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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    What should I do?

    @@unique_cathy Heard anything yet?......If it were me and I wasn't able to get info over the phone I may just show up in the office and try to get an answer in person.....Another thing, when the surgeon called you, do you have his number in your caller ID.....perhaps he called from a personal line??? just a thought. Good luck!
  2. Wouldn’t life be perfect if sweatpants were sexy, Mondays were fun, junk food didn’t make you fat, girls didn’t cause so much drama, guys weren’t so confusing, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?

  3. There's really nothing you can do once you've already ate it.......just make sure not to eat more and study your food guidelines so you'll be sure not to make another mistake.
  4. kmorri

    2 days post op

    deep breathing helped me as well as standing up, stretching my arm over my head......sounds weird but it helped me......and of course the walking. I also drank standing up for the first couple of weeks.
  5. The first week to two weeks is really hard to get all your fluids and Protein in.....Just remember the most important thing is fluids.....What my nurse coordinator had me doing that made things easier for me for the first couple of weeks she told me to just focus on getting fluids and not to worry so much about measuring and timing, but to instead make sure I was drinking enough to keep the color of my urine from becoming dark...........Then once I was able to get a handle on getting enough Fluid then start working on protein......and slowly work up to getting the 60 grams of protein......just remember your body will be fine for several days even weeks with not getting enough protein, but you must ensure you're getting enough fluid....Focusing on one thing at a time is what helped me. It may be helpful for you to measure out the total amount of fluid you want to aim for, for the day first thing in the morning, and I know several people who used the small plastic 2oz shot glasses you can get from Walmart....(they're little red Solo cups)....I've heard several folks say that really helped them........they would fill up 4 of them at a time and when they were gone refill them all again..... Good luck to you!!!
  6. Yes stalls are very normal but you should also be tracking your food so you know how many calories, carbs, and Protein you're getting......Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off.
  7. kmorri


    Thanks! I'm am exercising but only walking.....I'm getting in my 10,000 steps a day....sometimes a little more. I'm also sticking to low carb foods. Limiting high carb foods seems to work best for me......I'm getting all my Protein from real foods and also drinking plenty of fluids.
  8. kmorri


    Walk Walk Walk.....and like @@Bufflehead said, stay out of the bed as much as possible! For me when I first woke up I was in a lot of pain...(or at least I thought I was)....but I really think it was just the anesthesia wearing off and me not being able to cope......there was a little mishap with the the hospital staff not having my PCA ready when I was moved to my room but once they finally got me all hooked up it was much much better......I pushed my little button every time I felt the least bit of pain and I was comfortable for the rest of my stay........so much so that my surgeon saw me walking the halls and told me he thought I was over doing it and to get back in my room...LOL Also, focus on the long term....the discomfort from surgery will pass quickly, as well as all the food and eating phases.....the rest will be a life time of the new and healthy you! Good luck to you!!!
  9. So sorry for your loss! Just take it a day at the time. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. You will probably get more information from the folks traveled to Mexico.....based on your question it sounds like what you're doing.....I had mine locally, my husband was there while I was in surgery but really because he wanted to be there....once I was out of surgery and he knew I was okay I told him to go home because there was no reason for him to sit at the hospital and stare at me...hahaha....So he went home. I called him the next day when they were ready to release me and we went home... :-) I'm sure you'll be fine! But if you post this question in the Mexico forum you'll probably get a lot more responses from folks in the same situation as you. Good luck to you!!!
  11. I never had any issues with food not agreeing with me............I was fine as long as I didn't eat too much or too fast.
  12. kmorri

    Pre authorization

    Let me know what you find out............I'm curious now...haha Good luck to you!
  13. kmorri

    Pre authorization

    It doesn't make any sense. You're going to have to call them and ask.
  14. kmorri

    Pre authorization

    not sure what you're asking.....are you reading from something?
  15. kmorri

    Insurance Approval Jitters

    @@doingitmyway Yay! glad you finally heard. Congrats!
  16. kmorri

    Airport security issues ?

    I guess I look at it a little different........I want them to be very thorough and hope they find EVERYTHING! Because if the guy behind me in line has a bomb strapped to his belly I sure hope they find it!! I will gladly go through the extra hassle if that's what it takes to be a little safer........You never know when the next nut job is going to show up.
  17. kmorri

    Post Op Diet ;(

    Only drink enough to make the headache go away......It may not even take the whole cup......and the less you have now the easier tomorrow will be. I hope you feel better soon!
  18. kmorri

    Post Op Diet ;(

    for right now have a cup of coffee........then the headache will go away.....tomorrow start the half and half.....
  19. kmorri

    Farts and burps

    It takes a little while for your intestines to wake up......but they will! :-)
  20. kmorri

    Post Op Diet ;(

    @@ChrisInc2 Yes then caffeine withdrawal is the issue.....Here's how I did it...... during the first week I first mixed half regular coffee with half decaf.....each day during that week adding more decaf.....by the second week I was total decaf and no headache.....Good luck!
  21. kmorri

    Post Op Diet ;(

    Have you talked with your surgeon's office about your headaches? Did you kick the caffeine habit prior to surgery? If not it could be withdrawal. Other than that I don't know what it could be so you should talk with your doctor.
  22. When people suck the life out of you, wouldn't it be nice if they took some fat too?...hahaha

    1. MrsSugarbabe



      You look great!

      That would be wonderful! I'd be at goal and maintaining without effort.

    2. kmorri


      @MrsSugarbabe I think most of us would! LOL

    3. OKCPirate


      You really do wish there was an actual penalty for fun hating joy suckers besides karma. Like a $5-20 fine that would be an app for your phone. Hmmm, this might work.

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  23. Yes completely normal!!! ..........drinking will get easier each day.
  24. I met my surgeon at the initial seminar, and then again the week after for my personal consultation with him......I had one more appointment with him prior to surgery for my pre-op appointment.

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