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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    Hours away

    No you won't get on his nerves......Ask any questions you have. Try to relax and as soon as you see the anesthesiologist ask for drugs to help you relax......They have some really good stuff!! (I don't remember anything after I asked that question)...LOL You'll do great!
  2. Finally!!!! ONEDERLAND!!!! Doing the happy dance!!!

  3. kmorri

    The Struggle

    I didn't have knee pain prior to surgery but I wanted to tell you something my surgeon said the very first time I met him and it just stuck in my head............This was during the initial seminar so there was a large group of people there....He made this statement, "Obesity makes EVERYTHING worse"....and then he said, "let me say that again, but slower this time...Obesity makes EVERYTHING worse" To me that was just a very powerful statement and it just stuck with me.....So what I'm saying to you now, is even if your knee pain is not completely cured by getting rid of the weight....They will get better! Good luck to you!!!
  4. kmorri

    Waist Training with Corset?

    This is the same thing that Dr. Oz said the other day.
  5. kmorri

    So confused...

    @...when eating food are you tracking carbs?....I know for me staying below 30g of carbs is what it takes to see the scale go down............I eat mostly chicken or fish, greek yogurt, and non starchy veggies.....no breads, pasta, rice or potatoes.
  6. kmorri

    So confused...

    No riot here....but a little more information may help... What exactly are you eating? Are you tracking all your food? You said you're getting your Protein and Fluid....but what are those goals? Are you following rules like not drinking and eating at the same time?.....are you taking your Vitamins?
  7. kmorri

    what to tell the surgeon?

    for me they had me fill out a lot of forms....and then chatted about past diets and eating habits....just be honest. It'll be fine.
  8. How about Greek yogurt, chicken cooked in the crock pot..(pulled chicken)....Tuna, white fish....egg salad, pureed Progresso soups are great!
  9. Everyone's recovery is different and it's really impossible to predict how yours will go....I would think you wouldn't want to count on any less than two weeks..... good luck to you!
  10. kmorri

    I thought I had his support

    Sorry you're going through this. Sorry I don't have any advice.....other than to just hang in there and stay the course. I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery.
  11. kmorri

    Grieve loss of stomach

    Not one bit! It wasn't working right........When I was planning my surgery my husband needed to lose weight too.....but what he said about having surgery was "I ain't having nothin' cut out that ain't rotten"....haha...........But to me, mine was rotten.
  12. kmorri


    I do. I use an app called Baritastic. Lots of folks use MyFitnessPal......I just like Baritastic better.
  13. kmorri

    ONE must know thing....

    Personally check with your insurance company regarding your coverage. Do not assume your coverage is the same as someone who has insurance with the same company.......There are 100's of plans all with different coverage and requirements. Call your insurance company and ask for the medical policy regarding WLS.
  14. kmorri

    Spicy food

    I'm 2 months out and have loved spicy food ever since the pureed stage.....
  15. So this morning the scale says 200 lbs exactly....Yes I'm an everyday weigher....and most of the time I don't let the scale frustrate me....but today I'm FRUSTRATED!!! Come on already!!!

    1. kmorri


      Yep! been there done that!....(random observation...we need a "like" button on status comments).. :-)

    2. SalOdyssey
    3. Valentina


      Friday will be the magic day. Why? I haven't a clue... :)

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  16. kmorri

    Beach-Bikini Day

    Perfect! I knew it had to be a mistake! This is an awesome post!!
  17. Do whatever works best for you.....my plan allowed for counting Protein shakes towards my total Fluid....fluid is fluid.....My advice is to have your primary focus be fluid.....your body can survive without enough protein for a few days but it can't survive without fluid.........for me focusing on one thing at a time really helped me. good luck!
  18. kmorri


    I agree! I was a Cheezit fool! You know how they put on the back of the boxes "Get your own Box".....I think they wrote that for me! haha. Sadly, I will never be able to have Cheezits ever again.....but that's my own rule for me. Oh man, those Zesty Ranch Cheesit cracker crisp things? Those are like crack to me, and I should never ever eat them again - because I surely can't eat just one! A few years back they made these evil Twists....it was white cheddar and regular twisted together........OMG!!! Thankfully I haven't seen those in a while. haha Yes! no Cheezit's for me ever! hahaha
  19. I quit smoking 8 years ago.....my husband and I both quit at the same time......the money we were saving was our motivation. We both did it cold turkey so we didn't use any Patches or anything. It was not easy! ...but I'm so thankful to have the monkey off my back! I do have to say it was probably almost 2 years before I completely felt like I didn't want to smoke...........but I never ever gave in. That's the key to never give in and stay strong. I wish you the best!!! It is so worth it!!!
  20. kmorri


    I agree! I was a Cheezit fool! You know how they put on the back of the boxes "Get your own Box".....I think they wrote that for me! haha. Sadly, I will never be able to have Cheezits ever again.....but that's my own rule for me.
  21. I was never told to time anything......just to eat slow chew everything very well and put your fork down between bites.....I've slowed down and think I've pretty much figured out how long my tummy and my brain need to communicate that I've had enough. .....I think if I took an hour to eat I'd end up eating too much because that would be giving some of the food time to pass through my stomach........I think at the end of 30 minutes ....you're done. Just my opinion.
  22. I agree.....those of us that had hernia repair think some of our discomfort is related.....but on the other hand we never had the sleeve surgery without the hernia repair so who knows?? Maybe the symptoms are the same no matter what.....I just know I had a lot of chest pain for the first several days......but the good news is either way, it does get better for sure!!! I'm 8 weeks today and feel completely normal.
  23. More ideas! Also try all different types of calorie free flavors for your drinks.......hot tea is another option. I found it helped to stand up when I was drinking...
  24. yes it will get better! I also had a hiatal hernia repair and know they feeling you described. For me, it was around day 6 that things started to feel more normal...........In the meantime, try drinking your fluids at different temperatures.....or try sugar free Popsicles....Some folks also have good luck with sucking on crushed ice. Do whatever you can to help get more Fluid down. It does get better I promise. Good luck to you and I hope you feel better really soon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
