Each pregnancy has made it harder to lose the weight. I am now about 40 pounds higher than my lowest weight, which was too low to maintain anyway. I had my last baby a year ago, and have only lost 10 pounds since my immediate post pregnancy weight. This time I am trying not to get obsessed and enjoy my life with my 3 boys, but I would really love to lose 20 or 30 pounds. I've been trying everything and yo-yoing for a year. I am really trying to stop dieting and just get back to a healthy gastric bypass diet. I also have been eating and drinking together and not doing protein first. It's tough, but not impossible. It's also important not to go crazy while pregnant. I think I gave myself way too much flexibility while pregnant, eating things that no pregnant woman should have, let alone a baristric patient should have. Remembering that I cannot eat what everyone else eats because I have had the gastric bypass helps. Finding this website also has helped. I am really trying to focus on my bypass and make decisions based upon my needs as an RNY patient.