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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    what to tell the surgeon?

    My surgeon was actually at the seminar and did a great presentation.....I was in your same boat....I was around a 42 bmi with no medical issues.....When I met with the surgeon I told him all about all the times I had lost and re-gained....I told him I know how I "should" eat.....I actually ate pretty health foods, I just ate way way too much of it! He felt I was perfect for surgery right from the beginning. You'll do great! I'm a little over 4 weeks post-op now and feeling great! This is the best thing I've ever done for myself!!!
  2. There's really no way to predict your weight loss.....I'm a little over 4 weeks and I've lost 18 since surgery.....30 since my pre-op diet.....and about 43 total from the start. Everyone is different and will lose at different rates. As far as energy and such.....as long as you don't have any complications you should be fine. I would be fine to go on one now at just 4 weeks.,....but again it will all depend on you and your specific healing process.
  3. The last few weeks I've been seeing a lot of rude responses to posts........each time I saw one I wanted to respond and ask "WTH is your problem?"......but knew that would just add to the drama, and I think that's what those folks are seeking anyway......So I found this "Rant" section and decided this would be the place to express my low opinion of those posters that seem to think that name calling and talking down to people is the way to respond to posts on a support forum....I see this type of response most often from some of the long timers. I'm not going to name names, because I know you know who you are because it is obvious it is done intentionally.....My advice to those folks, is if you're no longer able to provide support without being sarcastic, maybe it's time you move on with your life and just leave the forum and find something you're good at......It's great to have long timers here that will share their experiences with newbies because it is priceless when shared appropriately.....but if you don't know how to do it in a way that is supportive, you're only being hurtful and may actually cause someone not to ask a future question for fear they will be attached for being stupid...... That's the end of my rant.............As Ellen says at the end of all her shows............"Be kind to one another"
  4. @@audaciousmarie Blue Cross and Blue Shield.......but again it's not the insurance company it the specific plan that determines the rules. (in other words all BCBS plans won't have the same requirements) Not only do I have BCBS insurance I have 29 years of experience working for them.... I just retired in September...... This is a very common requirement so it's always best to check with your insurance company so they can tell you the specific requirements of your plan.
  5. kmorri

    Mad at myself

    Way to go!!! The hardest part is starting, so you've already made the hardest step!! Yay!! Keep us posted!!!
  6. kmorri

    PPI's forever?

    My doctor prescribed them for me for 3 months......I had a hernia repair along with the sleeve surgery so I'm hoping when I stop taking this all will be well! We shall see!
  7. For the first week I found it helpful to focus on one thing at a time......in other words prioritize. fluids first! Figure out how to get that all in first....I'm a month out now .....but it was the 6th day post op before I was able to get hardly any Protein in. During that time I was in close contact with my nurse coordinator and she had me keep an eye on the color of my urine rather than counting ounces of Fluid.....she had me make sure I didn't let my urine turn a dark color.....I was having difficulty because everything tasted terrible to me....But on day 6 it was like a miracle I woke up and everything tasted normal again and I was able to get my fluids and protein in starting on that day......My point is a few days of not being able to get all your protein in won't kill you.......but not getting your fluids could be very very serious.....so focus on the important thing first. Good luck to you!!!
  8. Congrats on your surgery date!!! The period of time that I was having to make sure I didn't fall below a 40 bmi was the weirdest period of time in my life......never have I ever had to make sure I didn't cut back too much and make sure I DIDN'T lose weight.......it was a very weird feeling!....but as soon as the paperwork was finally sent off to my insurance I got real! I had my surgery of 5/16 and I'm down a little over 43 pounds from my highest weight....This is the best thing I've ever done for myself!! It's totally worth it!!
  9. Please be very careful with this.....it is different depending on the Insurance plan you're on. Just because some insurance plans just use your initial weight doesn't mean yours will.....For example with mine I had to ensure my BMI never dropped below 40 during the whole process. Finally once they submitted my paperwork to the insurance for approval I was in the clear.....I didn't start my pre-op diet (liver shrinking) until after the approval. So you need to make sure you check with your insurance and your bariatric team regarding your specific requirements. It would be terrible to go through that long process and a lack of understanding be the reason you're not approved. Good luck to you! Keep us posted on how you're doing.
  10. kmorri

    Mad at myself

    @@Kindle provided spot-on advice! The only way to get back on track is to cut the carbs and sugars.....on average about 4 days of struggling and as long as you don't cheat during that 4 days it'll get much easier.....during that time have lots of high Protein Snacks available......sliced turkey, eggs.....anything high protein and low carb and if you get hungry only allow yourself to have those snacks......The thing about a low carb diet is if you cheat once with a high carb item it sets you back to the very beginning....so it's important to not let the high carb foods past your lips! You have to get your head in the game and do this for you.....I agree with Kindle, your husband can't be expected to change his lifestyle....you're the one doing surgery so do this for yourself. This is also the best time for you to kick your soda and caffeine habits.....it's much easier to do it now rather than during your pre-op diet or worse yet post-op.....Take on one thing at a time.....if you currently drink 3 soda's a day and they contain caffeine, switch to caffeine free....use those for one week....after one week then cut the caffeine free down to just one a day....do that for a week.....after the two weeks cut them out all together.....this worked for me and I was a Diet Coke Queen!!! I never thought I could kick that habit but I did and I'm very proud! Good luck on your journey towards health. Please keep posting and letting us know how you're doing.
  11. kmorri

    Stomach Stretching

    food made all the difference in the world for me. Good luck to you and I hope you start feeling better very soon.
  12. kmorri

    Packing for hospital

    10 ft long phone charger was important! The little short one didn't reach....chapstick, and I took PJs and was able to change. wore my PJ's and robe home...............I also took an adult coloring book but wasn't able to use it....the drugs didn't mix well with detail coloring...LOL
  13. kmorri

    Thin crust pizza

    I haven't tried this yet but everyone I know who has says it's great! it's the chicken crust pizza http://www.surfandsunshine.com/guilt-free-chicken-crust-pizza-recipe/
  14. kmorri

    6 days post op, hungry....

    It's always best to follow your plan........what does your plan say? Mine allowed full liquids starting day 3 and full liquids included strained creamed Soups.
  15. kmorri

    Stomach Stretching

    When do you begin to feel stable or yourself again? Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App I am one month post op and I started feeling much better once I was able to start eating food....for me that was day 8,,,
  16. No, your reason for healing perfectly has nothing to do with your preop shower. There is nothing magic in any soap. If there were, there would be no postop infections, and everyone would need to use whatever the magic soap was. It's a longstanding truth in the business that postop wound infections start in the OR. Sorry didn't mean I actually thought there was a magic potion...lol I just didn't see how it could do any harm.....and the bottom line was I was happy with my outcome so all was good............I have no doubt that you are correct regarding where infections start.
  17. Yes I'm doing great and was cleared for all foods yesterday at my 4 week check-up....I feel great and I'm having nice steady weight loss.
  18. I agree somewhat.....I've had several surgeries in the past and this was never a requirement until now......However, I just saw it as a precautionary process....Maybe it doesn't help.....but then again maybe it does, so why not! So I did as directed and bathed with the magic potion the night before and the again the morning of....and I've healed perfectly!....is it because of my bathing with this soap?....who knows!
  19. It really depends on your insurance plan's requirements. One of your first steps should be to call your insurance and ask for the medical policy requirements for WLS. Knowing all the requirements upfront will help you. You don't want any surprises later down the road. You can also sometimes find the medical policy online but I think it's best to call and ask for it so you're sure you have the one that applies to your specific policy. Good luck on your journey!
  20. I used Hibiclens it was "given" to me during my pre-op testing at the hospital.....well I use the word "given" very loosely!.....I'm sure there is a several thousand dollar charge on my hospital bill somewhere for it...LOL
  21. I had my 4 week check-up with my surgeon yesterday. I was cleared for all foods......I think Monday I'll start back on my routine of going to the gym every morning. Just another step towards normal!

    1. jane13
    2. Valentina


      My eyes are turning green with envy---wait! they are naturally green! :) anyway I have been pulled out of the gym and the pool until after my skin surgery.--just short walks for me. :( I miss the pool. Now I'm trying to do laps in the bathtub... oh, bother.... :)

    3. SalOdyssey
  22. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    This is GREAT! Literally made me laugh out loud!! Thanks for the chuckle!
  23. kmorri

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    As the original poster I’d like to say I’m honestly sorry I ever posted this topic…..Never did I think it would cause such an uproar. Yes, I expected it to cause a “little” banter, but right at the top of the screen when you enter the Rant and Rave section it says this “Want debate? Get it here. Gripe, complain, moan, fight, rant and rave. Enter at your own risk!” So I thought it would be appropriate to post my rant here...……but several times I’ve been accused of just being a trouble maker by posting this. Trouble making was certainly not my intent. My point was simply based on an observation that I had while reading posts and seemed to come across several that were sarcastic and or snarky…..and happened to be from vets…….. There was even a pretty good example in this post, and she even mentioned she thought she may be banned for her post……those were the type of posts I was referring to…..being rude, sarcastic, or name calling is never necessary from a vet, a newbie, or anyone! My observation had nothing to do with thinking someone needed to be coddled for doing something or eating something dangerous to their health…..and quite frankly the coddling and sugary responses are not good for anyone in my opinion…. I simply think that responding in a way that provides information in a way that does not belittle someone is the best approach, and if you read a post and don’t feel like you can respond that way, simply don’t respond. I will add that since my original post I’ve also seen newbies being rude…. Really Rude! (I actually think this person must have been a troll…I have no idea!!)…..but I’ve also seen a couple of others that in my opinion received good advice from a vet and for some unknown reason took it the wrong way and responded in a very rude way without asking for clarification. So yes it does go both ways. It is very difficult to determine someone’s intent by reading ……but there are also ways of wording statements that can help it come across the right way. Will that work every time? No!......But if you start to respond to someone, whether you’re a vet, a newbie, or something in-between, and the first thing you type is “Are you kidding me?”…….chances are, you need to step back and put a little more thought in your response, or just move on to the next post and let someone else respond. Again, I apologize for ruffling feathers…….
  24. I just copied the link from my address bar and pasted it......not sure if I did anything special. :-)
  25. Of course we're friends! I just was trying to think of something that would get you close to where I live so we could meet! haha

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