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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    Drinking slow

    I do MIO drops......I like the lemonade flavor best but they have a bunch of good flavors. I don't drink any fruit juices.
  2. kmorri


    You will probably find this helpful. http://www.obesitycoverage.com/insurance-and-costs/pre-approval-process/comorbidities
  3. kmorri

    Question about weigh ins

    If you're like I was, you won't be 5 pounds off for long.....don't ever give up hope.
  4. After the first 6 days I never had any issues getting in all my fluids....since 6 days I've been able to drink normally. However, something I've seen several folks mentioned that helped them drink is using the little red Solo shot size cups..(I think they are 2oz)....One lady said she would fill up 4 of them and before she knew it she had drank 8oz....then she would re-fill them and start again...Give that a try. Good luck!!
  5. I enjoyed pureed Progresso Lite Soups during the pureed stage. They have a lot of flavor. I also enjoyed cooking chicken in the crock pot until it falls apart....Pork Loin can be done the same way.....adding a little sugar free BBQ makes it really tasty.
  6. kmorri

    Weight gain

    What specific foods are you eating?....4oz is a lot if you're just starting soft foods......I could only eat about 2oz when I first started. Are you getting in all your fluids and Protein?
  7. kmorri

    Question about weigh ins

    @@melindakreeger If you mean at your doctor's office during your pre-op visits it's just like when you weigh during any doctor's visit.....You have your clothes on....normally take your shoes and jacket off...... When I weigh myself at home first thing in the morning I do that with no clothes... :-) I've never heard of any doctor's office making you change into a gown in order to weigh....and certainly never in the nude! With that said, if it's important that you not gain any weight during any of your visits pay close attention to the clothes you wear during your weigh-in and make sure to not wear something really heavy for the next one especially if you think it'll be close. :-) Good luck to you!
  8. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    The gurgling is very normal.....my stomach is very vocal! haha..........The pain is another issue. You're still early in the pre-op and it may just be you're still healing but you should talk with your doctor about any pain you're experiencing. I had a hernia repair along with my sleeve surgery and I had a lot of chest pain for the first two weeks after surgery....did you have a hernia repair?
  9. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    Isn't that crazy......the first time I had a scrambled egg I wasn't able to finish it!! I can eat a whole egg most of the time now..LOL I love my sleeve!
  10. I agree with @OutsideMatchInside. They will probably be the one with the questions......Here I'll tell you a joke you can tell them... "Before surgery the patient meets with all the surgery team and each doctor discusses how much they will be charging for their part..the surgeon, the assistant surgeon, and the anesthesiologist....The patient is upset about how high her bill is going to be from the anesthesiologist...So she asks him why it cost so much to be put to sleep......The anesthesiologist replies.....No no go to sleep very very cheap.....wake up, very expensive!!".............haha I crack myself up..hahaha Seriously I wish you luck. Just try to relax.
  11. Thank you all for the sweet comments!.....and @@butterfly23 I can't wait for the next 50 to come off!!! that will be amazing!
  12. I still have a ways to go.....but man it feels good to get rid of that first 50 pounds!!! First picture is me at my heaviest 252 taken on Easter Sunday, second in the pink shirt is just a few days ago..... My surgery was on 5/16/16 heaviest weight 252 surgery weight 226.4 current weight is 201.8.....(1.8 until ONDERLAND....really?)
  13. kmorri

    Elavated thyroid

    I haven't heard anyone say that the surgery had any impact on their thyroid.....don't really see how it could. When you say your thyroid is elevated.......do you mean your TSH level? If the TSH blood test is elevated it actually means your thyroid is under active.....that's my problem has been for several years but it's well controlled by taking Synthroid.....If your thyroid is over active I know that's treated with medication as well but I'm not sure which one. Good luck and let us know how your visit goes.
  14. Thank you both! It's amazing how good getting rid of 50 pounds feels!
  15. kmorri

    Post Sleeve Problems

    Yes at first your primary focus should be liquids and at a minimum you should get 64oz......your body will be fine for several days even weeks with not getting enough Protein.....but it can not survive without enough Fluid intake. For me it was much easier to focus first on building up my fluid intake and once I was able to get in the the 64oz a day then I started working on increasing my protein............trying to do both at the same time was too overwhelming. I also counted protein drinks towards my fluid intake.....Popsicles, Jello, all count......Good luck and keep us informed on how you're doing.
  16. kmorri

    How long was it until you....

    I am 7 weeks out and cleared for all foods but rarely am able to eat more than a bite or two of veggies after eating protein......I usually mix fresh strawberries and or blueberries in my Greek yogurt and am able to eat a little fruit that way.
  17. @@AchieveGoals and @taracutch Hang in there guys!!! As far as being able to drink without pain or discomfort for me it was between day 6 and 8. and I don't think for me it was painful to drink but everything just seemed to taste terrible, but that went away between day 6 and 8 post op......But I really started to feel normal again once I was able to start eating normal food in the pureed stage and that was at the beginning of the third week for me. The feeling of being full for me is different, and I didn't feel it at all until I started on more solid type foods....like chicken and fish.......before surgery you know how when you sat down at a huge meal and you've eaten a lot already and you know your're full, but you think to yourself....but this is sooooo good....and you eat more just because there's food still on your plate, and then you're miserably full but your not sick??? Well, you won't ever feel like that again.....What I've found is there is a very fine line between "just enough" and one little bite too much.....so far it's happened to me twice since surgery on 5/16/16......I've eaten one bite too much and within seconds I was running to the bathroom and it comes right back up! Not fun!!! The trick is to first, always measure your food, eat slowly, and not to eat until you feel full, but rather eat to feel satisfied. I haven't cleaned a plate since surgery. My little dog has really enjoyed this surgery!!! hahaha...........I've found for me as soon as I feel the slightest feeling like I need to burp it's time to stop!! This surgery is the best thing I've ever done for myself!!! The first couple of weeks were rough but since then it's been great and does exactly what I hoped it would. Good luck to you both!
  18. Hit my first milestone....50lbs gone!!!!! 50.2 to be exact! Now only 1.8 until my next milestone.....Onederland!!!!

  19. kmorri

    Sleeve or GB?

    @@betterme38 I did a lot of research and like other's have said I didn't want the extra risks that come with bypass.....the idea of having my intestines rerouted seemed too extreme for me......so before my initial visit with the surgeon I had pretty much decided on the sleeve.....But I was prepared to go with bypass if that was what he recommended based on his evaluation of my situation............During this visit he looked over all my information and then asked me which surgery I thought was best for me and I told him I was leaning towards the sleeve and he said that is exactly the surgery he thought would be my best choice............so bottom line I think is first do your own research but also listen to your surgeon and his advice.
  20. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    My plan had me start pureed food on day 8....so you're good. that should help your hunger as well.....Progresso Soups ran through the blender are nice a tasty............refried Beans.....scrambled eggs..tuna or other flaky fish...you get lots of goodies now. Slow cook some chicken in the crock pot so it falls apart and that's good at this stage too......just remember eat Protein first. I know for me I started to feel 100% better once I was able to eat some real food......good luck and keep us informed on how you're doing.
  21. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    80 is good just keep working on getting that all in.....you're only one week out it will get better I promise! Are you still on Clear liquids. or can you have full liquids?.....
  22. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    Are you having difficulty drinking your Protein shakes? Is that the reason you're drinking such a small amount?.....How about other fluids? How much liquid are you getting in?......Dehydration can also make you feel hungry. First work on getting your Fluid intake up to at least 64oz a day....then work on getting in your protein. Did your team give you goals for fluid and protein? Are you on the full liquid stage?....My full liquid stage included Greek yogurt....if it's part of your plan yogurt may help you.
  23. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    You really shouldn't be hungry.....are you taking something for acid. Stomach acid will feel like hunger. If you're not taking something for stomach acid talk to your doctor about prescribing one for you. Regarding broth you can buy the low sodium version or you can make your own. I didn't do very much broth. unjury has a good chicken broth flavored Protein powder....I used that a few times. As far as exercise I started that in the hospital with walking and basically just continued to add to the distance I walk per day....I'm 7 weeks post op as of yesterday and I'm back up to 10,000 steps per day now. Good luck to you!
  24. kmorri

    What should I do?

    You're welcome! It hasn't been very long for me and I remember how terrible all the waiting was. I"m happy to help any way I can. The good news, is once you get that date things start to feel like they're finally moving!......so hang on! Best of luck to you on your journey.
  25. kmorri

    What should I do?

    Yay!!! Congrats!! It'll be here before you know it!

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