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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. So I'm still a ways out for surgery.....it should be sometime in May. But I thought I'd try to start getting off caffeine, so this morning my coffee was basically half and half. I mix on pound of decaffeinated coffee with one pound of my favorite flavored coffee......and now I have a pounding headache.....How long does it usually take to get off caffeine and not have the terrible withdrawal headaches?
  2. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    @@leahhindi I can't fall below 40 BMI before they submit to my insurance so I'm really glad I didn't have do any sort of diet.....that would be tough to loose just the right amount and make sure not to gain....geee if I had that much control over my weight I probably wouldn't be having this surgery...hahaha
  3. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    @@leahhindi I'm so glad I didn't have to do the supervised weight loss program! My insurance removed that requirement last year. So far I've attended the initial seminar, had a consultation with the surgeon, and a consultation with the surgery coordinator, hospital pre-admission chest x-ray, and swallow test (found out I have a hernia and narrowing of my esophagus).....This Wednesday, I have my psych eval, NUT consult, and another consult with surgery coordinator, ........I'm hoping she will be able to give me at least a tentative surgery date, but I will probably be disappointed because I know they're not submitting to my insurance until after this 2 hour class I have to take on the 25th. So far all she's said is "sometime in May." Let me know how it goes for you on Wednesday.
  4. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    @@leahhindi Based on what I've researched I should be approved without issue......still yet to be seen, but.... we shall see soon. I retired from BCBS of Florida and feel pretty confident. My surgery coordinator is also very positive and doesn't foresee any issues in being approved. The policy I have is a very low deductible and fairly low out of pocket maximum....so all my eggs are in this basket. I don't think I could convince my husband that going to Mexico would be a good option....although in everything I've seen it certainly is, but my husband would probably freak. hahaha Do you know when your insurance authorization request will be submitted? I think mine will be submitted after I take a bariatric educational class on 4/25....which is the last thing I have scheduled. I didn't have to do a supervised diet so although this feels like it's taking forever, it's moving pretty fast....my informational seminar I attended was 3/8/16. Good luck and keep in touch. Thanks, Kathy
  5. What I would suggest is adding up the difference in your monthly premium payments, deductible and out of pocket maximum..... You're out of pocket maximum plus your deductible will be the "most" you will pay....which ever plan has you paying less is the one I would go with.....but I would certainly take into account the difference in the monthly premium. Good luck!
  6. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    Yes I meet all the requirements too.......after Wednesday all I have left is a 2 hour class I have to take on 4/25. So I may still not get a date on Wednesday, but one can still hope! They are still saying it will be in May, so we shall see.
  7. kmorri

    My Fears....

    Take deep breaths....and try to relax. come here often. We're all in the same boat together and are here to support each other. Keep your eye on the prize and focus on that.....all this we have to go through to get there will be just a blip compared to the rest of our lives.......I've been picky about who I tell.....just family at this point. It's hard because it's all I think about now.....so I want to tell everyone, but I don't want to hear their horror stories.....I've done my research, I know the risks and the risks of continuing with all this weight is much riskier!
  8. kmorri

    Preop jitters....

    Good luck to all the tomorrow surgery peeps! You will all do great! Update us as soon as your feel up to it.
  9. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    I need a surgery date!! This "up in the air" stuff if driving me nuts.....I've watched so many surgery videos I will be able to assist the surgeon by the time mine happens! I have my psych eval, NUT and surgery coordinator visit on Wednesday..... Maybe I'll know something more then.
  10. kmorri

    Anyone get sleeved in May?

    That's great!!! That would be awesome! Good luck to both of you. Hubby started out with the gym comments then I said " look this is what I'm doing, you and I have been trying to lose this weight the four years we have been together and when we were hitting the gym daily and eating 1500 calories i lost four pounds and you lost 10.... Do you want me to book yours too" After about a week of me telling him about my research he decided to do it with me
  11. kmorri

    Blue Precision *** ?

    Hi, Based on the document you attached it looks like bariatric surgery is covered but weight loss programs are not covered....that is referring to the non surgical programs. this document doesn't tell you what the medical requirements are for surgery but at least it's not excluded.
  12. kmorri

    Surgery on 4/5

    sorry you're having a tough time. Hang in there!
  13. kmorri

    Surgery on 4/5

    you can't give up! You're way too close. keep you eye on the prize!
  14. kmorri

    Uhc bariatric support group

    I retired from BCBS of Florida and they had Health Coaches who were nurses that would do that sort of thing......for certain health conditions.
  15. I know exactly how you feel!!! Once I make my mind up to do something I want it done right then!.....I feel like this has already taken forever but in actuality I just attended my seminar on 3/8 and my surgery is supposed to be in May.....that's pretty good compared to most people I've seen on here......good luck!!!
  16. @@jgeldmacher So sorry for your loss.
  17. @@number1rudegal you really need to submit an appeal and do it in writing and cc the state insurance commissioner. If nothing else the cc to the IC will make sure Humana crosses all their T's and dots their I's....@@losergrl75 is spot on. The customer service reps copy and paste the information from their instructions into their comments. you need to be adamant that you were not told of this limitation prior to surgery......Also, is your provider in-network? How much did Humana allow? Usually the provider bills a certain amount, then the insurance allows a much smaller amount and then pays what ever their percentage is.....like 80% or whatever your contract says.....and you would only be responsible for the difference in the allowed amount and the amount Humana paid.....not what the provider billed. In your case is that were the 30k is coming from? That seems like an extremely high allowed amount. Good luck.
  18. I haven't heard of anyone having to do a "bowel" prep.......only liquid or low carb diets to shrink your liver (not everyone's surgeon requires this)....and Clear liquids right before surgery..........most everyone looses during the low carb or liquid diets.....you probably want to talk to your surgeons office to make sure they understand you're concerned about loosing....they may be able to set your mind at rest.....I know for me at that stage my insurance has already approved so it won't matter, but I'm not sure about you. You should check with you doc.
  19. I'm in Middleburg but my surgery will be at St Vincent's in Riverside with Dr. Uchal in May.
  20. kmorri

    Stomach issues

    I think your auto correct is playing an April's fools on you...haha do you mean Pork Rinds?.....and what formed in your throat?....but no matter my question is.....6 weeks post opp, are crispy things like that on the menu? I can't really advise on the pain you're having but if I were in your shoes I'd contact my doctor just to be safe. Feel better soon! Good luck!
  21. kmorri

    First time posting! Broth prep?

    @@Sandy GlueStick welcome!! I'm not preparing any food for the future.......I watched a YouTube video of a girl that talked about how she went overboard preparing things in advance and stocking up of Protein powder and stuff before her surgery.....this video was titled something like "What I would do Different".....anyway the moral of her story was remember you will still be able to go out shopping when needed. She even offered to send Protein Bars and drinks to people who wanted them...lol.....I'm still pre-surgery mine should be in May....but I've had to remind myself of her video several times because I think it's pretty normal to want to "prepare.".........good luck in your journey!
  22. Thank you! @krakow57....I was thinking they should be small enough....but it's hard to know what to expect. I'll see what the surgeon says. Thanks again!
  23. @@Phoenix40 Welcome! Tthe process really depends on your insurance requirements and also any requirements your surgeon or center has. You'll have a better idea after the seminar they will probably be able to tell you the basic requirements then ......but get ready for a ride and don't expect anything to happen too fast is the best advice I can offer...
  24. wow! I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. You've been through so much at this point I would be afraid to change surgeons as it may end up starting the whole process over again.....someone else suggested the office manager ....that's probably your best bet. I can't believe they have you making all the appointments and stuff....what is the coordinators job? My surgery coordinator has done everything for me. She scheduled all my appointments and emailed it all to me to put on my calendar..... I hope it all works out for you very soon. Kathy

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