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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. @@KindaFamiliar haha I just had to explain to my husband what the heck I was laughing so hard about...LOL
  2. kmorri

    Eating a lot of broth

    You won't feel full until you start eating more solid foods.
  3. x smoker here so no judgement! I quit about 8 years ago and haven't looked back! My husband and I both quit cold turkey........... I know how hard it is! I do suggest that you don't wait until right before your pre-op diet to quit. If I were you I'd do that now. The sooner the better!....I sort of did the same thing with caffeine and carbonated drinks...rather than waiting until the pre-op I kicked those habits before so I wouldn't have the withdrawal symptoms while trying to stick to the pre-op diet.
  4. One reason for me anyway was they had to catheterize me.....I had the catheter until the next morning.. It's really nothing to worry about....while you're awake you have on a hospital gown......you'll be fine! just relax!
  5. Yes call and ask the surgeon's office if they have received the approval from the insurance......but Congrats! You have a date!!!
  6. kmorri

    what to tell the surgeon?

    Congrats! I'm glad it went well for you. I knew it would!.............as far as your required classes you need to check with your insurance to make sure what you have scheduled will count.....or perhaps, did the Bariatric center assign a coordinator for you?....Mine did and she was very very helpful! She scheduled everything for me. Good luck to you!
  7. kmorri

    I need help!

    For the hospital you just need a phone charger (I got an extra long one that was 10ft)......chapstick, comb or brush, tooth bush...but the hospital will supply that if you forget......maybe a pair of undies....I also brought PJs but that's not necessary.....but made me feel better when I changed into my own clothes..... For home have what ever liquids you plan to drink, Protein drinks, a couple of cans of creamed Soup, broth and maybe Greek yogurt, depending on what your diet will be for the first week......For the creamed soup when you open a can you won't be able to eat very much....put the rest in a ice tray and freeze it for later.....two ice cubes were the perfect serving size for me. Then when you're past the stage the ice cubes are great for seasoning chicken when you bake it. As far as what to expect at the hospital your doctor's office would be your best resource as everyone is a little different....if you have specific questions I'll do my best to answer them.
  8. kmorri

    Eating a lot of broth

    at one week it was full liquids for me......which included things like greek yogurt, creamed soups and protein drinks.
  9. kmorri

    Eating a lot of broth

    @@Mudgy6 I used the Unjury brand protein powder....right after surgery but then switched to the EAS brand pre-made.
  10. kmorri

    Eating a lot of broth

    Why doesn't she like premier? My surgeon specifically recommended premier. This is another one that the doctors and NUTs are all over the place. My NUT didn't approve any protein supplement that had whey or soy protein concentrate.....or hydrolyzed Gelatin, or collagen protein... I can't remember for sure now but I think the Premier had concentrate. In fact I never found any pre-made that didn't have protein concentrate. I followed those instructions right at first but did decide pre-made easier and better....I used the EAS brand.
  11. yeah no undies.....in fact I woke up catheterized....it wasn't removed until the next morning.
  12. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    You are all right the waiting for the insurance approval I think was the worst part of the whole thing.....I think it's because you've done all this hard work and jumped through all these hoops and this last thing could just put an end to it all.... As someone who just recently gone through it, let me just say it is all worth it in the end! and once you get past this the next thing you'll be waiting for is getting a surgery date...haha Once you get the date it starts to get real real fast!!! As far as the insurance approval don't be afraid to call customer service and check on the status of your auth. Wait until it's been submitted for a week.....5 working days and then call to check to make sure they have it and what's the status....from that point call every other day. I retired from Florida Blue (BCBS of Florida) I think one of you has insurance through them. Back in April when my auth was done they had a 6 business day back log (I found that out through inside connections) so that means about 6 days before it gets to someone's desk to review.........it is probably still about the same, so hang in there! If anyone gets denied ask your surgeon to request a Peer to Peer review....that's when your surgeon will argue your case with a doctor who works for the insurance company.....most of the time your surgeon will win.....if he doesn't then you or the surgeon can request an official appeal. I wish all of you the best of luck! You'll get past this stage in no time!!!
  13. So far today I have 11,350 steps!!! yay me! Monday I'll be 6 weeks so it's time for me to get serious. This evening I went and picked up my granddaughters and we all went for a nice long walk.....same plan for tomorrow!

    1. kmorri


      No you sure can't beat that! It was close to 100 here today!

    2. Valentina


      The house next to mine is for sale.... Welcome to the neighborhood!! :)

    3. kmorri


      I work from home so that would be possible for me.....but you would have to find my husband a job. hahaha

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  14. I think these are really good questions you need to discuss with your surgeon.....but I'll add my 2 cents worth. As far as a leak the risk for developing a leak is only during the first few weeks while the staple line heals....once it's healed that risk is gone (as far as I know)...... The risk of ulcers I really have no idea. If I were you I would want to ask my surgeon about his experience with his patients with these complications..... Through the research I did prior to my surgery I found that the risk of being obese was much worse than any risk the surgery had..... good luck to you!
  15. @@JennAsVSG Have faith! I've heard several folks have really good results when the surgeon does a peer to peer review.....that's when your surgeon actually talks with a doctor who works for the insurance company......Most any time I've heard folks on here that had the peer to peer they were approved. I suggest waiting for your surgeon to get back from vacation and let him do the peer to peer first.....then if it's denied file an appeal. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
  16. kmorri


  17. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway I don't believe so for the Auth request......once the claim is filed yes, the denial from the primary would need to come first.
  18. kmorri

    Any home daycare providers out there?

    That will be tough. You should check with your surgeon....the first thing that comes to my mind is the weight lifting limitation...mine was no lifting of over than 10lbs for the first 4 weeks. Good luck!
  19. Good morning everyone! I'll be 6 weeks post surgery on Monday and I can say I feel completely normal now! The only difference is I eat small amounts and my weight is going down instead of up! Yay!!!

    1. jane13


      Glad to hear you are doing so well! Great job ;D

    2. SalOdyssey


      Kick ass @kmorri!!

    3. Valentina


      So you ARE having a joyful journey!!! Maavelous, Daaling.

  20. kmorri


    I didn't weigh it but rather measured it by volume..... 4oz = 1/2 cup......
  21. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway Remember that each state has a different BCBS plan....just because a plan in one state has that feature on their website doesn't mean yours will.....that is unless you two are in the same state...... :-) However, you can always call customer service and check the status of your approval.....and if it's been submitted for over 5 business days I suggest you call to check....you may be pleasantly surprised. I retired from BCBS of Floirida in September after working there for 29 years....they don't mind you calling to check. Just call and tell them you want to check the status of your authorization...they will probably ask what the surgery is, who the surgeon is, and what facility it will be performed in....Good luck!!!
  22. My doctor prescribed 40mg Omeprazole. It works great for me. You may want to ask your doc to prescribe you something stronger than what you currently take.
  23. kmorri

    One Week Post-op - Hungry!

    it's very normal for your stomach to be making all kinds of sounds....this is not hunger....it's your stomach healing and gas. I am a little over 5 weeks out and mine still makes crazy sounds and it's exactly like you described.....just drink some Water and don't mix it up with being hungry. My stomach actually makes more sounds when I've eaten or drank something.............going for a walk sometimes settles mine down as well. Good luck!
  24. kmorri

    June 13 postop

    yeah you'll start to feel the restriction once you start eating solid foods....
  25. kmorri

    June 13 postop

    what kinds of food are you eating?.....full liquids?....Normally you won't feel restriction until you're eating more solid food.

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