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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kmorri

  1. I vote this response to be the best and most appropriate response to this thread...Good job @@Dub
  2. Oh Happy Day!!!

    1. kmorri


      ONEderland is ONEderful!!!...and boy have my feet ever hit the ground....getting almost 15,000 steps a day! But it feels so great! I'm lovin' life!

    2. Valentina


      HA! wonderful!!! I am still limited to short walks until after my skin surgery. Start walking--heading North---Catskill Mts.... :)

    3. kmorri


      haha I wonder how many steps that would be?..haha I can't wait for you to have your surgery! I'm really excited for you, but nervous too...I know it would be scary to me....You're a trooper!

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  3. kmorri

    Why no caffeine on pre-op

    Yes a slow reduction is the best way.....reduce the amount each day. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
  4. kmorri

    New here/gas pains

    Unfortunately....walking walking and more walking is about all you can do......the other thing is just time. It will get better I promise.
  5. kmorri

    Why does this have to be so hard?

    I'm betting it may have just been too much.....the hard thing is what is too much one day may be fine at another time....and what is just enough one day may be way too much another....or at least that's the way it is with me with the sleeve....I see you're a bypass patient....so maybe not. If you have to, you'll feel better after throwing up......I know that's not ideal while at work....but it is what it is. I hope you feel better soon!!
  6. kmorri

    Help, puking

    Poor thing!....focus on just fluids until things settle a little. broth, tea, room temp Water, or flavored water......sugarfree popsicles...crushed ice. Once you're able to build up your fluids then slowly start working on the Protein......Go slow and steady....it will get better I promise!
  7. How awesome is that?!!! Great job!!!
  8. It sounds like you're talking about the pre-op process......the original poster is post op. :-) She won't be going back to liquids. Sounds like you're doing well. Good luck on your upcoming surgery.
  9. @@FabFemale I think you're doing great! I also think your surgeon's weight loss expectation is a little unrealistic.....but perhaps he was just trying to give you a stretch goal......I think some folks do well when presented with stretch goals where other's get stressed out over them. As long as you've stuck to your plan, you're getting all of your Protein and fluids in you have nothing to stress over......and I know you're exercising because you kick my butt on fitbit challenges quite often! Be proud of your accomplishments so far. You're doing great!! This isn't a race. I have to remind myself of that quite often!
  10. This morning the scale finally read 199.8!!!! I had surgery on 5/16/16, my highest weight was 252, surgery weight was 226.4.....So a total of 52.2lbs down!! I know with my current weight being so close to 200 I may very well see that 2 again......but dang it, I made it and I'm going to cheer about it!!!! Yay me!!!
  11. I've stayed out of this thread for the most part but I have followed it....but it got a little confusing to me.........I don't know how or why so much drama was stirred up around how to classify someone as vet.....I agree with Jinn's last post.....everyone contributes to this forum in their own way.....everyone is valuable!.....It doesn't matter to me if you are pre-op, or post-op by 100 years....I'm smart enough to determine if your advice is advice I want to take to heart......If I want to know how someone felt at 10 day post op.....then talking with someone who is 15 days will be the perfect person.....someone who is a year or more out probably doesn't remember.....If I want to know something about maintenance, then someone who is in maintenance will be who I seek out......If I want to know what to expect at the initial consultation with my surgeon someone who is still pre-op but is farther along in the process would be the perfect person to chat with.....I really don't care how long someone has been a member of this site.....or how long ago they had their surgery.....as long as they have knowledge or experience that I perceive as valuable to my situation......The value of the information provided is determined by the receiver of that information....and there is never any reason to be rude or condescending to anyone! So however you define yourself, Vet, Newbie, pre-op, post-op, or anything inbetween....whatever...everyone can add value in some way.....so let's all sing Kumbya by the campfire and move forward...
  12. kmorri

    Tummy tuck BEFORE WLS?

    One of the questions the bariatric surgeon will ask is if you've had any other abdominal surgeries.....They will be the only ones who can tell you if it will complicate any issues. good luck to you!
  13. kmorri

    2 weeks post op

    Congrats!! It sounds like you're doing great! Keep up the good work and go slow with the pureed food...take your time and try just small amounts. Good luck!!!
  14. I was really bad because my only requirement prior to surgery was to no fall below a 40 bmi........It didn't matter if I gained.......It was a very strange time because like you mentioned I normally ate healthy even though I was fat....I just ate way too much.........But once I was on the surgery path....if I wanted it I had it... Now I'm a little over 8 weeks post op and this surgery is the best thing I ever did for myself!! I am staying on plan and so far down 52 pounds from my highest weight....that includes the weight I lost during the 2 week pre op diet......so 52 pounds in 10 weeks.....who would ever thought I would be able to do that?!!!
  15. kmorri

    Hey Guys... First Post!

    Congrats to you for making what will be the best thing you've ever done for yourself!...or at least that's how I feel about my own decision. As far as the pain after surgery you'll probably get a multitude of different responses....because everyone's experience is different. For me, I didn't have anything I would call pain....in fact I never took any of the pain meds once I got home from the hospital. I did have some discomfort....for example everything tasted absolutely terrible for the first 6 days....That made it difficult to drink enough fluids and Protein.............But after that 6th day I was much much better....but the time I progressed through my post-op diet and was once again able to eat regular food I felt normal again..... I was 8 weeks post op this past Monday and I can tell you I feel wonderful....the only difference is I'm 52 lbs lighter and when I eat I eat very small amounts but still feel completely satisfied.....It's wonderful!!!
  16. congrats to you too! You're doing great!! and I feel the same way you do....I'm thrilled! This is the best thing I've ever done for myself!!!
  17. kmorri

    There's a devil in my office

    Here maybe it's this....even though it's not April
  18. Wow wow wow! Like someone else said....I have no idea how you kept from punching him in the face! Holy crap! What a jerk! I'm very happy that you've got him figured out.....and hope you end it very very soon....like today! :-) You go girl! You are way way better than he deserves!!!
  19. @@LACRACRA2 You won't really get a full feeling with liquids.....That will come when you start more solid type foods. Don't worry about getting too full on liquids...just drink as much as you can and continue to increase your fluids. You will not stretch your sleeve with Fluid...It goes right though so just keep drinking. sounds like you're doing better. It will continue to get better each day.
  20. @@LACRACRA2 How are you doing now? Any better?
  21. @@AvaFern I agree. Even the things I mentioned as "forever" is just stuff that is indicated as "forever" on my plan....other than the Vitamins breaking the rules after you have completely healed won't "kill" you....but could very well make you fat again.
  22. @@Mjohnson4631 It sounds like you're still on soft foods. Once you start eating more dense foods like baked chicken and such you'll feel much more restriction.....or at least I did. I sort of felt the same way you do while on soft foods....Now, my limit is about 2oz of chicken. Hang in there. You'll be fine.
  23. @@DonnaJeanne I agree we are killing it and thankfully my surgeon is thrilled with my progress! But they didn't weigh me on the day of surgery just during my pre-op appointment which was just before I started my two week pre-op diet.. Congrats on your progress and keep on keeping on!!
  24. @@byako First I'd like to say you're doing well by really thinking about this decision rather than jumping into it without doing your research and addressing your issues with food.....The big thing to remember is this surgery does not do anything to your brain....only your stomach. It's your job to address the brain issues with therapy or whatever it takes....You must have your head in the game in order to be successful....So take your time and do some sole searching and determine if you're ready to make the changes necessary to be successful. Now to address your other questions. It seems like everyone has a different plan....so try not to be discouraged....My plan doesn't have any food on a "never again" list. During the weight loss phase it's very low carb, with no breads, or starches like rice, Pasta, or potatoes.....But once I'm at my goal weight I am to slowly add in the whole grains and starches...being careful to maintain....(gotta find the sweet spot).....After goal and maintaining my weight is the scary part for me...but I'll get it figured out by the time I get there. I just don't think I'll want to add back foods that I know are a big part of putting me in this position in the first place.....we shall see! The only things I can think of that are forever are no drinking while you're eating, always eat Protein first....and eat slowly.....and no grazing! Oh and yes taking Vitamins for here on out is required. I hope this helps you in making your decision. Kathy

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