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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. There's a zip line near me in St. Augustine Florida......it's pretty close to the ground.....However, it goes over the Florida Alligator Farm/zoo........LOL....for me I think this one would be a little better being a little higher...hahaha Nay, Woman. Anyone else would have sung, "My Eyes Adore You." You are magnificent. You got me weepy with joy for you. @@Valentina -- Planning a 'Rosie Ruiz' to cheat the zipline? You of all people! I am shocked and incredulous. Did I mentioned that I'm terrified of heights???? Maybe we can find a zip line that is close to the ground??? Here I thought all of these years that my daughters loved me...
  2. And this is especially for @@KindaFamiliar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVelso6JZlc
  3. try this link....and I promise if this one doesn't work I'll give up....
  4. Not sure if this link will work here...........but this video makes me giggle...the video link below is work copying and pasting in your address bar.....it's babies playing with rubber bands and is adorable!!!... :-) https://www.facebook.com/amy.jones.98031506/videos/10200851621366007/ edited to say this one doesn't work.....but it works in the post below...hahaha If that doesn't work so do these beautiful grand kids of mine!....These guys make me giggle all the time!
  5. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I first joined back in October of 2014...pre-sleeve and nervous with so many questions. I found this site to be very helpful from both veterans and newbies and I'm thankful for that. Much like offline life people are gonna be nice and others are just gonna be snarky and rude....and while I may be a New Yorker with thick skin it even irritated me a little...just a little So I stopped posting and our group made a Facebook page for those sleeved in January of 2016. It's super helpful and we're even planning a little gathering for our 1 year anniversary. It will never get rid of assholes cuz seriously they're everywhere but I think there's less snark when full names, location and family photos are attached to a profile P.S. I haven't posted on here in months...and even when I did it was rare. But somehow I knew exactly who you were talking about lol Chill Hun...don't let them get to you. Snarky trolls have nothing better to do so they sit online all day and post, post, post to get a response from you. My group actually did the same thing with the Facebook page and you're right it's much much better.......actually my post above was based on my observations on other people's posts......no one had gotten snaky on one of my posts...(until this one) haha......In other words no one has hurt my feelings....after all this is the Internet and I don't even know any of these people............I just feel bad when I see poor new people asking questions and then people responding with snarky replies.......this site was very helpful to me with I first started and I just want it to continue to be helpful to new folks. I certainly understand what several folks said, that it's just the nature of an Internet forum.....I've been on several and you do see the same type of behavior on all of them..(which is really weird to me...why does that happen?)......I also understand the right thing to do is soak in what you want and filter out the rest...........as hard as it may be for some folks to believe.....I really didn't just fall off a turnip truck...hahaha I have been around the block a time or two! So bottom line, I found the "rant" section.....had a "rant" on mind.....posted it............and it's gone from me being the sarcastic and rude one to .....sex and snicker bars...LOL...who would have ever thunk it??? It's all good! Like I said in one of my earlier replies, I knew this post would prompt a banter when I posted it...but for me, one day of banter is enough......I can't stay focused on one thing that long.
  6. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I'm sorry you felt that way. Please continue to post and ask your questions. There are lots and lots of really good people on this site with lots of good information to share.....take some of the advice that some have given on this post and use the ignore/block feature so you don't have to deal with the judgmental folks.....I promise there are some really good people here!
  7. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Really? Wow!.....Let's see I purposely found the section for "Rants and Raves".....posted a "rant"......and you think I'm being the "thought police"......good Lord! I couldn't care less what you think. hahaha All I can think to do is laugh.
  8. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Well @@Babbs, I'll just say it's very obvious that you learned and learned very well from the very vets my post is referring to....in fact you learned so well you actually became one of them. Congrats on your success! As far as your statement of "How's that for ruining a this forum?"..............Not even close. You don't have that much power.
  9. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    I agree with you. I totally understand that it is sometimes frustrating with folks ask questions that those of us that have been around for any length of time have seen over and over......but I don't believe those posts should prompt a sarcastic post from a vet.....just don't comment and the original poster will either get their answer from someone else or they will find it by researching on their own......there is never a need to be sarcastic to someone who is asking a question... Don't get me wrong there have been many posts that I've read and am very grateful the original poster can't hear my thoughts!!! haha...............but I'm a nice enough person that I'm going to either not respond to their post, or I'm going to be thoughtful when I do post and use the golden rule of "Do unto others as you'd have done to you"....just pure human kindness.
  10. kmorri

    Post Your Silly Rant

    checking out at the grocery store (Walmart)......been standing in line for what feels like forever, finally my turn so I start trying to unload my cart on the belt and the damn cashier refuses to turn the belt on until she is completely finished with the person in front of me!!! Why??? I know I'm going to lose it one day and just start throwing my stuff!
  11. kmorri

    Robotic Surgery?

    have a discussion with your surgeon....I'm sure he'll be happy to give you all the details. The surgeon is right there operating the robot like other's have said. I believe this is a better way to perform the surgery.....not sure if it will be true for you but a lady in a support group I'm in had her surgery performed robotically and had only one incision site rather than the normal 4 to 6......Although my surgery went fine and I had no complications, if I had been given the option I would have chose robot. Good luck!!!
  12. kmorri

    No Jello?!

    That is weird I was given Jello in the hospital on the very first tray they brought to me.....and it's on my "clear liquid" phase, and counts as liquid intake. These docs are all over the place with their rules....LOL
  13. Well I'm almost 4 weeks post op...Monday will be 4 weeks exactly. I'm down 43 lbs from my highest weight and about 16 since surgery! I feel great and am close to feeling normal again. I'm eat normal food now just very small amounts. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself!

    1. Shemekasr


      That is good to know about the burps, haha. This certainly isn't easy, but I will get it right one day!

    2. leahhindi


      So happy to hear this. Hard to get these things right right from the start. You are a work in progress but definitely progressing in the right direction! :-)

    3. Maggie Journey

      Maggie Journey

      @kmorri, very excited for you!

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  14. Try a 3way call with insurance and surgeon's office.
  15. kmorri

    Why chew?

    You try it first and let us know how it goes....hahaha.
  16. kmorri

    2 months out pics

    OMGosh!!! You look amazing!! How much have you lost? I'm 3 weeks post op now.
  17. This is something that started happening to be about 5 years ago......way before surgery! Anytime I eat anything I get a runny nose.....just like what most people get when they eat something spicy.......but I get it if I eat anything! I went to the doctor about it and you won't like this answer because I didn't......I was told it is just an age thing! My answer was... "wonderful"
  18. kmorri

    I feel hopeless!

    @@Heidijenn I had my surgery on May 16th..........I've not had any issues. After the first 5 days I started to feel pretty much normal. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself! Keep in mind that people are much more likely to post when things are not going so good......folks that are doing well are much more likely to just get on with their life.....The surgery is certainly a personal decision but don't make that decision based on issues others are having....yes there are risks, but weigh those risks against the risks of obesity related issues.....I wish you the best.
  19. @kjmorris.....Hello! I had my surgery on May 15th. I was like you and felt better while in the hospital. Once I got home I wasn't able to drink near enough Fluid or any Protein.............My nurse coordinator gave me the best advice....she told me to stop worrying about any number of ounces as goals and to just focus on sipping as much fluid as I could and to keep an eye on the color of my urine and to not let it get dark......and once I was able to drink fluids easier then to start working on protein........ Bottom line the first 5 days were tough for me.............day 6 it started to get much better and by about day 8 I was good to go with both fluid and protein. Let us know how you're doing.
  20. kmorri

    Am I jumping the gun?

    @@Jane I think it may be possible! My insurance didn't require the supervised diet either.....I went to my initial consult with the surgeon on March 15th and my surgery was done on May 16th......so depending on when schools starts back it may be close. Good luck!!!
  21. The good thing is if your hernia repair is approved by your insurance that the facility charges from the hospital will be covered.....the surgeons fees would only be covered for the hernia repair and then you'd be responsible for the Sleeve.....I believe most any bariatric surgeon would do this....your out of pocket will be a little higher but still very worth it! I would start calling other surgeons.
  22. kmorri

    BMI question

    Make sure to ask this specific question to not only your bariatric center but also your insurance company.....because it is different for different plans. as you've seen in the previous answers sometime just the initial weight is used....but for me every single weigh in counted until they finally submitted to my insurance for approval.....I was like you and started out with a BMI of around 41 and I had to make sure I did not drop below 40 prior to being submitted to my insurance.
  23. When the initial authorization request from the provider is submitted to the insurance company they include an "expected" surgery date.............if it was approved, most likely all they will have to do is update the date on the authorization request......However, there may be some tests or visits that are time sensitive and have to be redone if too much time passed............(my knowledge comes from me retiring from BCBS of Florida back in September after working there for 29 years).
  24. kmorri

    3 month checkin

    Your stats are very close to mine....I'm also 5'5"....my starting weight was 252....but surgery weight was 225. My surgery was 5/16 so just a little less than 3 weeks for me now and I've lost 15 lbs since surgery for a total of 40 overall!...I can't wait to see where I am at 3 months!

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