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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. I think that's a load of ****...!!! hahaha ...opps I guess it didn't like the sneaky way I tried to spell that word..LOL
  2. Well they DO mention eggs but only in egg salad lol. So it's a bit confusing. I guess I will text my surgeon and ask. My nutritionist was having a family emergency last time I texted her which was about a week ago and she never did get back to me so I'm currently looking for a new one. I say eggs are eggs.....as long as they are as soft as what you would use for egg salad I think you're good to go.
  3. Constipation could also be a reason your weight isn't going down......You should contact your surgeon's office for advice on what you should take to fix that!!! Constipation is nothing you have to live with.
  4. kmorri

    Support Group

    I actually went to my first support group meeting last night....I'm post op by 6 weeks and it's not required but they have them once a month and anyone can attend, so I thought I'd give it a try.....I liked it! There were folks in every phase of the journey...some pre-op, some like me newly post-op and some long timers. The Nurse Coordinator for by bariatric program was there....but she didn't monopolize the discussion....she was there to answer questions if needed but most of the time it was great group discussions....I'll be going back next month!
  5. Yes I agree with all the other folks who have responded.....stick to your pre-op plan. Those foods are not gone forever....you'll have a chance to enjoy them in the future. Good luck to you!!!
  6. Try not to worry too much. It probably is still all the Water weight from the IV fluids given in the hospital. Salty both could be partly to blame....try sticking to low sodium both. For me it was about 2 weeks before I felt like I got rid of all extra Fluid from surgery and hospital stay. It's a good time to take your measurements if you haven't already done so....write them down so you will have them to refer back to. It sounds like you are doing fantastic with your Protein and fluids! It took me a while to work up to those numbers. I know it's hard to be patient but just keep doing what you're doing....(maybe lower the salt intake) and you'll soon see the scale start moving in the right direction. Some folks do better if they just put the scale away and weigh only one a week, or even less. If the scale stresses you out you may want to consider that. Good luck to you and keep us informed on your progress!!!
  7. Flirting with Onederland.....just 3.2 pounds away.....also just 1.2 lbs away from a 50 pound loss!!! Life is good!!

    1. jane13


      need a new picture!!!!!

    2. kmorri


      I will once I meet the above milestones. :-)

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      OMG that would drive me crazy

  8. I agree with @@Bufflehead do give them a call and ask for sure......but I'm thinking an egg over easy would fit in that category....but always best to ask. Actually, I had my NUT and Nurse coordinator's email addresses and it was always much easier for me to get an answer from them via email rather than catching them at their desks. If you have their email addresses use them.....My first two weeks I was in constant contact with my nurse coordinator....it was very reassuring!
  9. Yay!!! I'm so glad to hear this! I was worried that you were going to be turned away at the door!!! Welcome to the club!!! Rest and get better soon!
  10. It seems like each surgeon has their own set of rules with regards to pre-op diets. Your best bet will be to ask your sugery coordinator what the pre-op requirements will be...... I work from home and started working again after a week...my surgery was on a Monday and I went back the following Monday............If I had to actually leave my house I would have wanted at least two weeks......and as a teacher maybe 3....you should be able to tell a lot by looking at the diet plan you'll be on.....about the time you get to start eating real food, (they pureed stage) you'll start feeling a lot better. Good luck!
  11. kmorri

    BCBS Federal Denied

    I agree you should be able to appeal the decision .....your letter is a good plan.....you may also want to call them. Good luck and keep us informed.
  12. So how did it work out? I've had my fingers crossed for you.
  13. If you consider this person a good friend I suggest confronting her with how you feel....and how it seems to you.....I don't mean accuse her of being jealous, but rather ask her why she hasn't had anything positive to say about your upcoming surgery and let her know that you would really like to have her support, It's possible that she doesn't realize how she's reacting..................BUT!!! If that doesn't change the situation then be ready to walk away from the relationship........
  14. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway it is a pre-determination of services. I actually just chatted with someone who still works in the Pre-Auth department just to make sure nothing had changed......and it hasn't....Pre-Determination/Prior Auth....is required for bariatric surgery. Just make sure you have your approval prior to the surgery so you don't have to worry about your claim being denied.....My hospital bill alone was $47,000 and that didn't even include the surgeon's fee...........that's not a bill you want to get stuck with. good luck to you.
  15. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    That's not correct....you do need the authorization for the surgery to be approved prior to surgery.....All I can think is maybe there was a misunderstanding in terminology.....but bariatric surgery requires pre-authorization.....Not only did I work there for 29 years my personal insurance is also Florida State Employee...so I have the same plan as you. :-) Especially since your BMI is less than 40.....You certainly don't want to take a chance of it being denied after the surgery is already been done....then you would be stuck with the bill. I suggest you call back and make sure they understand you're talking about Gastric Sleeve............and if I understand correctly you said your provider's office already submitted the authorization request, right? If they have already submitted it, what you should be asking is what is the status of that auth request.....They are closed now, but you can call them back tomorrow.
  16. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway If you've been offered a case manager they could be a big help to you. I would suggest doing that for sure! They will also be able to keep you up to date on the status of your authorization for surgery.
  17. kmorri

    So many questions

    It truly all depends on your insurance requirements. Like other's have said, some have a 6 month supervised diet, some 3 months requirement....some like mine, none at all. From the time I attended my informational seminar my surgery was done 2.5 months later.
  18. Stop watering the weeds in your life, and start watering the flowers!

    1. kmorri


      I'm doing fabulous @TheOdysseyOfAStoutMan! Yes, @Valentina the weeds take up way way too much energy!!! Have a great week everyone!

    2. jane13


      Hey Kmorri - glad to hear you are doing well. is it time for a newer pic???

    3. kmorri


      Not yet! I want to make a BIG impact...haha

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  19. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway If your BMI is over 35 but under 40 it really depends on the seriousness of the hypertension......sometimes if it's controlled with one medication it's not approved......if you have to take more than one medication it's more likely to be approved............Is hypertension the only obesity related condition you have?.....If it's denied try not to worry too much....ask your surgeon to do a peer to peer review.....he obviously thinks you need to surgery, so he can argue your case with a Florida Blue doctor and may be able to get it approved for you. Wishing you the best of luck! Kathy
  20. I had 4...one of those was inside my belly button.....the other three were tiny! In fact I can't even find those now and it's only been 6 weeks. My surgeon used what he called micro instruments....so I guess they were really small.
  21. Cool you and I have lost the same thing since surgery...I'm at 22.2...........and 48 over all!! I'm doing great!
  22. kmorri

    Airport security issues ?

    It could be....The staples are made of titanium and won't set off metal detectors but will show up on x-ray....I have a titanium plate in my neck they always see it in the x-ray but it's very clear what it is and has never caused a problem...........I haven''t flown since VSG surgery but imagine the tiny staple line looks a little weird and may cause concern to the untrained eye.
  23. kmorri

    Last meal

    I had fried shrimp, fries, cheese grits, and hush puppies at Shrimp Shack!!! OMG!! I think I can still taste it! haha
  24. Did it hurt when it was removed? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App No it didn't hurt at all.

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