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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri


    I had one. It was put in after I was asleep and taken out the next morning.
  2. kmorri

    Need advice ( off topic )

    @@biglady904 I say there's no reason to "break-up" with him......He's already done it by not coming around for over a month. I would not text, or call, or anything!......just move on with your life. He doesn't deserve another minute of your time!
  3. Happy weekend everyone!!!

    1. Valentina


      nothing yet. hmmmmmm----very interesting.....

    2. kmorri


      @Valentina You send me a PM and I'll see if I get it....and then I'll try to respond.

    3. kmorri


      @Valentina....I chatted with Alex and he said he'll check later this eveing to see if he can figure out why you're not getting my PM's.....He said that should only happen if you blocked me....did you block me? hahaha

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  4. kmorri

    Liquid capacity

    Liquid goes right through...once the swelling is gone there is no restriction for liquids....you'll start to feel restriction when you start eating more solid food.
  5. kmorri

    Rant: too many interesting topics

    I work from home full time and spend way too much time reading post here rather than what I'm supposed to be doing!! haha
  6. So I watched every YouTube video of VSG surgery I could find while I was pre-op....by the time I had my surgery I felt like I could do the surgery myself...haha.....with all the videos I watched I saw how they separate your stomach from what looks like a layer of fat that sort of holds in in place............once they separate it from the layer of fat then they actually make the sleeve and remove the large portion of your stomach.....my question is do they ever secure your sleeved stomach or is it just left to dangle??? I never saw them do any securing stitches in any of the videos I watched... The reason I'm wondering, is I have an Inversion Table....a contraption where you hang upside down. It's great for relieving back pain and stress......but I've been afraid to use it since my surgery! Is my stomach just dangling in there and could it get all twisted if I hang upside down...LOL I will of course be asking my surgeon before I attempt it but was wondering if anyone else has thought about this.
  7. yes I will be asking my doctor before I use it.....I'm thinking they would have to secure it in place with sutures.....but it's weird that I haven't seen that part on any of the videos... @@Carissa05 yes I know they form the sleeve using staples and remove the remaining stomach....what I'm asking about is after that step. :-)
  8. kmorri

    Please please please help

    Yes Gas is the biggest complaint most folks have after surgery....it very normal! Walking is the best way to get rid of it.....Walk as much as you can, and then walk a little more.....Gas-x stips are helpful to some people.....I also found deep breathing to help me....You're 4 days now I think around day 6 it started to feel more normal. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
  9. kmorri

    Air after eating "help"

    I never had pain while eating.....now I do get gurgley....but never any pain. If you're experiencing pain when you try to eat maybe what you're eating is too thick??? try thinning it down with Water some....You maybe trying to move through the food stages faster than your sleeve wants too.....maybe give it a couple more days and try again
  10. kmorri

    Incision Help

    taking a warm shower will help as well.....
  11. kmorri

    Throwing up

    Yes if you don't have a food scale get you one and weigh 2oz of whatever meat you're having.......and eat very slowly. There are times I can't eat all of the 2oz. I had my surgery on 5/16 and the only time I've thrown up is when I took one bite too much. Good luck to you both......There's a big learning curve for sure.
  12. Good luck to you on your journey. Wishing you the best!
  13. kmorri

    Feeling guilty

    I say do whatever makes you feel better..........if a heart to heart with her will help do it, but if it may make things worse wait until after surgery. You don't need extra stress going into major surgery.
  14. That's really a very subjective question.....but to me the chocolate spendor was good.....I tried Quest brand and found it to be too sweet....so I can say it's "less" sweet than Quest. :-) I used a candy thermometer when I made the chicken soup....I highly recommend it!
  15. @@SiSSi829 I'm glad to hear you're follow-up visit went so well and that you're feeling better. And congrats on the weight loss so far!!
  16. kmorri

    I'm so scared

    Try to focus more on the long term future rather than the surgery itself......I agree with @@OKCPirate it is very normal to be nervous....it would be weird if you weren't... But just keep reminding yourself why you're doing it. My surgery was almost 8 weeks ago and I can tell you for me, it's the best thing I've ever done!!! I have not regretted it for one second!!! Good luck to you!
  17. I liked the chocolate splendor (I think is what they called it).......but also enjoyed the chicken flavor because you get really tired of all the sweet stuff.....I bought strawberry and never even opened it........If you lived near me I'd give you these three containers I have....hahaha I don't have to do any Protein drinks anymore.
  18. kmorri

    Doctor's instructions on BM

    I think you should follow you're doc's advice....it will keep you much more comfortable.....protein shakes tend to want to stay with us for longer than they're welcome.....so to speak... :-)
  19. kmorri

    Huge Milestone!

    Great job!!! You look fabulous!
  20. kmorri

    Too much liquid?

    With gastric sleeve you don't really feel a lot of restriction until you start eating more solid food.....What does your plan say about how much you should be eating at this stage? it's important to only eat the amounts your instructions tell you......If you're not sure the amount you should be eating a quick call to your surgeon's office, or NUT will be able to clear it up for you...everyone's plans are different and can cause a lot of confusion in the early stages. Good luck to you!!
  21. @@BigViffer You look great!!
  22. Maybe someone should post a list of topics that are now allowed.....We can call it, "Any post regarding these topics are subject to snarky responses"...hahaha

    1. KindaFamiliar



      Now it's REALLY mixed up!!!!

      It's 2 05am here...

      I might just go back to sleep...

    2. kmorri


      @KindaFamiliar....it is mixed up! I just got 11 notifications saying you replied to my status....weird. Yes if it's after 2am it's probably time to go back to sleep.

    3. Valentina


      Sorry, I saw this update so late.

      Kmorri, PLEASE PM me with the new list.


      You OK?? Need backup?? :)


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  23. kmorri

    OMG - Surgery is TODAY!

    Congrats!! I'm excited for you! You'll do great and it'll be over before you know it and well on your way to recovery and new and healthy you! Just remember to get out of bed as soon as you can and start walking......As soon as you're allow focus on sipping your fluids.......Drinking will be your "job" for a while. Keep us informed on how you're doing and feel free to ask any questions you have.
  24. @SiSSi829....I think your avatar is perfect! hahaha "Bacon is the Devil"... Keep on smiling!

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