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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    Hey @@Ken S. I just noticed something..... The email address that the notification comes from has changed slightly.... Before I started having the problem they came from "no-reply@BariatricPal.com".....now they are coming from "noreply@BariatricPal.com".....so now there is no dash in the word noreply....??? So it looks like Bariatric Pal has also made some sort of change.... @@proudgrammy @@OzRoo @@doxaholic
  2. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    @@Ken S. and @@proudgrammy as the one who started all this I just want to say mine is working like normal now!......again I don't really know why this started all of the sudden because I had been receiving all my emails like normal and then all of the sudden they stopped.....Now they're working again and the only thing I can think of that may have had anything to do with it.....I think I remember a Windows 10 update happening about the same time the problem started....so maybe there was something in that update that messed everything up?? Anyway, mine is working again and it had something to do with the spam filter on the webmail end of my account.....so for those having this issue make sure to sign into your webmail and change the settings there.....for me, my provider also had to make a change too because initially they were just being deleted. Once the provider made their change then the emails started showing up in my spam folder where I was able to change that. Good luck to everyone!!
  3. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    @@Ken S. I spoke too soon.....after I posted the above reply I logged on to my webmail again and like magic I had two emails from baritricpal in my webmail spam folder. I guess that's what the guy with Comcast did last night is changed it so they were not being deleted......I think the mystery is solved! haha
  4. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    Unfortunately whatever Comcast did didn't fix anything for me. I am still not receiving any notification emails from bariatricpal......I also did what the other poster did and signed into my webmail and checked the spam folder there but there is nothing there. It's really weird to me that this just started happening.....I was receiving emails regularly up until 11/01....@@Ken S. I know you said you were still looking into it on your end....finding anything? Thanks!!!
  5. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    I am with Comcast....I just chatted with their customer service....it was an interesting chat (not sure the person I chatted with spoke English)....I think you were right @@Ken S. I think he updated a setting that was deleting suspected spam.....Not sure why that would have just started this week so I'm still unsure the problem is fixed............but once you or someone responds to this thread again I hope I'll receive an email.....we shall see! I'll let you know. :-)
  6. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    @@Ken S. Hi Ken, I've received absolutely nothing from bariatric pal since 10/31 via email. I've checked my spam folder as well....
  7. kmorri

    No email notifications?

    At least I'm not the only one..... @@Alex Brecher ???
  8. Yay!!! As of this morning I am down a total of 90 pounds! I only have 12 more pounds to go and I'm not quite 6 months post op yet!!! I'm thrilled!

    1. OzRoo


      Mega Congrats! You are the Sleeve Rock Star :)

    2. Quaintrelle


      You are a wonderful inspiration to those of us just beginning this journey....congratulations!

    3. Candygyrl


      WOW that's awesome. WERK!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. kmorri

    Newbie here

    I didn't have a "mushy" stage....I went from full liquid to pureed, then to solids as tolerated.....but scrabbled eggs, greek yogurt, and like one of the other posters mentioned I stayed away from starchy things like mashed potatoes. good luck to you! Oh refried Beans might work for you too.
  10. Me! I didn't have those issues before and haven't had any issues afterwards. I'm currently just under 6 months post op. My surgeon did have me on a PPI for the first 3 months but now I'm fine without it. I've not had any problems with any certain foods either. Good luck to you!!!
  11. kmorri

    Do you miss food?

    No I don't miss the way I used to eat at all!!! Like others have said I still eat.....but I don't eat the amount I used to....and it does sometimes give me a little sickening feeling when I pay too much attention to the amount other people are eating. I really love the fact that I am completely satisfied with just very small portions. The one thing it has brought to the forefront for me is I don't waist any stomach space with things that are not delicious!!! I'm pretty picky about what I put in my mouth and enjoy savoring every little bite! My requirement is that it's healthy and yummy!
  12. kmorri

    No supervised diet?

    I didn't have to do any supervised diet or anything like that.....I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. They only required that my bmi be above 40 and I attend an bariatric educational session. It was 2 months from my initial consult and my surgery date....so very quick process for me!!
  13. Great story Sal! (fellow Floridian).......I hope after seeing your story more insurance companies will start considering coverage for medically necessary skin removal surgery. Good luck!!
  14. kmorri

    Approved ! Surgery December 13th

    Congrats on being approved. No I didn't take anything before surgery. My advice is to make sure not to take anything that your surgeon doesn't know about and approve of. You don't want to do anything that may cause any problems. My surgeon gave me specific instructions on what I could and couldn't take during the time leading up to my surgery. Good luck to you!!
  15. kmorri

    December 16th surgery date!

    Congrats on getting your date! I remember how exciting that was.
  16. My advice is try to keep your mind occupied today...... I bought myself an adult coloring book that kept me busy the day before my surgery. I think it really helped to keep me from getting so nervous. You'll do fine tomorrow and congrats!!! My surgery was back on May 16th and as far as I'm concerned it's the best thing I've ever done for myself!!!
  17. kmorri

    New sleeved needs help!

    I think most everyone has this same fear right after surgery while still on liquids. I did! The issue is you do not feel the restriction with liquids....and you may not even feel it when you move to pureed foods.....but believe me, you will feel it when you start more solid foods. Just stick to your plan and trust all is well.
  18. kmorri

    Not losing

    You're still healing. Stay off the scale and just focus on healing and following your plan. The weight will come off as long as you follow your plan....just relax!
  19. kmorri

    Ate alot

    My surgery was 5/16/16 and I've lost 89 pounds so far.
  20. kmorri

    Ate alot

    I think about a half cup then is normal for one meal. I don't eat Wendy's chili but I'm able to eat about a half cup of other things.
  21. I stayed in the hospital over night but would have been fine to go home the same day.....I'm sure if after your surgery you don't feel up to it they will let you stay.....If I were you I'd talk to the surgeon to make sure he knows that you want to stay over night "if you need to."......For example if I had been nauseous or in pain then I would have felt like I really needed to be there...
  22. kmorri

    Ate alot

    So why did you eat it in two sessions?.....do you mean two different meals? I don't really know how many ounces are in a small wendy's chili but half, I'm guessing is not too big, so for two different meals I'd say the amount is okay......just remember that grazing (eating between meals) can get you in trouble pretty fast.
  23. kmorri

    Feeling Discouraged

    It would help to know what you are eating in a day.....give specifics regarding what, how it's cooked and the amount you are eating.
  24. kmorri

    Wincing Pain....

    It's hard to say if it was a same thing...but I remember a pulling/wincing pain if I moved a certain way.....I believe it was an internal stitch.....but it's always best to contact your doctor's office with questions concerning post op pain.....always best to be safe rather than sorry! Good luck and congrats with your surgery!
  25. Try to relax......all the waiting is usually the worst part! First let me say the 2 to 6 weeks for a consult isn't all that normal.... The first step is usually an educational seminar put on by the surgeon's office.....for me they had those scheduled once a month. I went to one, and at the end of the seminar I was able to schedule my consult with the surgeon for the following week. As far as insurance requirements, they are all different but with your bmi being over 40 you'll be good for that part. But there may be other requirements like a medically supervised diet. You can easily contact your insurance company and ask them to send you the specific coverage criteria for bariatric surgery....that way you won't have to wonder. In fact it's always best to get that information yourself because doctor's offices are not perfect and you wouldn't want to be jumping through hoops that are not necessary or missing hoops that are required.....so get the information yourself. As far as your other fears......for me the portion control is the best thing about this surgery. That was where my issues were. I had my surgery on 5/16/16 a little less than 6 months ago and I've lost 89 pounds so far....only 13 more to go!! Before surgery I ate pretty healthy foods, but I ate way too much of it!!! Now with the restriction I get from my surgery my portion sizes are controlled.........Don't get me wrong it is very easy to "eat around your sleeve".....as they call it. I could easily gain weight by eating junk food and or grazing....It is a huge life changing surgery and you have to be committed to making the changes in your eating habits in order to let the surgery work for you.....To me that's one of the good reasons for the time it takes to actually get the surgery scheduled. Use this time to research, plan and sole search in order to determine if surgery is right for you.......it's not magic and still takes a lot of work from you. Good luck in what ever you do!!!

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