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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. I've not had this problem at all in fact I've had a little diarrhea.....But if you're suffering or uncomfortable just call your surgeon's office and they will tell you what you can take............if you're not uncomfortable I say don't worry....you're not eating enough to produce very much...Hang in there!
  2. The post op diet is not just a diet to keep you from being sick....like if you've had a stomach virus and the doctor always tells you to just have liquids then add some bland food and slowly get back to a normal diet......That's not what this is!!! I had surgery this past Monday. I try to picture what the inside of my stomach looks like, and I think about that loooooong staple line.....what if tiny particles of food get lodged in there and cause an infection?.....look at your external incisions, those are tiny compared to the huge one along the length of your stomach. Take care and follow your doctor's orders.
  3. I woke up this morning and feel like a new person!!! I'm not queasy for the first time.....water even tasted almost normal. I'm so happy I'm feeling so much better today....my surgery was the 16th and I've had a really rough time so this is very exciting to me!!! And I'm down 4.4 pounds since yesterday!!
  4. you need to call your surgeon's office right away.
  5. kmorri

    Trouble finding vitamins?

    I use Celebrate brand and order them online.
  6. I had more pain in my chest when I tried to swallow anything....but I had a hernia repair as well....I never noticed any burning feeling other than heartburn type pain. When you get home from the hospital don't be surprised if you can't get in enough Water or Protein....I'm on day 4 (surgery was Monday) and I was just now able to almost finish an 8oz Protein Drink....prior to this nothing other than a little fluids. I think today I'm turning a corner and hope tomorrow I'll be able to get more in. Pain in the hospital once they finally got my pain pump setup was controlled well....there was an issue when they moved me from recovery to my room....they didn't have my pain pump ready and no one seemed to know who my nurse was and I had a period of agony I should not have had to endure....They must stay on top of your pain! Once I got home I had liquid pain medication that made me want to puke it tasted so bad so all I've been able to take is Extra Strength Tylenol.....I have found that almost everything tastes terrible after surgery....today it's getting a little better.
  7. @@Maggie Journey Well like I haven't had enough problems, I've had diarrhea ever since I came home from the hospital...But I do have some good news! I just "almost" finished an 8oz Protein drink.....first one I've been able to drink since surgery....I have about an ounce left and I put it in the frig and will try to finish is in a little bit.........This is huge for me because I've not really be able to drink anything worth measuring! So I'm hoping I'm turning a corner......I know once I'm able to get a few calories in me I'll start feeling a little better.....I can't believe I haven't felt the first little bit of hunger even though I've not taken in more than 100 calories in a day since surgery.....Yes I know that's bad! but if I can't do it, I can't do it.....I'm working very hard to be able get the fluids and protein it's just been very slow going for me..... So I will finish the rest of this Protein shake this evening and my goal tomorrow will be to manage two.....we shall see!!!
  8. kmorri

    Post-Op Pain

    Thanks for the suggestion but I don't really think I'm having enough pain to take anything stronger than Tylenol....I'm pretty sure the issue with sleeping through the night has everything to do with sleeping during the day. Thanks again.
  9. kmorri

    Gas x

    @ did you have a hernia repair as well? I had surgery on Monday and had terrible chest pain,,,,it finally went away yesterday. I think it was caused by the hernia repair.
  10. kmorri

    Post-Op Pain

    @@KristenLe No I've not been able to take my liquid pain meds since I've been home. It tastes terrible and makes me almost throw up anytime I tried. I've only been taking Extra Strength Tylenol since I've been home
  11. kmorri

    Post-Op Pain

    @@jane13 I'm just on full liquids right now,,,,for 2 weeks.....I'm still having difficulty drinking without feeling nauseous....but each day is a little better. sleep will come I'm sure. I think I need to be able to get more calories (or some calories) in so I have enough energy to stay awake during the day....once I can do that I'll be able to sleep at night. Right now the only thing I've eaten that had any calories is a half of a yogurt, about 3 tablespoons of cream of chicken Soup....and about half of a sugar free 15 calorie Popsicle.
  12. kmorri

    Post-Op Pain

    I had surgery on the 16th....I'm not having much pain just abdominal muscle pain....but I am having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. I'm not sure if it's surgery related or I'm not used to sleeping during the day....I get so tired during the day I usually go lay down and end up falling asleep....I tried very hard yesterday and only took one nap early in the day hoping it would make is easier to sleep at night but I still woke up at 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep...
  13. Hey @@Madea61 I responded to your private message already but I wanted to also let you know that there is a great Facebook support group for folks having sleeve surgery during the months of May and June....even though you're having bypass I think this group would be great for you if you use Facebook.....bypass and sleeve are two different surgeries but the pre-op and post-op are very similar from what I understand so you should fit right in. If you'd like me to add you to the group send me your email address and I can get you added. It's a completely secret group and no one can see anything that is posted there that is not a member of the group.
  14. Those sound like very high calorie protein shakes.....mine are only around 100 to 120 calories......sorry I don't know the answer to your question regarding potassium....but it sounds like you may be drinking too many calories......pre-op I was closer to 600 to 800 calories.
  15. I don't think an anti-histamine in the best choice.....I'd lean more toward a anti-nausea med.....you could also call your doc's office and let them suggest something for you.
  16. kmorri

    Swallow pills

    I have liquid pain meds but I can't take it because it's awful tasting....I've tried it twice and just can't stomach it. So I've been taking Extra Strength Tylenol capsules and I can swallow them without issue.
  17. I am three days post op and I'm not getting anywhere near any goals......I've mixed up two protein drinks and could only take a few sips.....water, I'm drinking as much as I can but still not near enough....I've emailed my plan's nurse and she told me not to worry about any goals and to just focus on drinking as much fluid as I can and to keep an eye on the color of my urine....she said to not even worry about protein until I'm able to drink more water.
  18. I am 3 days post op and consider myself to have a high pain tolerance. I had a terrible experience in the hospital......when they moved my from recovery to my room they didn't not have my pain pump ready,,,,and no one seemed to know who my nurse was and she would be the one that would have to set it up.....during all this time I was in what I consider to be the worst pain I've ever experience....and I've had two babies natural with out any drugs and my last one weighed 11 pounds!......After my husband went to the nurses station and insisted that they get off their azz and do something things started to get better. I've never had high blood pressure but during this time it was through the roof. Once they finally got the pain meds in me things improved quickly.....and now 3 days later it's not too bad. I am only taking extra strength Tylenol....I can't stand the taste of the liquid pain med that sent me home with. The hospital staff must stay on top of the pain.....if that had not happened I wouldn't have complained about the pain at all.
  19. @@leahhindi Oh that's wonderful to hear!!! Thanks for the encouragement.
  20. I'm having a terrible time....all my medicines taste like crap. I've not been able to take my liquid pain med, nausea med that dissolves in your mouth is terrible too...even GasX is bad....brushing my teeth....Popsicles....protein drinks....it's just all gross!.....I had some strained cream of chicken Soup earlier and it was ok .....but my question is do normally good tasting things start tasting normal again?
  21. Chewable gas x may help... It helped me. It gets better in a matter of days! Hang in there... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App Thank you! I sure hope so! I've been using Gasx strips and nothing is touching this discomfort yet.....
  22. I emailed my surgeon's nurse and she said this early out to not really worry about a number of oz of water.....she suggested just keeping an eye on the color of my urine......and she said don't worry about Protein at all for now.....just keep focused on liquids for now and don't let my urine get dark...I was able to go take a nap for a couple of hours and that has helped a lot as I didn't sleep hardly any last night. I had a very positive attitude going in to this, so how I'm feeling right now has knocked me for a loop.....it hurts when I lay down, when I stand up, when I walk. I can't drink enough to even measure......my whole body just feels like I've been run over by a truck! I'm still trying to stay positive but man this all sucks!!!
  23. I'm home now and the abdominal pain is pretty extreme.....I have a hard time standing up straight. I also have a lot of gas pain in my chest.....I'm having an awful time getting in my water and protein.....We got home yesterday about 3:00 and while I was home I was only able to drink about 10 oz of water and only 4 oz of a protein drink.....the heartburn is what kept be from being able to drink more. I hope today will be better.......they gave me Omeprazole to take but the instructions say to open the capsule and sprinkle it over pudding or yogurt........I'm on clear liquids until tomorrow! But I did take a small spoon ful of yogurt and sprinkled the pill over it and took it like that......also having a hard time sleeping, hense me posting on here before 3 am EST/
  24. They just did the leak test....told me it looked good....but the official results have to be sent up here Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App
  25. I made it through surgery and all is good now......when they first brought me to my room from recovery they didnt have my pain pump ready and no one seemed to know who my nurse was.....I can honestly say it was the worse pain I've ever experienced!!!....Wade (my hubby) got them in shape pretty fast but he had to talk to them like they were inmates!.(he's a corrections officer in a prison).lol.....they are all doing a really job now!....I've already been up and made 3 laps around the ward....so much much better now!....forgive any misspellings I'm very drugged.....Dilloten (sp).....is my BFF right now!!! Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
