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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. kmorri

    I feel like nothin was done

    Please don't worry about stretching your sleeve.....it won't happen especially with liquids. You will not feel true restriction until you are eating solid foods. Continue to work on getting all your Fluid and Protein in and know that you will not stretch your sleeve with liquids. It sounds like you're doing very well with little to no pain. Keep up the good work!! And it is fantastic about the walking. The more you can walk the faster you will heal! I didn't have much pain at all either so we're the lucky ones. Make sure to stick to your post-op eating plan and don't be tempted to move through the stages faster than prescribed by your doctor. Remember, even though you feel okay with no pain your stomach has a huge staple line that will need time to heal............The time will go by before you know it......I can't believe I'm already over 8 months post-op. :-) Good luck to you!! Take Care, Kathy
  2. So now that I've met my goal I wanted to post an updated picture. My high weight was 252....that picture was taken Easter Sunday 2016.....I had surgery May 16, 2016.....and now 7 months and one week later today Dec 23rd....102 pounds gone forever! I've never been happier!!!
  3. Oh that's exciting!! You need to lose about the same amount as I did. You will do great! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I'll be happy to help anyway I can. Take Care, Kathy
  4. kmorri

    Saying.... Thanks

    I'm certainly not a true "vet" yet.....just a little over 8 months post-op, but I met my goal weight a little over a month ago and I plan on sticking around. I have always believed you can give proper advice without stomping on someone's feelings.....Any time I respond to someone, before I click the "post" button, I read what I've said. There is NEVER a reason to be snarky with anyone. That doesn't mean I'm going to tell someone it's okay to eat a pizza 3 days after surgery....but I'm also not going to tell them they are stupid for thinking they can. Happy Friday everyone!!
  5. Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments! It really does feel awesome. I met my goal weight in late December so I just completed my first full month of maintenance and it went great! I remained just under my goal all month..........I am determined to stay on top of this! I was not a very happy fat person. I not only felt bad because of the physical pain the extra weight caused but really hated how I looked.....getting dressed to go out somewhere was terrible and I always prayed I wouldn't see anyone I knew.....haha I guess that's why I decided to have most of my stomach removed. I feel so much healthier and happier!!! Thank you all again!!
  6. kmorri

    Had my surgery on wed

    Where can I get a binder for when the time comes? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App First ask your surgeon if one will be provided...(sometimes they are).....if not I think you can buy them at places like Babies R Us.....Amazon, Pharmacies, etc. Good luck with your surgery!
  7. No secrete....haha I've just done very low carb from the beginning. I think the main thing is you have to find what works best for you and the important thing is to stick to it......Good luck!!
  8. I'm not a doctor... :-) My only suggestion is if you're ever in doubt call your doctor. I hope you feel better!
  9. Congrats!!! It'll be here before you know it. I remember the feeling well! Just know that the waiting is all worth it. Use this time to study all your material. Study your post-op eating plan and make sure you understand it.....You don't want to come home from the hospital and wonder what you're supposed to eat. Good luck to you!!!
  10. kmorri

    Pre-Op Questions

    So I can answer the first question.....but who knows if it'll apply to you?? I had my swallow test about a week before my surgery, but I already had my surgery date when they scheduled my test. Your surgeon's office is really the only one who can answer that for you.....do you have a follow-up appointment scheduled with them?....If so that's probably when they will be giving you a date. As far as your shoulder surgery, that is another thing you need to make sure you discuss with your surgeon. Good luck to you!!!
  11. kmorri

    Had my surgery on wed

    Sounds like you're doing great!!! using lots of pillows for support helped me with sleeping in the bed. I also used an abdominal binder...(the kind they give to women after a C-section).....the binder really helped for the first few weeks after surgery. Good luck to you and congrats on your recent surgery!!!
  12. my guess would be yes.....take your Omeprazole as prescribed. I hope you feel better!
  13. No one here will be able to set your mind at ease.....why not just call your doctor's office and discuss it with them and let them decide how urgent it is for you to be seen? Good luck to you and I hope you feel better very soon!
  14. No, in my opinion throwing up is not something you should expect....In fact if you find yourself throwing up that's your body telling you you're doing something wrong....either eating too fast, too much, or the wrong thing.... I had surgery on May 16, 2016 and vomited once early on because I ate a little too fast and ended up eating one bite too much when I moved to solid food.....early on it was hard for me to know I was full....I learned that by eating slower it gave my stomach and brain long enough to communicate with each other. Now, throwing up is certainly not apart of my post surgery life! I also can tolerate any food....I haven't found anything that disagrees with me.....which in some respects is sad...haha I was sort of hoping I wouldn't like sweets and breads anymore...haha But I've met my goal weight and so far maintaining is going great.....Without a doubt it will be something I'll have to stay on top of for the rest of my life, but this surgery has given me a tool that will help me through! Good luck to you!!
  15. No not a big issue with skin.....I don't have a teenage body but didn't expect to... haha I'd love for my upper arms to not be as flabby but at least they're not fat anymore... :-)
  16. Thank you! I don't know that there should be any issue with you going to the dentist anytime. If you need to have something checked I'd go ahead and schedule it. good luck!!
  17. I had a little pain while waking up from surgery.....once I was completely awake I was fine! I never had to take pain meds once I was home. I only spent one night in the hospital.....I did use the pain med pump they had me on, but not really because I was in pain...it was just good drugs...hehehehe You be fine!
  18. Thank you!.....I have absolutely no regrets!!!.....and my advice is to do it! :-) Study your post-op eating plan and know it! Don't wait until after your surgery to try to figure it all all out. Good luck to you! Take Care, Kathy
  19. From the album: kmorri

    Goal weight reached!!!
  20. Congrats on your surgery!! at 2.5 weeks make sure to follow your surgeon's eating plan. Once you've completely healed you can start to modify things if you need to but early out your focus needs to be on healing......but below is what I do now As far as exercise all I do is walk. I walk between 5 and 8 miles a day...usually broken down into two walks. My eating plan is pretty simple I eat very low carb.....I don't eat any breads, or starchy veggies, and of course no sugar. I eat things like chicken breasts, fish, pork, eggs etc. and non-starchy veggies....and from time to time I have a few almonds. Good luck!!
  21. Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! I posted an updated "at goal" picture....here's the link to the post. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/385726-goal-weight-with-updated-picture/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OKCPirate


      wow, look at that package. Oh and nice job wrapping the presents

    3. kmorri
    4. OzRoo


      Thank you for the update! Fabulous! Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family xxx

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  22. GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!!! When I updated my weight this morning..it's 150.4, I guess the little tickers below use rounding so even though I'm .4 over my goal it says I reached my goal today!!! How thrilling is that???!!! At just a little over 7 months I've lost 102 pounds! I am so happy! This is the best Christmas present ever. 150 looks and feels like the perfect weight for me, but I think I'll keep going just a little bit so I'll have a little bit of a cushion....maybe to 145....I think too much more than that I'll start to look sickly. I'll post some good goal pictures in the next few days.....it's Christmas time so I'm sure I'll have some good ones from some of the family gatherings coming up. Thank you to everyone here who have been so supportive! Yay! I did it!!!!!
  23. @@OzRoo The weight loss itself is the best present of all!!!! But I certainly could use some new clothes...hehehe Most everything I have is falling off of me. :-)
  24. Here's a perfect example! Read the post below and decide if you think this person should be told to just eat what they want??? They are risking their life!....at one week post op it is a pretty much one size fits all....because at that point it's not about weight loss. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/385530-not-doing-so-well/

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