I did decide to tell a couple of friends/family members/work colleagues because I am a pretty open person. Some of the reactions I got were not what I was hoping to hear. I heard it all, "dont get mad at me for saying this, but are you big enough", "its the easy way out", "are you really sure you want to do this, its a huge change," "you wont be able to go to the bar with me anymore," "you wont be able to have lunch dates with me anymore" "just diet and excercise, you have lost weight before, why cant you do that again" etc.. i can go on and on, and all that has done was give me the motivation to say "hey, all of you who have your doubts, screw you.. I am going to prove all of you wrong" Surgery is on Monday and I'm day 3 out of 5 into the liquid diet. For anyone who tells you you cant do it - its them becoming nervous that your going to change for the better. Them becoming jealous that you are improving your lifestyle and they maybe stuck where they are at. I have been anxious and nervous and doubtful for the entire 6 month process, and now that its finally here, I am ready to take the leap and change MY life. Because in the end it is YOUR life, not your friends, not your family, not your significant other. Do what you have to do to live happily. No one really knows what we all go through on a daily basis, only you know the real struggle. So do you and good luck! Rant over!