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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri


    Hi and welcome! The process really depends a lot on what your insurance requirements are.....Some require a medically supervised diet for a certain period of time prior to surgery being approved.....You can call your insurance company and ask them what the coverage criteria is and that should help you with what to expect.
  2. Thank you everyone! I had my follow-up appointment yesterday and my surgeon could not have been any more pleased! It feels so good to not be able to wait to get to jump on the scale! hahaha!!
  3. kmorri

    Can I lie - hernia op?

    I told the folks I work with that I was having a hernia repair surgery. It was true because they did that too.........my family knew the whole truth. You don't need to tell anyone anything you don't want to. Good luck to you!!
  4. Just one word..... GOOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!!!!

    1. ShelterDog64


      That's awesome!! I was going to post a little soccer ball but wasn't sure anyone would get it ;-)

    2. OutsideMatchInside
    3. Sai
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  5. Good morning BP gang!! I finally jumped over the 100 pound mark.....as of this morning I've lost 101 pounds....I was going to wait to post because I'm also just one pound away from reaching my goal.....but I thought what the heck I'll celebrate both! December 16th was 7 months post op for me....I have a follow-up with my surgeon tomorrow so today I'll look around for the lightest clothes I can wear to that appointment...hahahaha

  6. OOOOH! adult coloring book is an AWESOME idea!!! I'm getting one to take with me tomorrow! haha....well to be honest it didn't do me any good at all in the hospital after the surgery.....the drugs were too strong for me to stay in the lines...haha It was much more helpful in keeping me busy the day before surgery. Good luck to you!!
  7. kmorri

    recovery after surgery

    I didn't need any help with anything......My husband was here with me but I was fine....I didn't take any pain meds once I got home from the hospital....didn't need any. But like you said everyone is different.
  8. kmorri

    Sleeve Over Lap Band?

    although the lap band can be reversed it requires another surgery to do so.....and actually was one of the reasons I decided on the sleeve. I didn't want anything temporary...I know the lap band isn't considered temporary, but having to have fills and that sort of thing bothered me as well......and then while reading this forum I saw where a lot of people were having problems with their lap bands and actually having them removed and having the sleeve......there seems to be a lot of people here going from band to sleeve. I'm very happy with my decision!!
  9. it's probably too late to suggest this to you now....but I asked my surgeon to prescribe something for me to take for the couple of days before surgery.....he gave me Valium....it was wonderful and did the trick!............the other thing I did was I tried to stay busy ......I had an adult coloring book that I worked on a lot....you'll do fine! No worries!
  10. Your feelings are completely normal....just try to relax. I'm almost 7 months post op and have had absolutely no side effects. This is the best thing I've ever done for my self.....I've lost 99.8 pounds and am just a little over 2 pounds from reaching my goal.....you can do this! Good luck!!
  11. That early after surgery it's always best to seek the advice of your surgeon......what other's were able to take right after surgery may not apply to you. I had the email address for my surgeon's nurse where I was able to get very quick responses from her right after my surgery. If you don't have that then just give them a quick call...........or sometimes they put information like that in your discharge notes....take a look at that too.
  12. kmorri

    Hi I need advice!

    Yes for me I have to skip the carbs. I stay below 30g of carbs a day. Good luck!
  13. kmorri

    Hi I need advice!

    In order to help give us a little more information about what you're currently eating in a day.....you may just be in a stall.
  14. kmorri

    10 more days

    Congrats!!! I remember being where you are and you're right it is very exciting! Don't listen to the negative folks. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Good luck to you!
  15. kmorri

    Boobs! [emoji523]

    Well I'll just say now that I've lost 100 pounds I am now a 36 long.....but able to stuff them in a DD cup...haha
  16. kmorri


    Wow! What a post! Let's see I think the original question was about soda......so I'll try to give my response to that. I'm a little over 6.5 months post op and I haven't had any soda....I've taken a couple of sips from time to time and it no longer really appeals to me....and I was a diet coke freak before!.....but down the road if I really want some carbonation I'll have some! Now y'all play nice! haha
  17. Not sure but I would ask your surgery team just to be sure......or just skip it. The pre-op diet is the hardest part of this whole process! Good luck to you!!
  18. The Zephyrhills sport bottles with the squeeze tops work great for me! It's something about the squeeze bottle that helps me to drink more. I'm sure it's all in my head....but it works!
  19. kmorri

    Great advice from Dr

    I too weigh everyday but I don't let it bother me when it doesn't move.....I feel like a learn a lot about my body by weighing everyday. But I totally agree that if the scale bothers you, put it away!....for me when I stop weighing it's like I've fallen off the wagon. :-) Everyone is different and you just have to find what works best for you. Good luck to you!!
  20. kmorri

    Leak test?

    I think each surgeon has their own "standard"......my surgeon did a leak test the morning after surgery. I was not allowed anything by mouth until after I had that test.......caused the driest mouth I've ever had in my life!!!! haha
  21. kmorri


    A leak will make you very sick very quickly.....Just make sure to follow your post op eating plan and you'll be fine.....not eating solid foods too early is what will prevent you from having a leak. Congrats on your surgery and good luck to you!!
  22. kmorri


    I also had a leak test the morning after surgery before I was allowed to take anything by mouth....it amounted to me drinking this yucky tasting stuff while they did an x-ray of it going into my stomach............once I passed the leak test I was able to start sipping Water and other fluids. Like @@jackieemac asked, what make you think you have a leak? Are you have problems?
  23. @@melunruh You are doing great!!! Awesome job!! Doesn't it feel amazing? My surgery was May 16th just a little over 6.5 months ago and as of this morning I'm down 99.8 pounds!! just 2.2 pounds away from meeting my goal of 150......I'm hoping to hit my goal by Christmas. What a present that will be!! So keep doing what you're doing and keep remembering this feeling you have now and use it for motivation on the days when you struggle. Congrats!!!
  24. kmorri

    Pouch Stretch

    No you can't the Water does not sit in your stomach like it would a water balloon....it goes right through.....good job getting in all your water! Keep up the good work.
  25. How much closer can I get??haha I weigh 152.2 this morning which means I've lost 99.8 pounds....and on top of that I'm only 2.2 pounds away from meeting my goal. I never thought I'd get here this quickly!.....just a little over 6.5 months!!!

    1. The New Kel

      The New Kel


    2. OzRoo


      Fantastic! Well Done! Congratulations :)

    3. Sai


      Yay, great job!

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