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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    Getting back on track?!

    I agree it sounds like too many calories and way too many carbs....I keep my carbs below 30, and calories around 800. My surgery was 5/16/16 starting weight was 252 and this morning I weighed 152.8.....less than a pound away from losing 100 pounds! Good luck to you.
  2. kmorri


    Walking walking and more walking.....and an abdominal binder my daughter used after her C-section.....
  3. kmorri

    I was ready to eat the squirrel...

    I work from home and have several squirrel feeders outside my office window and watch them all day.....I love my squirrels! I have one really cute one I've named stumpy....he doesn't have a tail..he's so cute though!!
  4. kmorri

    Pre op importance?

    I meant to add.....my post op plan wasn't all that bad to me.....I really didn't want or crave things I couldn't have.....granted my plan moved me through the stages pretty quickly though....by 4 weeks I was on regular food.
  5. kmorri

    Pre op importance?

    My pre-op diet was a low carb diet.....similar to Atkins for two weeks prior to surgery.....I did have some low carb protein drinks for some of my meals during that time.....but I can tell you the ones I drank during pre-op suddenly tasted like crap after surgery...lol
  6. kmorri

    I don't get it.

    I think there is a big difference in someone "cheating" during their post op plan.......I don't call it risking their "success"........it's risking their lives! and I think a lot of folks for one reason or another just don't get that. I think because they look healed on the outside they think their insides look the same...I don't know. Now down the road after somebody is completely healed and they start eating Cookies everyday as a treat.....well that's risking their success! Big difference, still stupid but at least they won't die...lol
  7. I don't see a problem with it at 9 weeks.....of course everyone is different but for me after 2 to 3 weeks I felt fine.....I think most doctors say to give yourself 6 to 8 weeks to completely heal.
  8. There is no way in he!! I am NORMAL! hahaha.....But based on my BMI this morning I am now in the normal range...I can't believe it! I had surgery on 5/16/16. My starting weight was 252....I've lost 97.8 pounds and weigh 154.2 this morning!!! I only have 4.2 pounds to go before I hit my goal weight!! It's only been about 6.5 months.....I'm just amazed!! First pic (I'm in the middle)....my daughter, me and my mom at Thanksgiving. Second picture is me this past Easter before my surgery....ekkkk!
  9. Thank you everyone for all the kind words......You're all awesome!
  10. I'm 6.5 months post op and have 2 cups of regular coffee...(well they are mugs...about 12oz each) everyday......I think it was about 6 weeks before I started back on regular coffee..
  11. haha....yep and it will be the first one I've owned in many many years!!! :-)
  12. kmorri

    Jacksonville fl

    I've already had surgery...(this past May)....but I'm in Middleburg. Dr. Uchal did my surgery at St. Vincent's in Riverside.
  13. Hi and welcome! as far as recovery, for me I I felt pretty good pretty quickly...I had surgery on a Monday and was back at work the following Monday......By the following Monday I felt completely normal.....but everyone is different, so I'm sure you'll get several different responses for this question... As far as age range I don't know the "average".....but based on what I see it's a very wide range....I'm 56 soon to be 57......and I've seen young folks in their 20's on here as well... Meals?.....I'm 6.5 months post op and still in the weight loss phase so I stick to mostly low carb type meals....and eat 3 times a day.....about a half a cup of food total at a meal....or if it's easier for you to picture....about 2.5 - 3 ounces of grilled chicken or other meat....and a couple of bites of non-starchy veggies. I didn't have a confidence problem before surgery so I can't really answer that one....but I do certainly feel better about myself! I've lost just under 100 pounds in a little over 6.5 months and only 4.2 pounds from meeting my goal.....this was the best decision I ever made! Good luck with whatever you decide is best for you!
  14. You don't need much.... your phone and a charger with a long cord....chapstick and that's about it....the hospital will supply the rest. Good luck to you!
  15. Guess what! guess what? guess what!!! I am now at a NORMAL BMI!!! OMG!!

    1. ShelterDog64


      You're fantastic, Kmorri :)


    2. OzRoo


      Wonderful! Congratulations to you !!!

    3. Caribear


      Whoop! Great job!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. It all depends on the surgeon's office sending in all the paperwork and the insurance company reviewing it.......it's different time frames for most everyone. I suggest starting with your surgeon's office to find out when they will be sending in the surgery authorization request....then ask them how long your insurance company normally takes......most likely they deal with them on a regular basis and will have a good idea of how long it takes......good luck to you!!!
  17. kmorri

    Worried... advise please!

    Yes I do.......stay off the scale. .....and stop your worrying...it'll happen I promise. opps sorry what I meant was I thought it was normal.....not unusual....
  18. kmorri

    Worried... advise please!

    Yes I do.......stay off the scale. .....and stop your worrying...it'll happen I promise.
  19. kmorri

    Worried... advise please!

    Oh and I forgot to mention......it's too early for you to worry about your weight loss! Right now your body is still healing and everything needs to be focused on that......The surgery is a huge shock to your system then on top of that there is a severe reduction in your food intake.....so it takes a little while for things to settle down and the the weight starts falling off.........but rest assured it will!!! Just focus on your healing follow your plan and it will happen. Good luck to you!!!
  20. kmorri

    Worried... advise please!

    No worries!!! You really don't feel any restriction until you start eating more solid food.....and believe me you'll feel it then! I had your same problem. I didn't really ever eat a lot of junk food....I ate mostly healthy foods but I ate way way too much of it!! So I had your same worries....I'm a little over 6 months post op and have lost around 95 pounds! To give you an idea I can only eat 2.5 to 3 oz of Protein ....like chicken breast....I may have room for one or two small bites of veggies.........and that's it!....and I'm totally satisfied! So don't worry you'll feel the restriction when you're eating regular food.....liquids go right through your sleeve.....you can't stretch it by drinking too much. Good luck to you!!
  21. @@Dknal2 I totally agree with you.....I can't even imagine my HUSBAND insulting me!!! It wouldn't take much of that at all before he would leave whether he wanted to or not! No one deserves to be treated that way.
  22. kmorri

    It's going to get better

    I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time.....reach out to your bariatric team so they can refer you to a good therapist and support group.....I believe marriage problems after weigh loss is pretty common so I'm sure you'll find many people who can relate and perhaps give you insights on things that worked for them.............but what you need to do now is get help and support so reach out to your team for a referral. Good luck to you and hang in there!!
  23. Sounds like there is much more going on then just disagreement concerning surgery......the "size" of a woman he loves should not make a difference. When you truly love someone you love them for what's on the inside. If you haven't had a good sit down talk with him you should start there.....if you have already done that......well I'm certainly not a marriage counselor so am not qualified to give advice.....but if I were in your shoes I'd be pissed....sorry I'm sure that's not helpful. Good luck to you! Hang in there and do what's best for you.

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