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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. My fear was more around continuing to be obese and not making it another 10 or 20 years. I do understand your fears but weighing the risks is all you can really do.....for me the benefits totally out weigh any risks.
  2. kmorri

    Well :-(

    @@fatgirlsvelte I can't imagine! Your post was very uplifting. Maybe someone commented rudely and it was removed for that reason?? I don't know. But don't let it bother you either way. You have a great attitude and very positive outlook!
  3. kmorri


    yeah I'd skip the crackers while in weight loss mode....Just my opinion.
  4. So I'm taking wagers......will tomorrow be the day I make it into Onederland?.....I'm betting yes! 200.6 this morning...I think tomorrow will be the day!!!

    1. kmorri


      And @Valentina.....Due to a freak accident about 10 years ago I'm already missing a toe...so I can't afford to loose anymore...hehehe

    2. Valentina


      OMG! :) That is tooo funny! Not really, but YES! That is too funny. sorry... Listen: my father only had one toe (froze his feet) and my mother had nine (paper factory cutter) so all of us offspring have ten. Genetics are amazing... :)

    3. kmorri


      @Valentina My little pinky toe got caught in the leg of a vanity chair in my bathroom when I was stepping out of the tub.....still makes me cringe to think about it!!! the good news is now I get to ask for a 10% discount when I get a pedi!! haha

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  5. sip sip sip.....It's normal for you new tummy to make all sorts of sounds....it's healing. It's very important that you get all your fluids in....try your Water with flavor enhancers, or crystal lite.....also try different temperatures....whatever you have to do to get it all in.....sugar free Popsicles are good too...... Being dehydrated is very dangerous and can put you back in the hospital. good luck
  6. I didn't need any help with anything during or after surgery....Although my husband was there.......You can drive as soon as you're not taking pain meds...I didn't take any pain meds after I left the hospital............However, everyone is different.
  7. kmorri

    What can I expect?

    Yes look at your food plan....what stage will you be in at 5 weeks?.....Once I was on real food I was feeling back to normal.....I'd say you'll be fine by then as long as you're eating normal food.
  8. kmorri

    I'll try to be brief....I just need to vent

    Very sad story but we can't make the decision for someone else to get healthy.....It's something they have to do themselves.. It is very hard to watch indeed. Thankfully you've made the right decision for you. Keep up the good work!
  9. kmorri

    Beach-Bikini Day

  10. kmorri

    Post surgery Q - recovery

    yes I say it's a little crazy.....I work from home and had surgery on Monday and started working again the next Monday..My original plan was to start back on Wednesday but I scheduled the whole week just in case, and I was glad I did.......I wasn't in pain and never took any pain meds once I came home, but I was just really tired. The difference in this surgery and the others you mentioned is you won't be able to get enough nutrition to give you energy..... But I say if you can do it, go for it! I think the faster you are able to get back to normal the faster you heal....just don't over do it!!! Good luck!!
  11. kmorri

    Not losing weight

    Yes, you need to increase your protein.....and I assume when you said 300 carbs, you mean calories....However, I suggest leaving the baked potato and eat more protein. Potatoes don't have a lot of nutritional value...it's high in carbs that you don't really want while you're trying to loose weight. Try sticking to lean meats and fish, and non-starchy veggies like green Beans, yellow squash, zuchinni ...etc.....Potatoes, rice, Pasta, bread......stay away from! If you have difficulty getting enough protein from food add a protein shake that is low in carbs....If you eat fruit eat it with a protein like deli meat, Greek yogurt, or nuts.....(of course eat the foods I'm mentioning only if you're cleared to eat them) I eat mostly protein, by the time I finish my protein, (fish or chicken) I have very little room for veggies or anything else.....maybe a bite or two. I hope that helps.
  12. kmorri

    Not losing weight

    What are you eating? What does a day of food and fluids look like for you??....what are your Protein and Fluid goals?, are you meeting them?......Providing more information will help us to provide more information in addition to the "be patient"......
  13. kmorri

    Question about Fruit

    I agree with this 100%! Protein bars and Protein shakes are just way too processed. Work on getting your protein from real food.....fish is a great source as it's higher than most meats......and yes enjoy your fruit.....I usually have fruit once a day but I always have it along with a protein......strawberries with my Greek yogurt......almonds with watermelon.....apple with a slice of low sodium deli meat....the options are limitless. Good luck!!
  14. kmorri

    Not losing weight

    I agree with @@Inner Surfer Girl we need to know what you're doing now in order to make valid suggestions.....I also agree with @@Hiraeth your weight loss is significant! Try not to compare yourself with others as everyone is different.....A lot of folks report their weight loss from their highest weight rather than from their surgery date so if you must compare make sure you are comparing apples to apples....for example my surgery date was 5/16/16 my highest weight was 252 my surgery weight was 226.4 my current weight is 200.6 I will be 8 weeks post op tomorrow....I've lost a total of 51.4 lbs.....but since surgery it's 25.8lbs. I'm averaging just under a half pound a day and I'm thrilled with that! I make sure to meet my Protein and Fluid goals and I stay very low carb....no starches, breads, or sugars. The best approach is to just stick to your plan......the weight will come off but it may not come off as fast as you want it to but it will..........just remind yourself this is a lifetime commitment......don't try to rush it. Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
  15. oops! not sure if it would be considered a soft food for you.....but if not it'll be good down the road.
  16. I like to make turkey sausage meat balls and have them over zucchini noodles with a little spaghetti sauce, Yummy!
  17. kmorri


    Call your surgeon's office and they will recommend something for you to take....mine was Ducalax. It's always best to check with your surgeon's office before taking something....it's been too long for you so you need to get it "taken care of" Good luck!
  18. kmorri

    Pre-op diet

    Your pre-op diet sounds a lot like mine was......Fish and green Beans was one of my favorite pre-op meals.....Chicken, and summer squash, zucchini noodles and turkey sausage meat balls with a little spaghetti sauce..... Good luck! You'll do great!
  19. @@TracyBar I had surgery on May 16th and I'll be 57 years old in December and haven't regretted it for a second! However, you need to understand the surgery doesn't do anything that will help you choose healthier foods....the surgery does help with portion control and hunger.....but you indicated that you don't think portion control is the the main issue. My point is after surgery you can still eat the wrong things and actually gain weight.....you have to make major life changes in order to be successful. You asked if you would ever enjoy food again and I can tell you I absolutely do! I'm able to eat very small amounts and feel very satisfied......it doesn't take a huge plate of food like it did before in order for me to enjoy my dinner....now 2oz of meat and maybe a couple of bites of veggies is all it takes. You're asking really good questions so keep it up. It's a big decision. Good luck to you in whatever you decide.
  20. @@WitchySar I got one at Baby's R Us...........You can also ask the hospital for one. They most often provide them for woman after a C-section.....I first borrowed one from my daughter who got her's after her C-section....it got too big so I bought another one.
  21. kmorri

    What's your favourite...

    I watch Judge Faith everyday.....even re-runs, and I can't wait for the next season of Nashville to come out! OH! and I LOVE LOVE....'60s and 70's Rock!
  22. Geeee Wizzzzzzz! hahaha 200.6 pounds this morning! I even tried going back to bed and sleeping a little longer to see if that .6 would magically go away....but nope! Onederland is really teasing me! LOL I'm sure the skies will part one of these mornings...LOL

    1. Valentina


      Sometimes, getting there is half the fun.--no wait--that's what "some" people say about sex.... :)

    2. kmorri


      @Valentina you've been thinking about sex an awful lot lately.....from sexy surf fishing to getting to onederland...LOL

    3. Valentina


      At my age it's nice to be able to remember sex. :)

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  23. kmorri

    This is Horrible...

    I wonder if I'll be on Protonox forever? It's really expensive even after insurance! Ask your doctor to prescribe Omeprazole 40mg......it's less than my co-pay and costs under $4.00 for a 30 day supply I think I paid like $2.57 I can't remember the exact amount but it was cheap!!!.....The over the counter version (20mg) is much more expensive...Omeprazole is the generic of Prilosec.
  24. I'm lucky that my kids are grown and gone so it's just me and my husband. Although he didn't have WLS he is super easy and eats whatever I do because he wants to loose some weight too. He just eats more than me. Once in a while he'll want some sort of chips or crackers, but that's not a problem for me.....he's a salty snacker and I was always more of a Cookies or ice cream type snacker. I've always felt like I had pretty powerful will power....Once I start a diet.....I don't normally have any problem sticking to it.....my problems start once I reach goal and start tying to transition to maintenance.........I'm really afraid of that part of this journey as well.....but I have a while to get it figured out.
  25. kmorri


    Since each surgeon is different it's probably best to ask your surgeon. Based on most of the responses it looks like most do not.....but for some reason mine did.......they still had me up and walking around my room.....with everything (IV, urinary bag) hook on a pole..... It was fun! lol

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