curiosity was killing me - and I weighed again on Sundays and again on Tuesdays. Over the next few weeks, I realized my highest day was ALWAYS on Friday!! I began to weigh daily to test this out - turns out other days are almost always better. I've decided that I will weigh as often as I feel like it during any given week. I take the lowest weight of the week as my recorded weight. I know I am following the rules 95% of the time, my weight varies because of Water retention - can be up to 3 pounds. It is a matter of ignoring those water weight gains (while trying to weed out any particular foods that may be contributing to it) and concentrating on the importance of following the rules. I find I am much more aware of what I am eating every day - not just the day or so before my "official" weight day. I have come to the conclusion that "bad" carbs may be my worst enemies with respect to water retention and I have become much better at eliminating those little pests. I still have the heavier days, but the general trend is down and that makes me happy. and - Tuesday is usually my best day, Friday still my worst! This is just my personal experience. If you tend to want to "give up" when the scale is not your friend by a few tenths (or more!), this may not be the best method for you. For some reason I become more determined to beat the scale tomorrow, and it's easier to follow the rules. Whatever works!!
  25. JoannMarie

    I'm Mad as Heck...!

    WASaBubbleButt - great post and thanks for those recipes. I totally agree with you that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. We have to rethink everything we have ever known about nutrition and exercise. In reading these posts from mom, I have been wondering why the daughter does not post and ask these questions. I realize mom pays the bills and empathize with her need to know, but I would feel much more hopeful for ultimate success if the daughter was showing a little more interest. There may be a very good reason why not, but mom can't do it all for her - she has to take ownership of her life and learn for herself what has to be done in order to be successful. Mom can be a great support person and help with the shopping and cooking process, but daughter has to make the changes. It is not easy, but it is the ONLY way. It does get easier - little by little - and it is doable. Thanks for helping me in my journey, too.

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