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Everything posted by momislosingit84

  1. momislosingit84

    Parents with young kids out there?

    The foggy feeling for me went away around week 3/4. Once I actually was hitting my protien goals and water intake goals my head cleared. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  2. I haven't been on this forum in forever so thought I'd make a post. :-) I will be 9 months post op in 3 days after being sleeved on 11/21/16. I started the WLS process on April 11, 2016 after basically being overweight my entire life. At my highest weight I was 398 pounds wearing a size 28W pant and 4X top. I lost 100 pounds over a few years and would always regain and lose down to around 300 after that. In Feb 2016 my PCP told me my blood work showed that I was just points away from being diabetic (runs in my family) and that unfortunately my BP meds were no longer working even though they were now at the highest dose I could go. She said if things didn't change drastically and quickly I may not see my 40th birthday. (My family has a history of heart issues and death before 40). I had already completed a full year supervised diet and workout program and had lost and regained the same 20 lbs. My body was just happy between 280 and 300. She suggested WLS and I had my first consult a few months later. At the consult I weighed in at 298.6 pounds and was wearing a size 24W pant and 3X top. After my 7 months waiting period due to insurance requirements I was sleeved on November 21, 2017. This morning I weighed in at 175 pounds and I am in a size 12 pant and can wear both a women's L top or a Juniors XL. I am off my BP meds, my blood work is amazing and I just feel so much better. I turned 33 this year and have 4 children and feel better now than I did in my 20's pre kids lol. Anyways here are some before/after pics. Some are highest weight to now and some are post op to now follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  3. momislosingit84

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Thank you [emoji2] follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  4. momislosingit84

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Thank You [emoji253] follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  5. momislosingit84

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Lol I've never thought of that but I can totally see it and I Love that show. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  6. momislosingit84

    Need help

    I've had it happen a time or two as well and I'm 9 months post op. VSG 11/21/16. From what I can tell it's just gas. Doesn't happen very often though. And hasn't in a long time. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  7. momislosingit84

    Thinking about SLEEVE...is this a regret?

    I have a digital food scale that I still use for some things like when I'm making a recipe or meal that will be more than one portion so that when I put it in the Baritastic app so I can get my portions right for tracking. I weighed everything those first few months. Weighing is more accurate than using measuring cups. After awhile I could eyeball most things and get pretty dang close to what the scale says. I would highly suggest getting one. I bought mine for $14 at Walmart. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  8. momislosingit84

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Thank you [emoji253] follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  9. momislosingit84

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Wow 140 pounds in 5 months that is amazing! Thank you :-) follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  10. momislosingit84

    Thinking about SLEEVE...is this a regret?

    Aww well thank you. In the first few months I was only able to eat 1-2 oz total food (depending on what it was) every 3 hours. By 4 months post op I felt like I was eating "normally" as in I stick to protien first usually 2-3 oz and leave 1-2 oz of veggies/dairy/good carbs. Now at 9 months post op I average about 4 - 6 oz of food each meal. If it's soup or liquid like a protein shake I can easily do 8 oz. I have days where I still can barely eat 2-3 oz at one time and than days were I easily can eat a full 6oz. It really just depends on the type of food, what I've done that day as far as activity, the time of the month plays into it as well. If I'm cooking and end up sampling while I do so 9 times out of 10 I'm honestly just too full to sit down with my family and eat so I have learned to not do that for the most part lol. I know it seems hard now or that you will never have even a semi normal eating pattern but it does get better after about 3/4 months. Like here are some examples of some of the thing's I eat now. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  11. Hi everyone. I am just starting my journey and have my first consultation on April 11th with Dr Stephens at Tx Bariatrics. I am really excited and just wondered if anyone else has used that clinic. Also I have BCBS ppo through my husband's job (KCS railroad) and I have worked with my primary for 1 yr already trying to loose weight. Anyone know what the weight time usually is between consultation & surgery? Sent from my Z970 using the BariatricPal App
  12. momislosingit84

    Anyone use Tx Bariatrics in Rockwall?

    I ended up having Dr Stephens do mine. :-) 11/22/16 follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  13. momislosingit84

    Thinking about SLEEVE...is this a regret?

    I was that way for soooo many years. Just one more diet, one more try surely it will work. For me nothing ever did or if it did it wouldn't last and the weight would come back. My PCP suggested I look into having VSG surgery after extremely bad blood work and health issues at my yearly exam but I was too scared and it wasn't until I ran into the little sister of an old class mate who had lost a TON of weight and she talked to me about her VSG and how it had changed everything for her that I finally said ok let's do this and had my consult. Having this tool has changed my life and I fully beilive has saved my life. At 32 my Dr said I would be lucky to see 40 if things didn't change drastically. I was maxed out on my BP meds and they were no longer working, I was borderline diabetic (family history of it) my bad cholesterol numbers were horrible and I found out during my pre-op sonogram of my heart that I had severe scarring on it due to being obease for so many years (I've been over weight since I was 10). I now no longer need BP meds all my blood work is amazing, I'm off my anxiety/depression meds, I have more energy at 33 than I did at 23 and I will be around to see my 4 kids grow. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  14. momislosingit84

    Thinking about SLEEVE...is this a regret?

    I'm 9 months post op tomorrow. And honestly my only regret is I didn't do it sooner. I was 32 when I started the process. But I'll go through and answer your questions. :-) #1 - at my heaviest I was 398 pounds. I lost 100 pounds over a few years on my own trying EVERYthing out there. Over the counter meds, prescription meds, Atkins, WW, low carb, no carb, Jenny Craig etc and my body would always settle back to around 300 pounds. At 31 I spent a year doing a very closely monitored diet/workout program and gained/lost the same 20 pounds. So for me personally just following the pre-op guidelines wouldn't have helped. In fact I only lost like 7 pounds before I started the pre-op liver shrinking diet. #2 I am super lucky to have a super supportive husband and family and do not feel left out or anything at get togethers. my husband laughs and calls me a cheap date when we go out now lol. I still enjoy eating out it's just done differently and I always have leftovers so I tend to get something I know will reheat well. At family events I will still enjoy a bite of this or that if I wish but I always pick my protien first. #3 pasta/bread - I personally can't stomach pasta though a lot of people in support groups I'm in still eat pasta here and there and there are protien pastas out there. I personally enjoy the zucchini noodles aka zoodles and spaghetti squash in place of pasta. As for bread I still have some now and then, Josephs Flax flat bread is amazing, there are a LOT of low carb protien breads out there also and I personally love the KETO breads and cloud bread that are all low/no carb. #4 I am the main cook for my family of 6. Me, hubs, 3 boys who are 11, 7, 5 and 1 - 3 yr old daughter. I cook thier favorite meals still and will usually eat whatever protein plus add a side I can have with it if there isn't something I'm already making that will work. We eat 90% scratch/non processed as it is so it hasn't been too hard honestly. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  15. 9 months post tomorrow VSG 11/22/16 Highest ever weight - 398 WLS program start weight - 298.6 Surgery day weight - 265.8 Current weight - 175 From a size 26/28W pant & 4X shirt at HW & a size 24W pant & 3X shirt day of surgery to currently in a size 10/12 pant and either a women's M/L or a Juniors XL shirt follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  16. momislosingit84

    Parents with young kids out there?

    33 yr old mama of 4 here. I was sleeved on 11/21/16 so 9 months post op tomorrow. My kiddos were 10, 6, 4 and 2.5 when I had surgery. My husband works out of state for the railroad and is gone 8 days home 5 and repeat. We planned it so that the night I was released from the hospital he was getting home so that he was home those first 5 days post op. It honestly wasn't too bad. I only took pain meds for 3 days. Was driving on day 4 and back to normal after he left for his next hitch. Errands, school etc. My only issue was with my youngest. She is a huge Mama's girl and wanted carried or picked up and I wasn't supposed to lift more than 10 lbs for the first two weeks. She learned how to climb in and out of her car seat if her biggest brother wasn't there to help her. I am so glad I did it though. Part of me wishes I would have done it years ago but the other part is glad I waited until I was done having children as I had 3 of my 4 kiddos in a 4 year span. As for the pain for me personally it was like period cramps. I had my tubes removed when my youngest was 3 months old and it was WAY harder recovering from that surgery compared to recovery from VSG. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  17. momislosingit84

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    I'm 9 months post op tomorrow :-) Highest ever weight - 398 WLS program starting weight - 298.6 Surgery day weight- 265.8 Current weight - 175 From a size 26/28W pant at my highest and a 24W day of surgery to a size 10/12 pant currently and from a 4X top at my highest and a 3X day of surgery to a women's M/L & juniors XL top currently. I'm off ALL my BP meds, off my anxiety meds and I'm no longer borderline diabetic. At 32 I was told I may not love to see 40 due to all my health issues and families history of heart/bp/cholesterol issues to being in better shape and health at 33 than I have ever been. Not too shabby for this mama of 4 :-) I am so beyond thankful and blessed to have this tool. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  18. momislosingit84

    9 months post op :-) before/after pics

    Thank you [emoji253] [emoji253] follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  19. I was sleeved 11/21/16 I'm down to 175 as of this morning. My starting weight was 298.6 and I was 265.8 the morning of surgery. I was wearing a size 24W pant and a 3X top and I'm down to a size 10/12 pant and a size women's M/L top or a Juniors XL. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  20. momislosingit84

    Confused About Expected Weight Loss

    I personally think the 65% is only if you rely on your sleeve and not put in the work. If you work out and use the sleeve as a tool I have seen many people lose way more than just 65%. I personally am 9 months post op VSG and am only 25 lbs from my drs goal of 150. I was 298.6 at my consult 4/11/16 sleeved 11/22/16 and now 175. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  21. I haven't been on this forum in forever so thought I'd make a post. :-) I will be 9 months post op in 3 days after being sleeved on 11/21/16. I started the WLS process on April 11, 2016 after basically being overweight my entire life. At my highest weight I was 398 pounds wearing a size 28W pant and 4X top. I lost 100 pounds over a few years and would always regain and lose down to around 300 after that. In Feb 2016 my PCP told me my blood work showed that I was just points away from being diabetic (runs in my family) and that unfortunately my BP meds were no longer working even though they were now at the highest dose I could go. She said if things didn't change drastically and quickly I may not see my 40th birthday. (My family has a history of heart issues and death before 40). I had already completed a full year supervised diet and workout program and had lost and regained the same 20 lbs. My body was just happy between 280 and 300. She suggested WLS and I had my first consult a few months later. At the consult I weighed in at 298.6 pounds and was wearing a size 24W pant and 3X top. After my 7 months waiting period due to insurance requirements I was sleeved on November 21, 2017. This morning I weighed in at 175 pounds and I am in a size 12 pant and can wear both a women's L top or a Juniors XL. I am off my BP meds, my blood work is amazing and I just feel so much better. I turned 33 this year and have 4 children and feel better now than I did in my 20's pre kids lol. Anyways here are some before/after pics. Some are highest weight to now and some are post op to now follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  22. momislosingit84

    Always hungry

    I have days like that and it usually is a sign at least for me that I haven't been keeping up with my liquid intake. Once I get it back up the next day I'm good. 3 days shy of 9 months post op. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  23. momislosingit84

    November 19th Surgery Date!

    I had my VSG done on 11/21/16! Almost 9 months post op now. Down from 298.6 at my 1st consult to 175 follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  24. I'm 3 days shy of 9 months post op and I'm 25 pounds away from the goal my surgeon set but I'm honestly perfectly happy where I am at. At my heaviest I was 398 lbs, at my 1st consult for WLS I was 298.6 today I am 175. My surgeon's goal is set at 150. Not sure I can or even want to hit that though. At my highest weight ai was in a size 28W pant and 4X top, at my consult I was in a 24W pant and 3X top and now I'm in a size 12 pant and L ladies top or XL juniors. At 33 and after 4 kids I'm happy with that. follow me on Instagram @sleevedsummer
  25. momislosingit84

    LDS members?

    I haven't been on this forum in forever but I'm LDS too :-) convert since 2002. I am 3 days shy of my 9 month VSG post op mark. Sent from my Z981 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
